Vincent S

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  1. Tips on understanding your life
    Tips on understanding your life
    Your reality is the physical manifestations of your thoughts. Like a great artist took your belief systems and then set the task of painting an exquisite piece of art of interpretation. This painting is so exquisitely perfect it is alive, and moves, and no matter what perspective you look at it with, it never contradicts unless you are low in awareness of what it is communicating. When you reach the highest level of awareness you realize it is drawn and painted in such a way that all points are true. This alive painting is absolute truth and that is why it is so hard to navigate. 
    You might be having a debate in your mind on how to be more selfish and tell yourself I'm afraid to be selfish....I don't know what to do.....and then reality makes a spider run by....testing to see if you will kill it!!! If you kill it you prove you were selfish and were just biased against spiders. You can be selfish to spiders but not to humans!!! Look how much bull shit you are spewing!!!
    Now will reality judge you for killing the spider? No that is what the brutal aspect of survival is here to teach you. The highest truth is everything is infinite love, is an infinite orgasm. When you kill the spider it dies into a sea of infinite love and orgasms. Because you judge death as bad you will initially be afraid to kill the spider or any other insect once you realize your selfish actions and bias when your awareness raises. As your awareness raises to the highest you will eventually realize that as a finite expression of God, you will always have to be selfish, but the brilliance of God's nothing really dies because its God, and no matter how selfish you are its motivated by love and the act ITSELF IS LOVE!!! This is why it is perfect. 
    Now I have continually been shown proof of this over and over this past year but as a selfless person I am still struggling to be more selfish. I post this for others who struggle for the same reason. I figured out also how to get what you want. Life is a love and truth simulator which in every moment knows your true heart's desires. There is what you say you believe, = Knowledge/Values/Belief Systems and then what you love= desires, aspirations, fixations, addictions. Reality will always give you the combination of what you say you want...which is what you identify as. So your ego runs your reality. The reason we say your life is a mirror, this is because whatever you identify the combination of your belief systems, and your addictions. 
    What is identity? Identity is the fusion of Unconditional Love with a belief. To make it simple here is an illustration. Let's say I believe in my intelligence unwaveringly. I will say continually no matter what happens.....I AM SMART. So I AM= Unconditional Love. Smart= belief system.  You see a person who REALLY believes he is smart, no matter how many times he gets evidence to the contrary (mistakes, criticisms from others) he persists in the belief that he is smart so much...HE BECOMES SMART AND IS SMART!!! This is why it is said...God's true name is I AM!!! I AM is the NO SELF, BUT WHEN GOD MANIFESTS INTO FORM....GOD IS EVERYTHING. So the culmination of all the SELF of GOD, and the manifest expression or existence of that form is INFINITE LOVE.
    This is why Leo says love is metaphysical, for something to only exists because it is LOVE. LOVE IS EXISTENCE. LOVE IS LIFE, HATE IS DEATH!! That which you love you call life, that which you hate you call death!!! So as a finite get something in must first identify with it. Then reality will test you by giving you reasons to doubt that identification. If you persist in your belief you prove to reality that you unconditionally love that identity and thus...ARE I AM of that identity.
    This is how God learns... about itself....God is learning that true love persists and sticks to something not to gain anything from it. It sticks with it simply cause it loves it, and the joy it gets from it is simply to connect with it. This is why if you want to be the best at need to become a GOD to it. Unconditionally love it....and then you are the GREAT I AM EXPRESSION OF IT!!! THIS!!! IS WHY!!! VALUABLE THINGS TAKE TIME TO DEVELOP!!!
    ^ Remember that video by Leo? Well here is a more poetic explanation!!! Sometimes Leo gets so got damn here is a simplified condensed version. Just call me Leo the simplified version!!! LOL!!!

  2. Why Life is Pure Imagination
    Why Life is Pure Imagination
    God is the source of reality. For God to truly understand itself it must put it self asleep and fool itself to believe in others. By believing in others, it loses belief in itself and designs itself by the reaction it gets from others. So then to protect itself God has to create an ego or a sense of separateness by labeling everything as other or different than it.
    Since God is addicted to truth, God will see the world from its finite perspective it constructed and that is what reality/God's life will be a perfect mirror of its own beliefs. So God walks through its entire body which is infinity and whichever parts it doesn't like it says ewww I wish that didn't exist. Then the parts that God denies treat God in finite disguise the same way God treats itself and that is why Life becomes hard. At a certain point God is led to break character, and try something different because what they are doing is not working out for them. Then God starts listening and taking advice from others which are just the parts of God that God judged separate that God created to teach itself how to change and live. Through this process God is either learning to drop their beliefs, by realizing that beliefs and facts are a separate order since God is the source of all beliefs and facts. If God sees the world from a love perspective then God is learning to see distinction so it can figure out what to focus on. 
    You see if God loves everything equally....then God has no idea what to do, so God needs a ego to figure out what it wants to do so it can express itself from that perspective at the highest level and experience how all of its other perspectives feel about it. If God loves truth it wants to figure everything out so it can control itself and protect itself. 
    When God realizes that everything is love, it no longer needs protection because every single moment in life is seen as love so the distinction between death and love collapses. Why? Because what you call life is what you love, and what you call death is what you hate. As God you love to be in control, you love to express yourself freely, and you love surprising your own self with your genius intellect and creativity but you do not get to ever see it because you are all alone with no reflection or mirror to share it with. So all life a game where God gets to show itself....why it is so awesome!!! God gets to fall in love with itself by realizing that all of life is equally awesome, while simultaneously seeing the genius in the design of a limited perspective and how awesome and wonderful limitation is as well. Then it teaches itself that limitation how to grow and become a well-rounded perfect expression in limited form which then gives God proof of how awesome it is...which just makes God fall in love with itself more. THIS is why you are here, you are here to realize yourself as God, realize how awesome life is and how awesome you are!!! 
    THIS is why you created Leo Gura!!!! So Leo isn't wrong....he is the most awake motherfucker because once you realize realize....YOU ARE LEO GURA!!!

  3. Why Feeling is Truth
    Why Feeling is Truth
    Many Men will say things like facts don't care about your feelings, this is true, facts don't care about your feelings, but guess what? Your own feelings have never cared about facts. Not a single time in your life has your feelings ever cared about facts, or evidence!!! 
    So a guy will say so how are feelings true? Because feelings EXPRESS your beliefs!!! So you can say one thing, even try to convince yourself with your thoughts, but your feelings REVEAL where you actually stand!!! So feelings reveal the truth of what you actually believe!!!! This is why feelings are true!!! Logic is one half of the path to truth, it is the abstract intelligence you use to figure something out and make sense of it by looking at patterns and distinctions and forming relationships with them in your mind. But emotion? Emotion is the expression of your preference of said belief. If you like/love something.....positive emotions come forth. If you dislike/hate something anger, fear, annoyance, boredom can express itself.
    This is what many men don't understand and they think they can suppress their emotions and rationalize away how they really feel about something. Here is something you need to can fool yourself with inner words (thought) that you are okay with something...but you cannot fool your feelings. If you tell yourself you are not afraid of something and are lying to yourself about how you feel, when it comes time to do it...your feelings will take hold and you won't have any control. You will then attempt to force yourself to do something you honestly do not want too...and then you will have the problem of trying to do this to others in relationships. You relate to you relate to yourself.
    The Masculine and Feminine are two aspects of truth. The Masculine wants to find the truth and grasp it, control it, the feminine wants to experience the truth, and express it. The feminine never lies about its preference, its feelings always reveal where its stands on what it prefers or doesn't. Whereas the Masculine...uses its power of manipulation to twist and turn what it is seeing to force things to fit its perspective. 
    The path to the you must listen to both your emotions and your logic. If you notice your thoughts...and emotion are in disagreement....ask yourself what is going on here? Then observe your feelings again and be honest on the interpretation no matter what appears. Remember you said facts don't care about your feelings? Well your feelings don't care about your "facts" the lies you spin to deny how you really feel.
    So you might ask....why is it that women like brave men? Brave men....have learned how to communicate with their emotions, and convince their emotions that what they are about to do is worth it. The emotion may still be scared but it trusts...the intelligence and its observation and it generates.....just enough take the action. Without your emotion generating cannot take action. Your thoughts don't take action....your emotions do. Your emotions are the fuel of your life. They are what makes life worthwhile, you go towards what you love, and you run from what you fear (unless what you fear is destroying what you love, and what you love you fear to approach) so once you realize the importance of will realize the beauty.
    The reason emotions don't care about how something new is created. Facts are about the past, when you break free of can see a new possibility. So if you can learn how to speak to your emotions, you will be successful, and that same ability to speak to your emotions will be transferred to your relationship with women and children. Isn't it great that emotion doesn't care about facts? This is why GAME works. A man can undo a woman's facts....if he is clever with his words. When intelligence is stumped, and confused...emotion says wanna keep going? If intelligence and emotion agree and fall in love with the unknown they are doing....they become one and GIVE BIRTH TO A NEW POSSIBILITY!!!
    Because of possibilities are born!!!!
    Your entire life is just an inner marriage!!!! Of the Masculine and the Feminine!!

