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Everything posted by bliss54

  1. @Leo Gura Has doing 5 meo dmt increased your baseline conciousness a lot? With other psychedelics I get a deep peak experience, but then my normal state is pretty similar to before. I'm going to try 5 meo soon though
  2. Watching it now and just started laughing for no reason
  3. @happyhappy I played it in the background as I was falling asleep and had lucid dreams where I had an enlightenment experience Also played it during my nn dmt trip (small dose), then did self inquiry meditation and reached a non dual state (this happened 20 min after the trip when I was coming down) I feel it defitnely works, but you need to be in an open state for biggest benefit (sleep, psychedelics, deep meditation etc). I thought it was bs in the beginning I highly recommend it to people to try in the background during their next psychedelic trip
  4. Thats an interesting perspective God gave us free will though, so I think if people want to end their lives then thats whats meant to happen Also in the book conversations with god, it was said that for some people death is preferable
  5. wow really interesting, thanks for sharing so you didnt need a trip sitter for plugging it, it went all good?
  6. It's literally impossible, decades of conditioning your fighting against
  7. Yeah thats exactly how I felt with my life coach. You always think you will get somewhere in the next session but nothing happens. If you have less energy than you did before the session, thats how you know its not good for you. I've been with a few coaches now and I should of stopped earlier than I did Sounds like this one isn't for you, might take some courage to quit but you'll be better off for it
  8. Yeah which type of tramp do you have lol, does it have a net
  9. @Maru Hey man I have the same issue, I got a horrible horrible headache after my last mushroom trip (actually I had my best trip, I got a glimpse into god). But I won't be doing them again, too much pain afterwards Do you have any forward head posture by any chance? I do, my posture isn't the best and I have a theory that this is what causes it. The energy or whatever can't travel properly throughout the body. Also after a very intense workout I get a similar headache. I've been working on my posture but it takes lots of time to correct this forward head issue, I won't be doing mushrooms again anyway
  10. I struggle with regretting so many things Its so painful for me
  11. You convinced me to get a trampoline, I used to love that as a kid haha
  12. Hey have you heard of this guy sri avinash? I have had good experiences with this healing video of his: wondering if its just me or not
  13. Great thread, love the air bnb cabin idea thank you
  14. Isn't it a bit unethical to own more than one house? If everyone has atleast one then sure, but not before then
  15. My favourite is videos from michael taft: Dudes got a good energy and my meditations seem to go deeper when I use his videos
  16. I got the 1st shot 10 hours ago and I'm getting extreme tooth pain really hope this goes away soon
  17. @preventingdiabetes Which games do you mainly play out of interest?
  18. I hope somebody starts a commune similar to what Osho had going, that looked so good Also the idea of buddhist monasterys is nice, but there are a lot of rules they have which makes it less than ideal Or an ashram type situation in India or elsewhere Even if I have enough money, which I almost do. Do I really want to be in society surrounded by unconscious people? not sure
  19. I think that you need to have a really high level of concentration for self inquiry to be effective. If you just do it when you arent feeling that clear it seems like almost a waste of time Would you guys agree with that
  20. If you have access to them, I highly recommend doing self inquiry whilst on psychdelics
  21. I've experienced too much suffering in my life, fuck bringing another person into this world Get a dog, adopt a child. You can't guarantee that your kid won't have some severe disability
  22. @Leo Gura If you can't see that jerking off everyday dramatically lowers your energy, you are completely out of tune with your body You said you were struggling with low energy levels for years, you never made the connection?