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Everything posted by Antman431

  1. I told a few of my friends that I prefer to have light skin and that I don't like going to the beach because I get tan. All of a sudden I'm being told I'm brain washed and that I have a closed mind, or that I need to learn about human history. I'm being told I'm brain washed because I'm succumbing to "white power" and the notion that "whiteness" is ideal, or that social media is brain washing me. I'm baffled and at this point I'm offended because I'm a Dominican kid with a poor family born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I simply told them I don't like tans and getting darker and that I want to stay as light as possible because its how I was born and how I have always been. If the color of my skin was dark then i wouldn't want to be light skin. It angered me to the point I turned red that they thought I was brain washed and felt i want to be closer to whites and the "white class" because i want my skin to stay the way it is. They said that subconsciously I want to be white and that I don't even know it; I thought to myself how can you tell me how I feel. After I calmed down i thought about Leo's video and how he talks about breaking the knowledge graph and not knowing. So is it possible that I don't know, that subconsciously maybe thats why I want my skin to be lighter? Or that I'm closed minded, or brainwashed?