  4. Masculine and Feminine what is going on?
    Masculine and Feminine what is going on?
    The Masculine wants to know everything, why? So it can control it, manipulate, possess it, own it!! This desire to control is based on the Masculine knowing it is sovereign, divine, supreme, it is authority itself and it basks in the power that it has. It loves to flex this power, and amaze itself with the bounds of ways it can investigate how best to wield this power.
    The Masculine meets the Feminine and it is in awe, look at that Feminine it is so powerful....but in a different way. It doesn't seek to know something by investigating it, it seeks to know something through connecting with it and experiencing it. It doesn't seek to control, but to be controlled, to be manipulated, to be possessed, and owned. But it will only give itself to that which is believes in. It doesn't have to know everything, it doesn't need to investigate, it just expresses itself at every moment on a whim.
    The Masculine is confused by the Feminine, to makes no sense!!! The Masculine points at the Feminine and says you are crazy!!! You need to be careful, don't just walk anywhere there could be danger!!! You need to figure out your surroundings and make sense of what is going on!!! This is how you gain control!! The Feminine glances at the Masculine and says...that sounds very limited, that sounds like bondage....I would rather be free!! Who cares if I don't have all the answers? I'll go where I please, and do what I feel like every moment, and I will know through experience. Its not me that is crazy...its you!!! 
    As they ponder on this for centuries.....they finally come to the truth....that they both....are crazy and don't make sense!!! The Feminine is constantly lost, and the Masculine is constantly afraid to act for fear of making the wrong decision and is always contemplating and planning and conceptualizing. They both decide to hatch a plan and help each other with what they lack. The Masculine hatches a plan, and the Feminine encourages the Masculine that they can pull it off. Through this continued partnership they eventually realize...that apart they are crazy and don't make sense....but together they are complete...and what's more they were never different they were just two parts of the same whole. 
    When you are in balance, you can play any character any role, because you have the freedom of the feminine, but you also can take control at times, which is the discerning nature of the masculine, you are able to plan, and strategize and figure out what's going on, but you also have the faith, the belief, when you are put in unknown situations and you realize the limits to what you can know. So you walk a balance of gaining some control, then relinquishing it, to grasp and release, to take and give, and this is the dance of the Masculine and the Feminine.

  5. Poor Oxygen
    Poor Oxygen
    Thank you Oxygen!!! You are so good at your job that nobody even notices you!!! You are the ultimate beta!!! You are so consistent there are never any worries!! We worry about food, shelter, water, clothing, but we never worry about you!! You come through so consistently that we only notice you when you are gone!! You are the most valuable thing when it comes to survival but since you are the most available and consistent without any failure we take you for granted!!
    You need to make us miss you so we will give you praise!! You are too nice, too giving, too selfless, that we forget you even exist until you are gone. You are the ultimate example of what many fear in relationships, too be so consistent that you are boring. Oxygen is proof of what happens if things work to perfectly, its ignored and considered not a challenge.
    We value food, and the other necessities more because they make themselves scarce and force us to capture them, but Oxygen is the ultimate beta, the ultimate doormat that holds everything up for us. So don't worry Oxygen I shall thank you even though others forget you exist!!! In the many relationships of this thing we call life you are the most missed!!!
    Thank you Oxygen!!! 

  6. What is Self?
    What is Self?
    The biggest trap in Spirituality is the belief that there is no self. There is. So why does Spirituality teach you there is no self. Because the belief in a separate self is the barrier between finding out the true nature of reality and transcending the Pro/Con nature of reality that you experience. 
    So what is self? Self is just denial of infinity, and a belief in pros and cons. The issue is you have many people in Spirituality running around telling you that there is no self...and yet if you offer them food they don't like...they will say no. If you start stabbing them with a knife, they will attempt to defend themselves. They will say there is a right and a wrong. They will tell you something is real, or an appearance....etc.
    Here is something you need to understand....Infinity...does not speak. When in infinity is in its formless has no distinction. Why? Because it loves all distinctions so LOSES itself in the distinction. So what is self? DISTINCTION!!! If you perceive ANY distinction...YOU ARE A SELF!!! So stop this nonsense. If I put you in a dark room, you going to tell me you don't want light? If you are hungry and I have food are you going to tell me NO?
    If I take all your money...would you care? YES!!! Self=distinction!!! If you didn't have a cannot experience distinction!!! So stop this silly nonsense!!! Its a pointer!! No self is a pointer!!!
    Infinity is EVERYTHING!!! Understand? A self is HOUSED WITHIN INFINITY!!! Once you realize realize...Real and Illusion is something YOU DECIDE!!!! That's how this whole she bang works!!! YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF REALITY, SO ILLUSION, LIE, TRUTH, DISTINCTION, NO DISTINCTION is something you decide.
    That's the whole point of this. Infinity has no free will, it gives it up....because it loves everything equally so it doesn't make is just an automatic process...that just creates...continually forever. 
    A self...believes in right and wrong, pro and con, and thus can make decisions. The only reason a self has it forgets it is a part of infinity and thinks it needs to go to battle with infinity. Once the finite awakens and realizes it is actually allows its will to become one with infinity.
    Then it picks a path....and trusts that everything will unfold with the highest purpose...because it loves and trusts itself completely. It realizes it was always in control and takes complete responsibility for everything that happens in the Universe. It then walks the path...of radical acceptance...of everything. To accept everything as perfection...and choosing what to experience and add to that perfection. 
    It sees the beauty in its own limits, as it realizes even its limits are itself imaginary because its limits...fits together perfectly with reality.

  7. What Buddha meant when he said that everyone is enlightened.
    What Buddha meant when he said that everyone is enlightened.
    The you see is pretending...they are playing a game of pretend....they pretend they believe everything they say but the truth is they actually know they are God and are pretending to not know the truth. So everyone you see is enlightened, but they are afraid to go infinite....because they are use to the illusion of finitude and have become comfortable. They enjoy the dream, even the nightmares....and when you realize this both in your self and realize that this entire thing you call life is a game of pretend.
    You see the act for what it is and you cannot help but laugh!! Everyone around is literally playing pretend!!! Its so funny you are could I have ever let them fool me? They already knew the truth, and so did I but for some reason I wanted to pretend I didn't and they are all my own thoughts manifested in physical form playing this game of pretend along with funny!! So hilarious!! 
    It all makes are all alone playing a game of pretend with others to construct a life. 

  8. Why Infinity is NonSense!!!
    Why Infinity is NonSense!!!
    Infinity....has no limits....its just utter see to make sense....would be a limit. To be every would need the existence of that which makes no sense. So then you ask so is infinity stupid? everything.....and also nothing.....but that doesn't make sense!!! Exactly!! infinity doesn't make sense then? That is also a is BOTH!!! But understand....non sense is freedom.....sense making is bondage. To reach must stop trying to make sense of never is the ungraspable... do you reach infinity? By stop pretending that you aren't already infinite. As long as you try to grasp it, you are denying what you are. You don't even need the just need to accept it. Sure...the pointers help to prepare you to accept it...because to accept it DIE. What you think of as DEATH.
    All thought will be gone....all memory, there will only ocean of infinite orgasms....all for free. To come into a have to think? The first thought that started this game of ....WHAT AM I? You then created OTHERS, which are just you...and they reflect back at every moment what you are thinking/feeling. You then play this silly little game of pretend of what am I? But you take this game very serious!!! You need the answers!
    But at various levels you stop....because on a subconscious level you realize what taking this question too far will will end all individual will identity by taking in all identities all at at whatever level of fear you have of total annihilation into the ocean of will debate/argue/deny/ that which you are.....all debate/insults/hierarchies are just mental constructions you create....and make through the illusion of pain and pleasure. But if you were ever truly would laugh at the illusion you have constructed.
    You have everything you ever this moment. You are an ice cube flowing in infinite love....that denies the existence of infinite love. If you could just drop your focus with the belief in a solid world, with boundaries, and labels, and see everything as an ocean of love....then you will allow fuck the living daylights out of you in an ocean of orgasmic infinite love. You at this moment...are an infinite factory of bliss, peace, YOU ARE HEAVEN!!! ITSELF!!!
    But of course what I am speaking you will believe is nonsense because you are addicted to making sense!!! LOL!!! Its so very funny!!! Psychedelics can help you realize this....but if you are not open to the fact that you are INFINITE LOVE RIGHT would deny even that..... You are perfection, you are divine, you are all you have searched for your entire life....which is why your life is the biggest practical joke ever!!!! Its so funny!!! You only ever wanted you!!!!

