Son of leo

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Everything posted by Son of leo

  1. Fucking bitch
  2. Dont leave ur mom. She gave you birth. What kind of man are u to leave ur mother like that?
  3. That's confusing. I dont understand a thing. @remember
  4. Gotta agree but isn't that increasing market competition if everyone starts meditating? ? wont that make everyone creative? Also there are situations where there is no win win
  5. Jokes related to racism are taken seriously though. In fact, you cant call them jokes. Just like you cant joke about someone's funeral. That's not humour but rumor Edit- guess I'm the only one here who lacks rumor!
  6. Lol we Indians are gonna conquer America soon. And start our revenge. Jk lol
  7. @Eph75 You are right. I realize my folly now. I guess I can do both. And according to me true success is having lots of money and being happy. Also why do u meditate? Isn't it to be happy?
  8. @Eph75 Yeah, but I'm too young to go become a sage. What about my parents? And how am I gonna support myself financially if i become a sage?
  9. @DreamScape @Preety_India @remember @Bill W Thank you! You opinions are highly valued.
  10. @Commodent to get rich and successful in life
  11. @Eph75 I dont want to transcend myself if that causes more suffering because I'm running away from suffering. Also, yes I want materialistic gain but without transcending myself. I fear I might get more depressed if I walk this path. Should I still walk it? How am I to get rich?
  12. @Derek White Oh then it's okay. Lol Edit- all Indians are my brothers and sisters except mom and dad ! Lewl
  13. I'm from India too. Why you guys being racist to my fellow Indians?
  14. @MeetjoeblackLol, this is so nostalgic. Let us know if it works for you. Edit- If you wanna talk about it, you can PM me.
  15. @Recursoinominado bro I like your advice very much! I have some toxic people who I'm gonna block. Thank you!
  16. How do I treat my depression without going for a therapy?
  17. Keep up the good work
  18. That is good