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Everything posted by Jennjenn

  1. @bloomer it doesn’t have to be creepy. You treat her like a princess not like a piece of meat. She needs to feel safe in your presence. Read “the art of seduction”
  2. Guys nooo. I think Leo said don’t chase someone YOU like, so choose someone you don’t like that much. Guys…chasing works! Believe me!! I’ve never been with a guy who hasn’t chase me. I’m kinda of an introvert so I don’t chase guys and I take my time to decide if I want to hang out with someone, so every single one of them, including my ex-husband, chased after me, with flowers, jewelry, affection and attention. That’s just your fear of rejection talking. Do you know that dating activates the flight or fight response just like hunting did. But MEN have HUNTERS DNA remember??!!! So do it afraid and go for it. She’s going to say no, of course, because that’s what chasing means, you wait and plan another strategy until she says yes. If she liked you a little bit at the beginning and by you keep showing up, her feeling will grow and she will eventually say yes. To keep the smell of neediness and desperation at bay, Chase at least 3 women at once. At the end you Keep the one who eventually says yes and drop the other ones. This is important because you don’t want to cheat and then being caught and having to start the process all over again, and the point here is for you to have sex constantly with a woman who loves you and keep that oxytocin flowing.
  3. Choose one woman who you feel might like you and pursue her, chase her, treat her right, make her fall in love with you by figuring out how she likes to be treated. Once a woman is in love with you and you constantly make her orgasm, the oxytocin in her brain will provide infinite amounts of sex for you.
  4. The ego is the program. Like a computer we have a program and that program has helped us survive until now. Awareness is recognizing and observing the program aka ego, I guess enlightenment would be to transcend the program.
  5. For some people an abortion can be just a medical procedure. For others, they can feel like it’s God Who is inside their uterus. That’s why each individual deserves the privacy to make their own choice based on their own moral code, values and life circumstances. For the rest of us is non of our business
  6. It's not me. It's roe v. Wade. when we decided on the separation of church and estate, all types of spirituality and religious dogma are not supposed to influence politics and science. they know this debate can go on for years, that’s why it gave people the PRIVACY to make their own choice.
  7. Selective abortions are mostly due to patriarchy, cultural traditions and money, very common in China and India. In India parents need to pay the dowry (money) when their daughters marry. This can become a heavy financial toll for the family. this documentary is excellent for understanding this phenomenon
  8. Having an abortion is a medical procedure. Women seeking abortion need the help of a medical team. If you don’t trust women at lest you would trust the medical team. These are not wild monsters digging up children’s corpses As I said, abortion is a medical procedure, an each case is different. Each woman inserts their individual values and take their decision based on that. We will never agree because each person has a different set of values and those are the ones you should used when and if you’re in need of an abortion. Most people are not murderers or baby corpses eaters, the courts, in their wisdom, understood this and the complexity of each case and with Roe v. Wade they declared abortion a medical procedure and gave women the privacy to make their own decisions. With this law the united stated have avoided horror cases like the one that happen not too long ago in Argentina when a raped 12 year old girl couldn't get an abortion because of their strict abortion laws. What if by being a child she noticed it too late and now she can't have a late-term abortion. let’s ask ourselves why we want to impose our own views an values on other people, when each individual case is unbelievably complex and nuanced, and everyone has a different story.
  9. When asked about abortions everyone should say “it’s none of my business.” Roe v. Wade said women have the right to PRIVACY, which means it’s an individual decision that should be taken amongst the woman and her doctors on a case by case basis. Or do you also need to have opinions about every other medical treatment. Stop it.
  10. This is exactly the point I was going to make. Not everything is for everyone. Thinking that everyone needs to accommodate you it's entitlement mentality very common in privilege groups. Not everything is for you and you're not for everything, and that’s ok.
  11. I won’t call it playing coy but that women should know they are the prize. Men work on themselves and are in this forums because they want women. So, a woman realizes her worth and takes her time to think if that man is “worth it” and if that’s the one she’s going to choose. But in order to do that, she needs to center herself and think logically if that man matches what she wants for herself. many of us women sometimes forget to do that but we follow our emotions or our yoni, instead of taking our time (playing coy) and see if that man is going to be worthy of us. Also, many men have worked their whole lives to acquired assets, treats, strategies, and building things and projects, etc. Let’s give them time to show it to us and to spread his wings like a peacock. (Let him pursue you, it’s called being nice )
  12. @ertopolice i would say no more to the intelectual conversations. Next time you talk to him take him out of his head and into his body by just relaxing and being playful. For example don’t ask “what do you do for a living” but “ what are you most passionate about”. And just relax and try to enjoy everything around you, enjoy the smell of the coffee, the ambiance of the coffee shop, whatever you find enjoyable, just try to bring pleasure to yourself, put your energy in your womb instead of your head. That’s how you get into your feminine energy. Then surrender the outcome. Your feminine energy is very valuable and if he doesn’t appreciate that’s ok. Anyone else would love to be next to that goddess energy ❤️
  13. He’s giving off predatory energy IMO. Dishonest
  14. The shadow side of the masculine provider and protector is the predator, how else are they supposed to hunt and protect.