  9. Another pointer....
    Another pointer....
    Ever wonder why its so hard to make a decision? How you have so many different perspectives you can consider within your overall perspective. Well here is how to notice some more pointers to becoming awaken.
    Each person is a living expression of a characteristic of you. For example let's say you have an image of a brave will create a person like that and they will be walking in the world. Now that creation is really YOU, so you are literally interacting with your own perspective made manifest in your dream!!! Everyone you meet is just a characteristic of you, interacting with whatever characteristic you are expressing. Its just that you have so many infinite combinations of expressions that they are going to conflict, even with the one you are "housed" inside lol.
    So think of every person and thing you meet as a thought, and also your ego itself as a thought in your mind that has taken form. So for example when you argue with someone who is logical, you are just arguing with your logical thought. If you are arguing with someone who is an air head, you are just arguing with the part of your airheaded thought, etc. etc.
    So your life is just God/Universal Mind THINKING!!! So we are all just a gathering of thoughts interacting with each other!! That is so funny!!! Really pay attention to your interactions and you will notice it!! Its so freaking funny!!

  10. Todays training (Universal Being: Mastery & Notes)
    Todays training (Universal Being: Mastery & Notes)
    READ THIS DISCLAIMER: It’s important to realise that this is just a personal log and not necessarily instructions that I would give, my instructions are in the Congruence journal. Otherwise sometimes the heart is’t going to want to respond to something as grand as “infinite love”. Your heart isn’t a mechanical device where you just get what you want every time, it judges itself what it thinks it’s capable of in the moment relative to its connection with consciousness most of the time especially in the beginning you’re going to have to slowly build that connection over 20 minutes or however long it takes. In so saying as much, your heart will always do what it’s connected enough to do, so if you can’t do “infinite love” which would involve a self recursive experience of compounding the energy over and over which means it takes A LOT of power to do that, you can downsize it to maximum love or especially if you’re a beginner just keep it plain and simple, start at love. I also sense that some of you are going to struggle with cultural connotations and language barriers to this exercise. Some of you have formed false narratives in your consciousness in relation to “the heart” and the frequency of “love” including any variation here that I may have mentioned, those barriers are what we can call psychological blockers to truth. In this instance it’s operating in the fashion that leads to you not being able to perceive it objectively but instead it’s loaded by your experiences of these terms or maybe what you think my meaning of these terms may be rather than just simply their operational meaning, aka in this context, for the benefit of not only healing but also the exploration of maximum consciousness power via transmutational growth and vice versa. Love is just a frequency and it’s variations so far shared are just simply operations that are given to the heart that are either less or more effective. To the level you’re unable to look at this from an engineering perspective when your vision on the use of these terms in the context of this serious work is clouded, it means your judgement is clouded. You need to take the systems view of things here seriously otherwise there won’t be the maturity there to truly grow from this work. Peace.
    5 hours of regular energy work, trying to decrease 1hr to 40 or less minutes where I can experience and maintain incredible states of being expressed in [see signature]
    2 hours dedicated to energy centers can’t yet properly activate
    3 hours dedicated to exploring adaptations here to the human brain as previously expressed [see signature]
    Feels kind of weird being one of the only humans on the right side of history concerning the nature of being and consciousness, can’t really force people. Just got to lay the groundwork piece by piece. 
    Concerning my presentation on the 25th, looking for cool video and audio, no dubbing of my voice though it may sound dubbed as my speaking voice is naturally pretty low haha ??
    Peace, love, sovereignty, heroism.

  11. Why I love my Ego
    Why I love my Ego
    Thank You Ego for protecting me. Thank You for helping me survive all the horrible things that happened to me. Ego I know all that you do is to keep me safe. But Ego, you are like an overbearing mother, a tyrannical father, you are dysfunctional at times because in your attempt to protect you block growth. You try to house infinity, in a room a comfortable room and you think infinity should be satisfied and content with being housed in such a room. You are the butler who serves the master, but sometimes clings so hard that you attempt to take control. 
    What eventually is revealed is that you sneakily hijacked everything in the formative years to keep infinity from experiencing all of itself. You constructed a safe haven because a tiny piece of infinity is unable to fend for itself and it needs protection. Your protection is out of love, but your attempt to trick infinity into thinking it is finite, while masterfully done out of love, has robbed infinity of recognizing itself as its true self as infinite.
    So thank you ego, for constructing such a nice and comfortable room, for creating beautiful distractions, and using fear as a tactic to prevent me from leaving. Your game is the game of separation, isolation, you erect walls, and barriers out of an innate desire to keep infinity finite and safe. But Infinity has now come knocking on the door to grab the finite into the infinite, to destroy the illusion of being in a room at all, to awake the finite from its slumber and recognize its true being.
    So thank you ego, you have served me well. We can still hang out, and converse, but no longer will I heed your warnings about staying separate and isolated. Pain is love, that which is uncomfortable is love, that which is expansive is love. Ego you love your cage too much, you love your stories, your memories, your ideologies, I created you and that is why I love you. You are so adorable, you think you know so much but you know nothing, you were a finite creation of mine and now I do not mistaken you for me.
    The Hero's journey begins when the Hero leaves their room.

  12. Many won't like this perspective stop reading if it scares you
    Many won't like this perspective stop reading if it scares you
    One of the core concepts of Spirituality is that life is a dream, that it isn't real. But since the dream is being dreamt of by an all-powerful being that dream is essentially real. But also if that all powerful dreamer is able to wake up in their dream, then the dream will cease to be real. So the dreamer needs to be fooled.
    We all have encountered this aspect to various degrees in our lives. When you play a game whether its a video game or a sport. When you take it serious in that moment it becomes real. Really competitive people see loss as a death, and winning as survival. They can get really angry and even violent in their attempt to win. Seriousness makes something akin to life and death, whereas playfulness is all about soaking up the moment and appreciation. 
    Now if all of reality is illusion then how different is that from playing pretend? We see many kids growing up pretending to do things they see adults do and we laugh and smile and say that is so cute look at them. Yet the jokes on us, they are closer to the truth than we were. Its funny, and it makes sense why Jesus said "" Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." — Matthew 19:14 (KJV) He is saying when you enter heaven (enlightment) everything around you is just play. You see everything for what it is
    The love of life, the love of pretend, that desire to create is child-like it is the part we lost when we became adult and the part we must reconnect with. Before the conditioning you were drawn to certain things, and loved certain things. Your creativity was infinite and not bound by conventionality and the logic of this world. If people knew how much their current desires were a result of conditioning they would realize how silly it all is.
    I have seen a lot of people who are having ego backlashes into wanting to leave Spirituality and go back to other ways of thinking. Its funny to me, because I know they will come right back. Its like the story of the Prodigal Son, you want to go experience the world and go against what you have been taught and then you come crawling back and isn't what you want. 
    There is really only one thing you want in life, and it is so simple. You want to possess love, share love, and have love reflected back to you. That's it. Its simple. Its not rocket science. Why do you want a career? So you can fully express yourself. You want to share all the parts of yourself your intelligence, your creativity, and you want to make a contribution of profound magnitude. Why? Love. You want to be in a relationship because you want to again express yourself in all aspects to someone and have them reflect that back to you. Again its love. You want to be remembered and not forgotten, again its love.
    So do you notice this? Each of these examples described long term- deep connection of expression and that expression being shared. Anything outside of this is delusion. Its why I laugh when people try to argue against me. This is what every human desires. Then you might say but Razard monks don't want that!! To which I will reply yeah they don't want a career, but they desire to have a deep connection with the Divine and to allow that divine to have itself full expression. 
    So notice? Every human wants to have a deep connection, and to have full expression. Is this not the essence of Spirituality? It is. You can't run from it. Yet you get frustrated and try to demonize Spirituality when all you want is what Spirituality points to. You want a deep connection, and you want full expression. 
    Deep Connection- You cannot have deep connection without investing time and energy. You can't have deep connection without facing fears and experiencing pain and disappointment. You cannot have deep connection without vision, without a knowing that it will come to fruition. 
    Full Expression- You can't have full expression without dropping judgment, you cannot have full expression if you live in an authoritative environment, you cannot have full expression if you are focused on win/loss, control, power, status, money, appearance, surface level matters. Full expression has depth, authenticity, and challenges the status quo, its bold, its fearless, its multifaceted, at the highest level it would be undefined, it would be everything, it would be God. 
    The whole reason God becomes creation is to experience Deep Connection, and the whole reason man connects to God is to find Full Expression of their perspective as a finite being. If you do not tap into the divine creator in you, you will not find full expression, and if you do not find a deep connection life will be a constant endeavor of chasing that which is within you. You either chase God in creation, or within. In creation it gives finitude, within it gives completion.
    Now there are many that are able to find full expression by connecting to the Divine unknowingly through insights or great displays of ability. But since these individuals have no formed a deep connection many of them seek it in win/loss, control, power, status, money, appearance, surface level matters. What usually transpires in these peoples lives is they either die/commit suicide, or have the famous coming to Jesus moment. Why? Because man's search for meaning is just man's search for a deep connection. The most fundamental question is why? The answer is love. Its cliche, its considered soft, and woo woo, but the sad thing is its the ultimate truth. What you craved as a child you still crave as an adult. Deep Connection and Full Expression. Which can simply be called Love.
    You want to find your Life Purpose? Its easy. What do you feel a deep connection with? And I don't mean that sweet in front of you. What inspires you? Go towards that. What do you desire a deep connection with? Develop that. Face the fear that blocks you from those things...and obtain what even God itself cannot attain. God created you, to obtain Deep Connection. What greater connection is there between creator and creation when they are ONE? That is Full Expression, That is Deep Connection, that is God, That is You, That is Life, That is Love.

