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Everything posted by Lazertazer

  1. I am interested in hearing what you think of this type of music. It's sort of in-your-face like rap, though the messages in the lyrics reveal that the artists are construct-aware (at least stage yellow). The delivery and content somehow catalyzes my contemplation in a way that's hard to describe. Here are some examples of this music. Psilocybin by 3rd Eye: Gold Soul Theory by The Underachievers: 6th Sense by The Underachievers: The Road Less Traveled by Aura Da Prophet (ft. Leo Dynasty): FLOW STATE by Aura Da Prophet (ft. Leo Dynasty): Metamorphosis by Aura Da Prophet (ft. AKTHESAVIOR): LSD Freestyle by AKTHESAVIOR: Higher Purpose by AKTHESAVIOR: Shadows by Aura Da Prophet: Art Of Attraction by Aura Da Prophet (ft. Leo Dynasty): Gold Leaf by Sa-Roc: For me, this conscious-psychedelic-rap "genre" (for lack of a better word) of music has been instrumental for both spiritual and intellectual growth. It's not for everyone though; most people I've played this for had no interest in listening to the lyrics - possibly because the messages threaten the ego or they assume it's just basic rap.
  2. @Gregory1 And for the future, keep in mind that the psychedelic effects tend to scale exponentially with increase in dosage. ex: doubling the dose is not trip*2, more like trip^2. So start small and add small, linear increments (+25ug at a time for LSD, +0.5g for mushrooms (or +50ug/+1g if you're confident)).
  3. Why would this be banned? Psychedelics are one of the main topics of this forum. There are official megathreads for specific psychedelics and Leo himself posted a video about "how to plug psychedelics" on the blog.
  4. He says brains don't exist because people use the "brain" to anchor their experience of reality, which ends up limiting and deluding them. Brains are a distinction drawn as part of the infinite illusion, so they can still be talked about and analyzed in a relative sense, but the brain doesn't "exist" separate from consciousness.
  5. @PepperBlossoms I've done hundreds of psychedelics trips, and I am a well-paid and highly-productive software engineer. If psychedelics make your work ethic go down, maybe it is telling you to create a life that is more in line with a conscious, long-term purpose. Of course I can't be sure of this because I'm not you and don't know the details of your work, but for me personally, every trip reignites my passion. This could be in part because software engineering is already a highly creative pursuit, but I think everyone can benefit from bringing creativity and consciousness into their career.
  6. @PepperBlossoms The reductionism you use makes me doubt that you've really accessed any nondual state. Have you ever tried psychedelics? When you're in a nondual state, it goes very meta. It's not about 'believing' or 'falling for it'. You become actuality, prior to the unconscious biases that filter and narrate our perception. A pure awareness not distorted by the ego. Of course there are teachers whose ego will use "spirituality" or "non-duality" for selfish egoic reasons. Most of which have never even been in a nondual state. However an actual awakening is to see exactly how all dualities collapse and in this fashion deconstruct the mind, removing the biased filters on reality. For example you say our in your comment that 'our inputs are limited with our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin as well as the brain processing'. This is a reductionist assumption. What about the stomach? Why is "brain processing" an intelligent process anyways? You would need to do a lengthy investigation to explore all the ways that statement is a belief. And if we're hooked up to a machine, why is there a machine? Is the machine hooked up to another higher-dimensional machine? Such thinking is mental masterbation because none of that matters when you're searching for real answers: Why can anything exist at all? Why is reality intelligent? Why is reality aware? I agree that non-duality is not 'the final answer to the understanding of all of everything'. Another reductionist perspective though. It's not an answer, first off. You're not going to understand computer science by entering a nondual state. But it is possible to understand at a penetrating level the simultaneous infinitude and nothingness of reality.
  7. @How to be wise I'd phrase it more like: pain will never end, but you can be liberated from suffering by radically recontextualizing the pain and seeing pain from a more conscious perspective.
  8. @PepperBlossoms nonduality is only a belief system if you take it on faith without directly experiencing the insight. Truth can only be accessed from a state of not-knowing.
  9. @Beginner Mind The internet has all the info you need in order to teach yourself how to obtain psychedelics.
  10. The acid did not cause a bad trip, it only brought these issues into a greater awareness. These behaviors stem from your subconscious, and the acid made you conscious of how much chaos your mind is creating in your life. A big indicator of this is the Tik-Tok scrolling - your ego was using this unconscious behavior to hide and distract from some radical truths. This is a hint to get soul-sucking apps off your phone. You actually did become more conscious, even if it's not what you expected. The same monkey-mind, thought loops, anxiety, body pain, etc happened to me the first couple times I did acid. But returning to the psychedelic state semi-weekly, increasing dosages, and meditating enabled me to open my mind and release the underlying fear. Everything that happened to you during this trip can be fixed over time (or in an instant of profound insight). You need to go really deep into your mind to release the tensions, attachments, and expectations that give rise to your struggles. The monkey mind goes away when you get good at being present, surrendering to the experience, focusing on the breath and actuality. The body pain goes away when you learn how to truly relax the body. There are countless tensions you hold in your body that cause pain and anxiety, which can all be consciously released with enough experience. There are many techniques to get where you want to go: meditation, contemplation, kundalini yoga, cold showers, shamanic breathing, and more psychedelics. Next time you trip, take a cold shower right beforehand. This almost guarantees a good trip. When in the psychedelic state, do not scroll your phone. Do not try to manipulate the experience. Simply sit still, surrender, relax, and be open to the insights you don't realize you're avoiding. Take it as a challenge, as the rewards awaiting you are unspeakably amazing. EDIT: do not take psychedelics expecting to be "productive". The value is in fundamentally changing your perspective, which will enable more vision, purpose, productivity when you aren't tripping.
  11. Everything is changing faster and faster with perfect synchronicities everywhere US election coming soon Covid continuing to spread Bitcoin beginning to be held by public corporations For me personally, I am now in my senior year of uni with a software engineering job signed for next summer. Coming down from 2 vials of liquid psilocybin and enjoying the beauty of it all after a long journey and history with psychedelics
  12. Leo has many episodes on this topic. You just need to be curious and open-minded to the radical Truth of reality.
  13. Perhaps do a few trips of the classics first - acid/shrooms/DMT - to get some more experience venturing deep. Work up to higher doses. You can feel safe on these because they are popular, and no one has ever had a lethal overdose using them. DPT has not been around for as long, so you won't find as many guides and reassuring words online. Some say it can be spooky. But once you have some acid/shrooms/DMT trips under your belt (which can all be amazing profound as well as fun), you will be more prepared for the increased intensity of 5-MeO/DPT breakthroughs. Don't waste your 5-MeO & DPT on a bunch of low dose trips.
  14. From my subjective experience: 1) ^ 2) 4-AcO-DMT 3) LSD-25 4) N,N-DMT 5) 2C-B
  15. Maybe do a bit of meditation before starting an episode. It seems that you are simply getting distracted, as Leo's vids require a level of sustained active attention and contemplation.
  16. Some good ol' internet research should reveal the answer. Hint: you don't even have to leave your house.
  17. @Leo Gura You even get fatigued on armodafinil? With a cold shower in the morning? That must be frustrating I hope you get better