  15. Conservatives say that democrats get offended by everything, but I think the opposite is true. this is not the first time an artist talks/portraits satan and the devil, but they’re acting like Jesus just died yesterday. Remember the 60s and the 70s?? Even the 90s??. All these satan s* has been done before. When did society became so puritan?? Besides, this is just a marketing tactic. Is WAP 2.0
  16. For medical reasons, I did a 5 weeks all-liquid fast. I wasn’t allowed to eat anything solid or I will potentially die during surgery. So I had I huge reason not to break my liquid fast and that’s the only reason why I was able to complete such an intense task. i didn’t find it spiritual at all. I thought I was going to die. My mind was going crazy. I was extremely upset and annoyed for the whole 5 weeks. Maybe if I would have prayed and meditated 24/7 it would have make a difference, I don’t know.... But a fast is mentally exhausting because if your not eating your not socializing, you’re not learning, you’re not on top of your game at work, etc. IMO a fast for spiritual reasons can only work if you can dedicate all those days just to spiritually alone. If you have to dedicate your mental energy to something else you’re going to feel like shit.
  17. At the beginning of the video, they mentioned how El Salvador has deep catholic roots. This is an example of blue going too far.
  18. White fragility is 100% real. Most races created and supported white supremacy for 100s of years, not only white people. That’s why we see people from other races also pushing against the concept of white supremacy and white fragility. Your master and savior, your leader is been dethrone. the status quo is been broken. The world as you know it is changing. And even if you’re not white it still affects you because so many changes make you dizzy and upset. Even if you’re not white you might still have white fragility.
  19. trump just announced a few minutes ago that he’s banning tik tok. I understand that the China situation is very complicated and shady to say the least. But I can’t help but feel that this is a fascist move and revenge because of what generation z did to his Trump rally
  20. This experience can be good for you. Now you know there’s absolutely nothing you can do to help someone like that. you can literally lay yourself on the floor so she can step on top of you, or carry her forever so she never has to walk, and that still won’t be enough. Nothing is ever going to be enough. You can kill your self trying to do good by her and it still won’t work. look at everything you have done? Did she get better? No. but YOU got worst, you suffered a lot. And it wasn’t worth it and it’s never going to be worth it. don’t kill your self trying to save someone else. You would die and the next day they will forget about it and move on and look for someone else. the only one you’re responsible for is you. What do you have to say to you about how responsible you’ve been about you? Love YOU protect YOU, that’s your job and your responsibility. If someone wants you to sacrifice your well being and happiness for them, that person doesn’t love you. They might as well hate you and be your worst enemy. And you know, many people are raised with self-esteem. But others like us, have to go through shit like this first to know that we deserve so much better, because nobody deserves to be treated like that. NOBODY, not you not me NOBODY. if they have issues they should be responsible and deal with their issues first before they start dating and hurting people. I bet from now on you will run for the hills as soon as you see all those red flags.
  21. Regardless of the size of the humanitarian crisis, republicans will still call you lazy. It could be a once-in-100years global pandemic. Or a first-time-in-history winter storm that’s leaving you without electricity and water, and they would still say, “you’re on your own and figure it out yourself.” Cruel, cruel people.
  22. @trenton catcalling is when a man is desperate for attention so in the middle of the street, he starts saying nonsense to a woman many times in a very loud voice. The nonsense might quickly escalate into profanities and insults and they become, like Leo said, cringe as fuck. Shapiro was gross and insulting in his way to try to get AOCs attention. That’s why she used the catcalling analogy.
  23. What about dogecoin? It is cheaper. Bitcoin is close 50k already. But I would think there must be at least a 2 strong cryptocurrencies. Elon (who is not your friend) was talking a big deal about dogecoin and then went ahead and invested I think it was a billion dollars on Bitcoin.
  24. Last night AOC went on IG live to talk about the day of the insurrection and how she thought she was going to die. She confessed she is a sexual assault survivor and how her abuser also told her to just “move on” She mentions how after the attack republicans keep using the language and gaslighting techniches of abusers. she goes into the specifics of the capitol attack at minute 40 Interesting Highlights and commentary on the video bellow