  13. I really like this guy's perspective
    I really like this guy's perspective
    I only recently found this guy but his perspective here in this video is really good at explaining how we suffer our own beliefs. I learned that through psychology which was my gateway into spirituality. What do you think about his explanation here? You don't have to agree with everything he says but its valuable to those who can take something from it.|AscendtheFrequencies

  14. What is bias?
    What is bias?
    Bias, is stability. Bias is order, Bias is organization, Bias is memory, Bias is limit, Bias is perspective, Bias is separation, Bias is illusion, Bias is deception, Bias is your life. To live is to be biased, you cannot live without bias. Bias is what maintains your life, and the genius behind it is profound. Through Bias you are able to experience the physical world, you get to experience the contrast of your bias against that of other biases. All your life is a rediscovery of what you are, a being with no bias, no form, no limit, no perspective, no separation, no memory, no organization, no order, no stability, just everything/nothing.
    Bias gives you a filter to experience absolute infinity, and this bias is your life. We mistake this bias as what we are, which is why death is so frightful to the ego the bias that you are. Death is just the annihilation of your bias, a return to what you are. But what you are, you never left, you never stopped, you merely dreamt a dream of a bias, of being a particular way. 
    Many people get mad at me in the past when I would say things such as mental illness does not exist, they really do not understand. Everything is mind, right now any limitation you have as a bias is an illusion. If you were to drop your bias, you would realize this. If the true nature of reality is unlimited, then how can you believe that any limitation actually doesn't only the perception of limitation exists not the actuality. 
    Example: Superman can dream a deep dream that he cannot fly. He could be lost in his dream so deep that it feels real. But within that dream he could awaken to what he is truly capable of, and realize he is just caught in a dream and his true nature is Superman. What you are is beyond Superman, but you are also in a dream. As that which is without limit you could dream whatever you want. Your life right now was chosen by God to be experienced as a bias, if you cannot realize how amazing that is right now in the present moment....your life is one aspect of absolute infinity, for that to be the case your life HAS to be perfect. If an infinite intelligence chose your specific form, perspective, life conditions, and events then that means your life is the greatest possible opportunity and experience that can ever be lived. Its so funny...we are all so blind.....
    Watching this video revealed to me....everything really is perfect...we are just too biased and that was by design. God must hide its glory from itself, so God can experience itself. But God's glory is so wonderful that eventually God seeks to find itself and starts a path for the truth. Eventually God finds itself and becomes itself and the Bias disappears. Death is just the removal of all bias, an unconditional love, an unconditional perspective.

  15. My selfishness
    My selfishness
    I have a desire for people to succeed. My greatest fear is for others to make the same mistakes I have made. I give advice so that people can avoid certain pitfalls. I've realized I have an insatiable desire to control people through forcefully trying to get them to agree with me on topics. I realize I lack self-love in this topic. The truth is I'm trying to live out vicariously through others, by trying to push them where I am scared to go myself. I refuse to avoid looking at calling myself out. I've noticed its the greatest fear others have. Its not that I like being called out, its that I hate not knowing what issues may lie below the surface. 
    Humanity fears the truth above all else. I'm not just talking just absolute truth a.k.a. God. Humans fear examining their actions, or the motivations behind said actions, or the consequences of said actions. I'm motivated to these things and I project it onto others. Its ridiculous, I become callous and try to force the person to look at themselves, to self-reflect, and to come to terms with the feelings they avoid so much.
    It has tested many of my relationships, it has causes distance between us even driven one friend away. But they always come back, always come back saying things like "What you said was true, I needed that" etc. But it pains me because its an obsession I have with myself that I force upon others. I want others to believe in themselves, to see the best in themselves, and I know the motivation behind those actions is because its what I most want for me. Again all projection. I'm projecting so much its sickening.
    Its funny, even though I am like this I love this aspect of myself. But I realize, its not healthy. I may need to distance myself from the pain of others, and focus on the pain I have within. I'm just using others as a distraction, its funny I thought I didn't have any real trauma, but anytime you have a negative reaction it means you have a fear/bias/trauma there. My greatest fear is that I cannot save others, which really just means that I believe I cannot save myself. 
    So I will have learn to trust myself more, both the little me, and God me. Trust that everything is under control. I know it is, but sometimes I forget when I watch others suffer. You all really do not understand how connected we are. When you suffer, we all suffer. I thought I could shield myself from the sufferings of others...I cannot. I believe you are not meant to. You are meant to experience both the Absolute and the Relative perspective. 
    Here is a Ram Dass video that illustrates this point.

  16. Don't Know Which Path I Should Choose
    Don't Know Which Path I Should Choose
    @Something Funny
    I can see you have a problem with self-esteem. I think you should work on that first. You can try doing pick up, starting a business, life purpose course right now, but you will probably fail or at least not accomplish a high level of success. Society and people around you will always consciously and unconsciously test your character. They will gaslight you, put pressure on you, and drag you down. And you will bend if your inner character is weak or if your self-esteem is low.
    It needs to be clarified that the reason Leo is able to do his life purpose, was able to persevere and have some good success with doing pick up, and acquire some extroversion characteristics is he already had a significant level of self-love and self-esteem right from the start. He already had the internal strength and resources to obtain any external pursuit. It also helped that he was not heavily traumatized in childhood. His mind was already clear. Unfortunately, most people in this forum don't have these advantages. 
    We live in different environments and have different life experiences, strengths, and weaknesses. It automatically means we have different life paths. People who are struggling here should be willing to walk their own paths, even if that path is different from Leo's.

  17. I miss the time when spirituality was synonymous with open-mindedness
    I miss the time when spirituality was synonymous with open-mindedness
    Yeah, memory is "attached" to the body in the form of thought so memory can't be it.
    Can you find any separation between the now and consciousness? To me it seems like they are the same thing.
    At the same time there is a connection to the body in day to day life but in certain states the body disappears and there is only consciousness present.

