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Everything posted by Jennjenn

  1. Interesting. I’ll check it out
  2. 100%... the message republicans are sending right now is triggering for me because it reminds me of an abusive husband saying “don’t call the cops think about the children”. That’s republicans saying “no trial.. let’s move on and heal”. It’s all lies and manipulation. They don’t care about healing because they were the ones perpetrating the wound.
  3. I agree as well. All stages below yellow have healthy characteristics which we all should integrate. We should create a thread with only healthy and positives values from each stage bellow yellow so we all can work on them or just be aware of them. Fox example, I admire blue’s discipline and work ethic. Also, orange’s ambition and how they love to have fun and to enjoy material abundance.
  4. Hahaha touché the whole thread should be moved to the green mega thread. Don’t get me wrong I love green and I embrace it. Like I find the term sjw a compliment. Calling someone a sjw is telling them that they are martyrs wannabes who cry over injustices, what’s wrong with that when there are actual sociopaths around. Anyone should count themselves lucky if they’re not part of Dark Triad that is so abundant nowadays.
  5. I know someone like that, and I think he hasn’t evolve because of his personal trauma and antisocial tendencies. He isolates himself a lot and doesn’t like people, he’s very combative and seems to hate everyone. This is mostly thanks to childhood trauma. So I’ll say one reason some people don’t move up the spiral is because of mental Health issues.
  6. Next movie: a deadly virus kills more than half a million Americans. Those who pray and are not scared of the virus are saved. Those wearing masks and quarantining die. The end.
  7. I wish I could feel bad for them but I know some of them IRL and they are always extremely aggressive. They call their own friends “pedophiles” because they support “pedophiles”, and that I don’t actually love my son because I won’t protected them from pedophiles. That I’m easy to manipulate because I believe mainstream media. And of course, that I don’t get informed and do my own “research” ? imo most of them have a superiority complex. They think they’re better because they “understand” something that most people don’t (conspiracy theories)
  8. Well explained. You’re educating me right now and I appreciate it. Question, then why is AOC, the whole squad, the Lincoln project and many others, even the horrible Ted Cruz, are so upset by what robinhood is doing? they’re even calling for robinhood to change its name.
  9. The majority of people can relate with the small time daytraders. On the other hand they can’t relate to billionaires. Almost no one can unless they are also billionaires themselves many people have a couple thousands invested in robinhood without necessarily being daytraders
  10. I guess the green revolution is supposed to happened by singing kumbaya.
  11. Exactly. But they have more power over the common people. Something they don’t have towards other hedge funds hence the banning from robinhood. I predict robinhood will get canceled by the mob.
  12. Exactly. Mark Cuban said this morning that targeting short sales is a common practice amongst hedge funds. But now that the people are doing it all of a sudden is wrong. Society relies a lot on people being quite and obedient. Shaming and bullying them is not going to accomplished that. They are just poking the bear.
  13. People thinking this is fare game are part of the problem
  14. Mark Cuban giving some great remarks and insights, calling the situation a “great equalizer”... “It’s not the first time low float or heavily shorted stocks have been targeted,” Cuban said on “Squawk Box.” “There are many hedge funds that have made a lot of money over the years targeting heavily shorted stocks. I don’t think this is anything different. It’s just the people who are making the push aren’t who we expect them to be and so that’s why I like it.” Some Republicans comments: “Republicans in Washington have a warning for Wall Street: Be willing to scrutinize yourself. This not going away, and it is probably bigger than you think.”
  15. Very shitty. They’re going against the small investors. They have officially sided with the hedge funds.
  16. Robinhood is banning traders from buying more stocks from GameStop, amc and others today. This is their message this morning...
  17. I can’t... after the second time he said “research” I just can’t watch it anymore. It physically hurts lol but I guess you don’t know what you don’t know. If you don’t know what research means, even gossiping may count as such.
  18. My biggest pet peeve is when someone calls reading Facebook memes “research”.... sigh. An insult to all researches out there, who have to read several complicated peer-reviewed journals just to create one hypothesis.
  19. but conservatives are not ready for that conversation
  20. This one sounds like a good legislation
  21. Exactly. Just now thanks to social media we are seeing masses gathering together and doing things like the GameStop bubble. And it’s not the first time, I still remember what Zoomers did with the tickets to that infamous Trump rally. There is not a generation more internet savvy than the zoomers. They are the ones who would bring this world upside down. Government better start making nice with them. This famous 24 y/o YouTuber David Dobrik who is a Daca recipient; just before the election he made lots of zoomers register to vote “for him”, he got 100,000 registrations in 24 hours. Data confirms it was the young people who gave the win to joe Biden. Not necessarily those 100k but young people in general
  22. Imagine if the government actually bails them out or something. Oh boy... That would be such a bad move. Keep helping Wall Street instead of Main Street is what is bringing all these revolutions in the first place All toxic systems are the same. Pathriachy blames women. Capitalism blames the poor. Their go-to strategy is to shift the blame and play the victim themselves. It happens ALL THE TIME. and sometimes the victim is already weak so it takes the blame. It’s gaslighting in a nutshell