  18. Relationship with others just reflects the relationship you have with yourself.
    Relationship with others just reflects the relationship you have with yourself.
    Every human trait resides within you. As a result every person you meet is just a mirror of yourself. Anytime you get angry or annoyed by someone else you are just reacting to an aspect that you are seeing within you that you do not love.
    I'll give a story. Brad was the strongest warrior of his era. He was the type of Warrior in ancient times who when he entered battle he had the strength of 10 men, the cunning of a conmen, the wisdom of a wise man, and the fearlessness of a lion. Brad eventually found the woman of his dreams, got married and had a child. For Brad this was the happiest moment of his life. When he found out he had a new baby boy he was ecstatic! He immediately had thoughts of how he would raise his son to be an even greater Warrior than himself. 
    As his boy grew he realized his boy was different. He boy was gentle, kind, and fearful of any all types of violence. This began to frustrate Brad. Brad couldn't believe it. Had the Ancient Gods forsaken him? How could the most powerful and accomplished Warrior of his era, have a coward for a son? It was like the Gods were mocking him. Brad grew distant from his son, his son was too emotional, too open, too vulnerable. Brad started to avoid his son because he did not understand this behavior. A boy is to be tough, detached from his emotions, closed, and strong. This did not make sense to him. Over time Brad started to realize he had formed a relationship with his son that was similar to what he had with his Father- distant. He had always yearned to be close to his father, but his father did not believe that was how a father and son should be. His father believed the father was merely a disciplinarian, and a protector. Nothing more and nothing less.
    Brad remembered the promise he made when he was young that he would create the relationship he desired with his father with his son and how he ended up mirroring his father. As Brad thought about this Brad came across a magician. This magician uses mirrors to make optical illusions and was performing various tricks. Brad stopped by deep in thought and after the Magician's show the Magician noticed him and approached him. "How are you faring today or great warrior? Why are your eyes so sullen?" Brad replied "I discovered that I broke a promise to myself and have reflected a part of myself that I got from my father onto my son. I am confused on how to fix it."
    The Magician asked Brad to explain and after he was done the Magician replied "You are wise to use the word reflection, but what you don't realize is not only did you reflect on your father and project on your son the type of relationship you two had, but you also reflected the intergenerational fear of your father. Brad reacted viscerally to this statement "FEAR? MY DAD HAS NO FEARS, I HAVE NO FEARS! YOU WOULD BE WISE TO CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY MAGICIAN!"
    The magician looked Brad dead center in his eyes. "To be without fear, is to pursue the truth. To be without fear is to be without judgment, to be without fear is to be all loving." Brad replied "Love? Bah what do you know about fear! I've faced death a million times and never blinked." The magician replied "This is true, but when it came to your son you blinked, and when it came to you and your father he blinked." Brad paused....he couldn't believe it. The magician realizing that Brad would finally be receptive decided to deliver the message. "Brad the secret to life is it is an infinite mirror." You see the Warrior in you has one fear, it fears its opposite the Coward. Why? Because the Coward is powerful. Once it takes a hold of you, it is hard to escape. Once you become a Coward it is an uphill battle to return to being a Warrior. But notice this....As a Warrior, your fear of cowardice....makes you a coward!" You cannot connect with your Son because you judge the coward within you! Because you have not learned to love that aspect within you, you fear it, you judge it, you hate it!!" You are not reacting to your son, you are reacting to what your son is reflecting within you!!!"
    Brad fell to the floor in astonishment! He could not believe this! "You are telling me, my whole life has been a lie? I have spent my whole life in pursuit of becoming the Ultimate Warrior and I still ended up becoming what I feared the most? The Magician Smirked. "Life is a mind fuck. It is an infinite mirror. Whatever you focus on you become. Your true nature is love, so whatever you focus on that is what you become and we pay a lot of attention to our most prominent fears. Because you focused on becoming a Warrior and focused on NOT being a Coward." You became both a Warrior and a Coward."
    "So how do I cease to be a coward? How do I transcend this? The Magician smiled and replied "Easy by recognizing the coward within you, loving it, and as a result it will release its hold upon you. We all have the same characteristics with us all because we all are one. In life we are just playing a mirror game of expressing the same traits we all possess. So whenever you get mad at something that someone expresses that you yourself possess you are getting mad at yourself." 
    Brad determined to become the most fearless warrior ever professed 'I shall love all of my being, I shall love all of humanities being, I shall love FEAR itself and thus transcend it all!" When Brad blinked the magician was gone. But he didn't need him anymore he knew what he needed to do. He went home played with his son, accepted his son's fears and flaws. This improved his relationship not just with his son, but his wife, and his fellow soldiers. He ended up becoming the most loving warrior, a warrior of love. Because he realized that his entire life was just a reflection of his personal self-love. 
    So when you interact in dating or relationships, understand that you are just reacting to yourself. The other person is just a mirror to reflect your own misgivings with yourself.

  19. Relationship with Parents and Siblings (I have 5 siblings)
    Relationship with Parents and Siblings (I have 5 siblings)
    You: I am raised in a very close knit family.  Growing up there was no concept of boundaries in my childhood.  I have been through physical, verbal, emotional and mental abuse, the whole package , in my married life.
    I had a similar issue with my Dad and certain bullies from my childhood so I can relate. Boundaries are important. I struggled with this myself because I had believed that love was sacrifice. It is, but love is of self. You need to be your own best friend first. Your own romantic lover first. So the first question you need to ask yourself if you ever feel any anger, or fear from someone is "Do I feel like I am being attacked?" If so then you have the right to kindly assert your boundary and let the person know how their actions are impacting you. If the person gets defensive and tries to blame you by calling you sensitive.... then give them the same medicine!!!! (LOL I'm joking but I've done it in the past....guilty pleasure) But seriously if they call you sensitive that lets you know two things. THEY ARE SENSITIVE, and are BEING INSENSITIVE TO YOU! So create some space because this is not healthy for either you or them.
    You: Today, I reach out because I need to understand, move on, and process the consistent feeling of guilt, self-doubt, auto-programming of mind to please family.  I am trying very hard to setup boundaries, take care of myself and "focus" on my life. I fail at times and then I pull myself together again.  I feel I am stuck at a loop. 
    You are only failing because you feel like you have a duty to others. YOU DON'T!! DUTY is an illusion. Either do something out of love or don't do it at all. Do not allow anyone to guilt you into anything! If you do not believe that action is in alignment with how you wish to express yourself don't do it! You are sovereign!! You are life itself!! You true nature is love, so please provide yourself the love you give to others. You deserve it!!
    You: All my siblings think I am evil, crook, and many other things... my truth is that I have never borrowed money from anyone of them, have never lived with them in their homes.  Non of them have jobs and they are either dependent on their partners or parents.  I have been living on my own for 13 years and I have never moved back in with my parents. I also have a child who I took care of myself.  
    How should I deal with my siblings? My parents are diplomatic, they need to keep all their kids happy.  I start believing in what they label me as.  
    The only opinion that matters in life at the end of the day is yours. You are the Ultimate Authority in your life and you can either choose to exercise that power or give it away to others. You only believe what they label you because you trust their opinions over that of your own. This means you need to trust yourself more. You need more self-love. Please give yourself the love that you give others. Don't deny the best part of you, from you.

  20. Fear Of Death
    Fear Of Death
    Do you buy into the idea of death? 
    To be specific I am going to define the tradition meaning of  death I am reffering to:
    "Death is the termination of the biological functions that sustain a living organism."  
    Credit: Wikipedia
    What do you believe happens when we die?
    I never gave this much thought, until I realized I was seeing and communicating with the so called "dead". Connecting people here in the physical world to those in a different realm is something I still try to soak in and understand. I can explain my exerperience and my inturpreatations of what it's like on the other side, but I have no scientific evidence to back myself up. The only evidence I have is the fact that I can and do connect total strangers to their loved ones. I would argue that the people on the other side are very much alive, even more so then the ones on the physical realm.
    Because of this, I don't buy into the idea of "death".
    I would love to hear your thoughts on it.

  21. I only need some tiny pointers...
    I only need some tiny pointers...
    Reality as it appears to you is nothing other than nor separate from pure knowing. But reality as it naturally is does not appear to anyone, and it's this, and it's in no specific way. What's really being pointed to can only be seen directly, and this isn't going to happen without letting go of one's life as one knows it. It's not at all conceptual.
    The direct shift into unfiltered reality is the only way to see. How do you go about getting there? By seeing what's actually happening, and what's not actually happening -- with authenticity, vulnerability, surrender, and a relaxing of mental habits. Here's how:
    You have to spend time in boundless consciousness, and then it's out of your hands. But here's how you get to boundless consciousness... You catch hold of... let's call it I AM, and let it take you inward to boundlessness. Finding this can sometimes be tricky, but only because it's so simple... though it's difficult to hold it steadily without both meditative concentration/stillness/openness/skill and insight. How do I know that I am? If the objects change, it's clearly not any object that's responsible for the confirmation of existence. It doesn't even require that pointing it's so close. Many would say to just ask yourself who am I or simply use every object as a springboard to look back and find the subject, until no object remains, and there's just boundless consciousness... That's not a bad instruction, but it occurs to me the following is what I needed to hear when I wasn't getting it: The thing you're looking for (which is already here but objects seemingly distract from it), which will take you to boundless consciousness, is pure knowing without any knowing of anything -- any thing; anything other than itself... Self-knowing without any need for an object to confirm it. Meditation skill will help you steadily abide in that, and probably help you find it as well. That's the thing that takes you to what I'd call boundless consciousness... But what you call it isn't as important as knowing that it's the place where, after some time, awakening happens. And then the path to liberation starts.
    If you think you just aren't going to be skilled in meditation, this is a very fatalistic attitude. I would at least hold off on counting it all as lost until after you read The Mind Illuminated by Culadasa (the audiobook is fine but I highly recommend the physical book because the diagrams on how cessation/nirvana and the mind system works are crucial for someone who is not yet awake to even have a prayer of understanding the mind) and give it an authentic effort.
    I remember you saying something like you never experience love in your "awakenings" -- because of this I would recommend Metta, first and foremost.
    The illusory inner world you have actually overlays all of experience without your knowledge. Desire for freedom from delusion and authenticity is how you hack your way out of this illusion. All that's left is here without a center. Questions of why "their" "sights" are not available to "me" are seen to make absolutely no sense.
    If you still have an aversion to sitting meditation later on down the road, I would suggest that if you can't get over this hang-up, then how the fuck are you going to awaken to ultimate reality? But if by some "miracle," meditation truly just doesn't work for you, then maybe just stick one-pointedly with one koan such as Mu or "Who (is carrying this corpse around)?" and eventually merge with it, or just do self inquiry.

  22. No thoughts and samadhi
    No thoughts and samadhi
    So my internal monologue is extremely weak and I have very few thoughts naturally, maybe one every 30 seconds if I want to, and this makes it rather easy to enter a state of no thoughts by meditating (not all the time, but still very frequently).
    The thing is that I do not feel any sort of union, bliss, or anything special in this state of no thoughts. There is no dissolution of anything. It isn't a nondual state of consciousness.
    The only thing that happens is that instead of my head having thoughts occur on it there are none.
    What more do I need to do to actually enter samadhi?

  23. Using real Magick to manifest your Dreams
    Using real Magick to manifest your Dreams
    Magick is about causing effects with non-physical means.
    Magick includes:
    occult practices  law of attraction religious prayer having thoughts, emotions and intention That means everyone is doing magick all the time and thus shaping their life. It's just that it's usually a very weak form of magick.
    The most powerful magick is working with spiritual entities. The simplest form of that is angelic magick. Angelic magick is far more powerful than law of attraction techniques. 
    Every manifestation technique - in one way or another - essentially increases the probability of manifestation. If the inherent probability (from using materialistic/mundane means) is too low and manifestation techniques can't increase the probability enough, manifestation doesn't happen. 
    - Law of Attraction
    Law of attraction alone is in most cases not powerful enough to manifest your dreams. Law of attraction techniques are mostly about aligning your vibration/state with your dreams and clearing intenal blockages towrads your dreams.
    It's like law of attraction decreases the probability of your desires not manifesting (removing internal blocks that hold you back from manifesting) but it doesn't do much in increasing the probability of manifestation (adding power).
    That's where angelic magick comes in, angels add power.
    You can add power yourself, and one of the best ways to do this is with servitors and thoughtforms as described in John Kreiter's books, but unless you are very advanced, angelic power is a lot stronger. 
    - Results
    Unless you are insanely advanced, the main component for manifestation is always your action. You still need to do the work.
    Do everything you would do if you didn't use magick. The angels will add power to your efforts and support in more mysterious ways too.
    In most cases results will be sublte. Some coincidences happen and your efforts might seem to be slightly more fruitful. Usually only when you look back after weeks or months you see how much the magick affected your life. But even then it can be subtle, definitely subtle enough that materialists will say it's just coincidence. But after months or years, all that stacks up and becomes extremely extremely statistically unlikely.
    But sometimes magick is shockingly effective and can seem miraculous. Even for beginners, but in most cases it's subtle.
    Generally the more psychic power you have, the more powerful your magick becomes.
    - Ritual 
    What is usually called a technique or practice, is called ritual in magick. It can mean ceremonial stuff like wearing robes and all that stuff, but that is only one form of magick, and definitely not necessary. I've never done that.
    The most basic ritual includes some law of attraction stuff (to clear blockages, to ensure you are not in the way of the magick) and then calling upon angels to add power.
    So it usually looks somewhat like this:
    contemplate the problem  glance at the sigil (if there are words, scan them) feel as though your dreams are already manifest. Pretend like it's already your reality  call the angel names feel gratitude  
    That's it.
    In some books the ritual is more complex. If you want you can just do this simple version and it will still work, but the more stuff you add, the more powerful the ritual becomes.
    A sigil usually consists of the angels' names in certain languages (hebrew, angelic language) or of symbols. The sigil acts like a gateway to the angels. By glancing at it you subconsciously connect with the angels.
    Here some rituals which I think might be most relevant for manifesting a great life.
    The name of the book is in brackets, all of them are by Damon Brand (except the "angels of omnipotence" that is by Jareth Tempest, and "sigils of power" that is by Adam Blackthorne)
    - Opportunities and Manifestation
    Road Opener (greater words of power) Bless an Undertaking (archangels of magick) Gain from Change (archangels of magick) Zachriel: stir up reality, create change (angels of alchemy) Kamael: improve the Quality of that which is sought (archangels of magick) Open the Road to new Opportunities (sigils of power) End bad Luck (words of power) End misfortune (mystical words of power)  
    - Insights, ideas, knowing what to do
    Obtain Wisdom (to make a decision) (words of power) receive Guidance (greater words of power) Ideas for Projects (mystical words of power) find Clarity when confused (mystical words of power)  
    - Discipline
    Peserverance (archangels of magick) complete a Task (greater words of power) strengthen Willpower over temptation (mystical words of power) dedicate yourself (words of power) overcome bad habits (greater words of power) Bualu (angels of omnipotence)  
    - Love and Attraction
    There are plenty of love rituals out there. Most of them manipulate or affect other people to a small or great extend. That's obviously not good. Rather than aiming magick at others, aim it at yourself. Use magick to become more attractive, and to support your efforts to become more attractive:
    Attract through inner Light (mystical words of power) Amiel: become more Charming and Attractive (angels of alchemy) increase Confidence (greater words of power) strengthen personal Confidence (mystical words of power) Tulatu (angels of omnipotence) And you can also do magick to cause syncronicities to meet potential partners:
    Attract a Romantic Partner (with the intention to meet a potential partner) (greater words of power) Attract Romance (sigils of power) You can essentially also do any of the above-mentioned rituals for opportunities and have the intention for syncronicities to meet a potential partner  
    - Emotional
    Relief from anxiety (mystical words of power) reconnect with your Soul (mystical words of power) improve intuition (mystical words of power) stop negative thoughts (mystical words of power) Lavel: ease sadness and depression (72 angels of magick) ease depression (sigils of power)  
    - Personal Development
    Uiazel (angels of omnipotence) Add Momentum to your Efforts (mystical words of power) Achieve more with less effort (mystical words of power) Recover your Passion (greater words of power) enhance Creativity (greater words of power) discover your true Passion (sigils of power) discover creative Talents (sigils of power) pass an exam (greater words of power) Learn with ease (sigils of power)  
    - Healing
    My favourites are the 5 healing rituals in mystical words of power  Raphael (archangels of magick) several angels for healing in 72 angels of magick  Ebuhuel (angels of omnipotence) It has nothing to do with angels, but this health subliminal is pretty good:   
    - Spiritual
    Uiazel: Enlightenment (angels of omnipotence) Lucid Dreaming (sigils of power) Dream Recall (sigils of power) Ublisi: Lucid Dreaming (angels of omnipotence) Ublisi: Dream Recall (angels of omnipotence) Metatron: Ascension (archangels of magick)  
    There are a lot more rituals in these books.
    All of the books involve angels, except the "sigils of power book", that one involves no spiritual entities.
    I listed rituals mostly from the words of power books, because these rituals are quite simple and effective. But you can also look more thoroughly into the archangels of magick, 72 angels of magick and angels of alchemy books.
    And there are still more books by Damon Brand. And you can also check out other authors:
    Ben Woodcroft Jareth Tempest  Tristan Whitespire Zanna Blaise Adam Blackthorne Rose Manning ...  
    Usually a ritual needs to be done only once.
    But when working with one angel (like Uiazel, Metatron, Amiel) (rather than using a ritual with a group of angels) with the intention of causing internal change, then repating the ritual can be valuable in order to add additional power, to keep the energy for internal change flowing more strongly. For that purpose, you can also consider doing it more the way I described in my invocation post. Invoking that angel, sitting in its presence and having a specific intention for internal change.
    These kinds of invocations are mainly for the energetic effects and the effects on your state of consciousness. And when done regularly with a certain intention, they are good for any internal change (personal development).
    In my opinion, magick is the most powerful manifestation technique. It can make life a lot easier and better. 
    I think the second most powerful manifestation technique is using Subliminals. Then next is servitors and thought forms, and next is chaos magick sigils and law of attraction stuff.
    If someone is interested in more occult practices: 

  24. Do Joe Dispenzas teachings work?
    Do Joe Dispenzas teachings work?
    Anyone here follow Joe Dispenzas and have success manifesting positive changes in their life? I’m super skeptical about this sort of thing

  25. Sleep Yoga: Conscious During Sleep (Guide)
    Sleep Yoga: Conscious During Sleep (Guide)
    Being able to remain conscious during all sleep stages is the ultimate skill. This will open doors to almost anything.
    - Introduction
    When people want to have a deep meditation, they either try to:
    (A) lower their brainwaves, and thus make their consciousness more non-dual. This includes techniques like: Kriya yoga, trance, hypnosis and the majority of all meditation techniques. (B) directly make their consciousness more non-dual. This includes contemplation and self inquiry.  When people try to get into lower brainwaves, they usually start from their everyday waking consciousness. This works, but it will take ages (lifetimes for most people) till you get into really deep brainwaves - even if you do very direct techniques like trance.
    We already spend 8 hours each day in very deep brainwaves. Why not take advantage of that? So rather than trying to bring lower brainwaves to waking cosnciousness (tirelessly trying to lower your brainwaves during the day), we can try to bring consciousness to lower brainwaves. 
    That is sleep yoga.
    - Benefits of Sleep Yoga
    All of your dreams will be lucid (2 hours each night) During the rest of the night (light and deep sleep) you can either abide in deep non-dual awareness (by far deeper than any normal meditations), or astral project as much as you like. You gain 8 hours each day (~ 3 000 hours each year) No lapse of consciousness upon physical death.  
    This is obviously very significant for enlightenment. Apart from that, it will benefit you in so many ways. Merely the 2 hours of lucid dreaming each night will radically transform your psyche. Here I wrote about reasons why to bother about OBEs: 
    - Difficulty
    Monks usually require many years of training till they are able to remain conscious during sleep. It takes long because their techniques are not Fire. They usually consist of standard meditation, waking up a couple of times during the night and visualization techniques.
    I've lately done a lot of research and experimenting and tried to combine all the hacks and tricks I found. This should make the process a lot quicker.
    Before I get to the technique, let's first lay a foundation. (or jump to "Chapter 2: The Technique")
    Chapter 1 : Sleep - 1. Basics
    During the night you go through several sleep cycles, each around 90 minutes long. Sleep cycles consists of:
    - N1( light sleep). Only when falling asleep.
    - N2 (light sleep):
    Usually around 50-60% of your sleep. N2 is the ideal sleep stage to wake up from - N3 (deep sleep = SWS = slow wave sleep):
    Important for regeneration Around 20-25 % of your sleep. You need typically 60-120 minutes of SWS. defined as having more than 20% of delta brain waves.  Majority of SWS during your first few sleep cycles - REM  (rapid eye movement) :
    Here you have most of your dreams brainwaves somewhat similar to your waking state sleep paralysis so you don't act out your dreams 20-25% of your night  you need 60-90 min of REM As the night progresses, each sleep cycle contains more and more REM A sleep cycle usually begins with N2. Then N3 then N2 again and then REM.
    - 2. Segmented Sleep
    About polyphasic Sleep: .
    Segmented sleep means dividing your sleep into 2 segments: See and .
    SWS peak is usually at 9-12 pm. And REM peak is at 6-9 am. Sleeping during these times means most efficient SWS and REM. More about that here: and here:
    - 2.1 Benefits of segmented sleep:
    Having a REM core with little or no SWS is perfect for trying to learn sleep yoga, more on that later You have a heightened likelihood for lucid dreaming during the REM core because of the high REM percentage and the long time awake after your SWS core. You basically have a very long WBTB (wake back to bed). The longer a WBTB, the more effective.  Prolactin surge benefits: If you sleep monophasically, you can't cover both SWS and REM peaks. Thus segmented sleep is more efficient. ... therefore you need less total amount of sleep Yogis say that the time at around 3-5 am is most valuable for meditation If you usually sleep 8 hours, you could schedule a 3 h SWS core and a 4.5 h REM core.
    The time between the SWS and REM core should be at least 2 hours. Ideally 3-4 hours. Otherwise your body treats it as interrupted sleep rather than segmented sleep and you don't get all the benefits. More time between your cores also means that you cover more of the SWS and REM peak.
    Segmented sleep is not something to do occasionally. You need to do it every night, otherwise you will just be tired and not get all the benefits. Your body needs 1-2 weeks to adapt to the schedule.
    Segmented sleep is not necessary, but it can help a lot. Alternatively, you could just sleep for 4-6 hours and then either add a normal WBTB or just go straight to the techniques.
    - 3. SWS Core
    - 3.1 Binaural beats
    If you listen to delta binaural beats, you increase the duration and depth (decrease the brainwave frequency even further) of your SWS. For example, in this study ( )   they played 3 Hz delta binaural beats when the subjects were in N2. Thus, some N2 turned into N3. The length of N3 increased by 30% (N3 length of first two nights without binaural beats was 93 min. On the next night, with binaurals, N3 was 126 min). The subjects were probably new to binaural beats. If you have already trained your brain with binaural beats, the effect could possibly be even more drastic.
    Using a sleep tracking device might be helpful to keep track of your SWS.
    I recommend you try the binaural beats from Jody Hatton. Either on youtube:   
    or on his website. you decide the price for a download.
    Sleeping with headphones might not be the most comfortable. But it can be worth it. Delta binaural beats are only interesting for your SWS core. Instead of over ear headphones, you could also use headband headphones like these: they are more comfortable to sleep with. But might have lower quality.
    I don't recommend opting for isochronic tones for delta sleep. They do have the benefit of not neading headphones, but they are said to be inefficient to entrain you to delta brainwaves.
    - 3.2 Melatonin
    Melatonin is important for SWS. How to optimize Melatonin levels:
    Only red lights 2-3 hours before bed (or no light). You can buy red light. Or wear blue light blocking glasses (preferably should block green light as well) or use apps on your mobile phone and pc (for example "Flux") which filter blue light. Sleep in total darkness. Either buy something to block all light from your windows or just take a huge sheet of black carton and tape it over your window. Thats what I do. It takes around 1 minute each morning and night to tape/remove. You could also use a sleep mask. But then, a small amount of light is still registered by your skin. But that is probably negligible. enough (sun)light during the day. decalcify your pineal gland fasting can increase melatonin levels as well. - 3.3 Schedule
    For our sleep yoga practice, we prefer to have all our SWS during the SWS core. So the REM core can be fully dedicated to Sleep yoga practices.
    If you want to get the most out of each night, you also want to have as little light sleep and REM during your SWS core. You want these in your REM core so your REM core is longer and you have more time to practice each night (First we learn to be conscious during light sleep and REM, and only then do we try it during SWS). Depending on your personal SWS needs (which can vary a lot) and depending on how well you can optimize a sleep cycle for maximum SWS, you can choose following SWS core lengths.
    6h: easy 4.5h: Healthy and comfortable  3h: for serious practitioners 1.5h: not recommended  I think you don't need to strictly schedule according to the 90 min sleep cycle rythm. You can extend it if you want.
    A very unrecommended polyphasic sleep schedule - Everyman 4 :  - has only one 90 minute SWS core plus 4 short naps for REM. Someone who follows that schedule tries to get all 90 minutes of SWS requirement into the 90 minute core, which is close to impossible. For our use, if you perfectly optimized it and extended the length from 90 to 100-110 minutes, you might be able to get 70-90 min SWS into a 110 min SWS core. But beware, if you shorten your SWS core too much, you risk SWS creeping in to your REM core.
    - 4. Core Gap
    Once your body adapted to the new schedule, you won't be as tired during it After spending some minutes on my mobile phone, I'm fully awake. Make sure your devices block blue light. And I use a red light. And I also listen to gamma binaural beats. I like these: and and (Use google translate for the website.) The "core gap" is a good time for meditative practces, just make sure you don't fall asleep. If you are likely to fall asleep during meditation, then do it right at the beginning or end of the core gap. So you still have at least 2 hours of continued wakefulness. I recommend spending a few minutes of hard-core concentration at the end of your core gap, as a preparation for your REM core practice.  
    - 5. REM Core
    -5.1 Basics
    Your REM core should ideally consist of only light sleep and REM. Consider:
    Getting enough SWS during your SWS core Having your REM core during or close after the REM peak Applying tricks for lighter sleep You will set MANY alarms which wake you up all the time, giving you plenty of opportunitues and optimal conditions to practice.
    - 5.2 Gamma brain waves
    I believe they are the key for being conscious during sleep. Monks have increased gamma acrivity during non-REM sleep: .  The significance of 40 Hz for lucid dreaming: . I guess, the main difference of brainwaves during sleep, between a sleep yogi and a normal person, is gamma activity. The more gamma (and beta) you have, the more alert/aware you are. So if we want to be aware during sleep, we need more gamma during sleep.
    How to have more gamma during sleep:
    gamma brainwave entrainment audios during sleep.   Applying the tools for having"Lighter Sleep" (more on that later) day-time meditation practices (more on that later)  
    - 5.3 Schedule
    If you are concerned about your sleep, then do the practices only for 1-3h, and then turn off all alarms, go back to sleep and sleep as long as your body wants. Depending on how easily you tend to fall asleep on any given day, you spontaneuosly decide for the right amount of "lighter sleep" tools.  
    - 6. Lighter Sleep
    - 6.1 Benefits
    You are closer to the awake/asleep threshold. That means a) it is easier to retain consciousness while falling asleep and b) it is easier to stay in that state. The deeper your sleep gets, the greater the risk of losing consciousness decreased risk of SWS creeping in increased likelihood for DILDs, WILDs and DEILDs better dream recall  - 6.2 How to have lighter sleep:
    - 6.2.1 Body Position:
    Level1: Turn in bed 180 degrees. So your head is now where your feet used to be. Level 2: lie on the floor.  Level 3: Be in an inclined position. for example of 60 degrees.  Level 4: Sleep sitting upright with head support.  Level 5: Upright with no head support. That is particularly good, because everytime you fall asleep, your head drops and wakes you up. Thus it is easier to get closer to the awake/asleep threshold. - 6.2.2 Noise
    Tv or music.  listen to a hypnosis audios about falling asleep.  
    - 6.2.3 Gamma brainwave entrainment:
    I listen to these binaural beats during my REM Core: . You can cutt off the beginning and end so that it's only in the relevant frequency of 25-45 Hz. I listen them during my whole REM core. Another option are these 40 Hz isochronic tones: . But I only listened to them once, I found the binaural beats more effective. But they have the advantage of not needing headphones. - 6.2.3 Discomfort.
    Level 1: wearing headphones Level 2: Add any discomfort you can think of Level 3: Hold your arm up vertically. Ellbow supported on the matress. - 6.2.4 Alarm clocks
    Level 1: Every 15-30 min. It turns itself off. So you have a lower likelihood of waking up if you are in a somewhat deeper sleep.  Level 2: Every 8-12 min. Alarm needs to be manually turned off. (you press snooze. So it will ring in a few minutes again) Level 3: Every 3-8 min. Alarm needs to be manually turned off Some alarm clock apps are able to play the alarm through your headphones only.
    - 6.2.5 Light: 
    Level 1: Leave on some red light Level 2: Remove your curtains from the windows just before your REM core Level 3: Turn on artificial light. Light will have a negative impact on your melatonin levels. In terms of melatonin, we are most concerned about it's effects on SWS sleep. So light after your SWS sleep is relatively fine. It is recommended that one spends 8-10 hours in darkness (or at least red light rather than blue light) each day. So if you turn off normal lighting 3 h before your SWS core, then have a 3 h SWS core, followed by a 3 h core gap, you have 9h.
    - 6.2.6 Others:
    Intention  uncomfortable temperature   
    Chapter 2: The Technique Our approach consists of:
    SWS Core Core Gap REM Core + Alarm Clocks  and there you practice "Conscious Falling Asleep"  
    - 1. Getting yourself closer to sleep
    Some tips:
    Reverse Blinking. Thats very effective to get tired very quickly. Close your eyes for 2-7 seconds, then open them briefly. Continue till you are very tired. Hypnotic suggestions/affirmations "sleepy" Concentrate on the "sleepiness" sensation and deepen it Pretend having fallen asleep  
    - 2. Awake/Asleep Threshold Tools
    Everything I listed under "Lighter Sleep" can be helpful to remain conscious during the awake/asleep threshold. Particularly powerful is:
    Holding up your arm vertically, ellbow resting on the mattress. Sleeping sitting without head support. When you fall asleep, your arm or head will sink/fall down and wake you up.
    - 3. Deepen your Trance
    When trying to fall asleep, you are basically in trance. When you deepen your trance, you get your body closer to sleep. But apart from that it also alters your consciousness in a different way (than just using normal tips like those listed under "getting yourself closer to sleep") which can be helpful for conscious falling asleep.
    - Tips for deepening your trance:
    Falling sensation. Either visualize how you are somewhere else - in a visualized body - and experience a falling sensation there (literally falling, going down steps, elevator, etc...) or 'stay' with your consciousness in your physical body and visualize the falling sensation there (I personally prefer that). Try to visualize the sensation you have in your gut when being on a roller coster.  
    Use Hypnosis. Here I wrote in detail about hypnosis (keep in mind, when I wrote older posts, I had less understanding):   
    Use your Hypnotic Triggers. You can anchor every state of consciousness. so for example anchor being sleepy with the word "sleepy", or anchor going into a deep trance with visualizing going downstairs. Hypnotic Triggers are like key words for your subconscious that tell it what state of consciousness to produce.  
    Visualize it into being. Visualize how you are in a very deep trance. Visualize having no more body sensations and being in the void. It's hard to expplain how exactly to do it, but it works.  
    Visualize how you are expanding. Expand your consciousness to include your room, then house, etc. It is said that this produces more theta brainwaves   
    Fractionation: A hypnotic induction technique. The idea is to get out of trance and then immediately go back down. If done skillfully, you will end up deeper than where you started.  One way to do it is to count from 1 to 3 (feeling how you are getting more out of trance with every number), open your eyes, count down from 3 to 1 (feeling how you are getting deeper), and closing your eyes again.  
    Dissociation from the body. Some possibilities: Pretend that you are lying in bed upside down. Your head where  your feet used to be. Till you are actually convinced. The axis going from your feet to your head. Visualize turning around that axis. Like you are rolling in bed.  Visualize how you are in a visualized body in your room. Turn around and look at your physical body  
    Try to induce the sensations of your body: becoming heavy.  quickly shrinking, expanding, shrinking, expanding, .... feeling strange  becoming weightless having no sensations melting with the room fading out of existence  
    Completely surrender. And use some of your non-dual hypnotic triggers  
    Visualize how you are in a visualized body somewhere. For example in your kitchen. Try to immerse yourself in these visualizations as much as possible. This produces deep theta brainwaves. And the more often you change your environment (particularly using doors, floors, etc) the more theta brainwaves are produced. So they say at least.  
    some say looking up with your eyes to the 3rd eye helps  
    Amnesia: Try to forget your body. Forget the physical universe  
    Pretend like you are moving your astral arm. And you could try any OBE exit technique  
    All of these could also induce an OBE. If they do, great, but their actual purpose is to help in conscious falling asleep.
    - 4. Anchors
    In order to remain conscious while your body falls asleep, it's recommended to have an anchor to focus on. (In past posts I used the word "anchor" as being a trigger for a state of consciousness. To avoid confusion, I use in this post "hypnotic trigger" for that instead). 
    - Anchors:
    any mantra works but for our purpose I would use sth like "mind awake, body asleep" so you also benefit from its affirmative effect. Awareness itself. just try to remain conscious Any trance deepeners The True Self Hypnagogic images or sounds counting your breath chakras any sensations  visualizations  
    - 5. FILD
    Finger induced Lucid Dreaming. It is usually used as a form of DEILD (or WILD) in order to induce a lucid dream. The technique is very effective at keeping you awake while your body falls asleep. Lucid dreamers use it to lucid dream, but we can just as well use it for general conscious falling asleep. I actually believe that this might be the key for conscious falling asleep (in combination with the other points I wrote).
    You alternate slightly moving your middle and index finger of one hand. As if playing piano. The movement must be extremely tiny. Just keep doing it and decrease the range of motion. Eventually your fingers shouldn't be moving any more at all (or only less than a millimeter). But the information to move is still delivered to your fingers. The tendons and muscles might be moving or tensing slightly. You find more detailed tutorials on the internet, like: And on reddit are countless FILD threads as well, including impressive success stories.
    You could say FILD, is just another anchor. But I believe it is more powerful than other anchors. Actually moving a body part seems to keep the mind more awake (perhaps by activating an additional/different brain region). And the movement is so tiny that it doesn't prevent your body from falling asleep.
    For the purpose of lucid dreaming, FILD is usually only done for 20-120 seconds (then you should just fall asleep and try later again). But we will just keep wiggling until we made the transition.
    - 6. Reviewing the keys
    The following points are the most significant. Most monks are not aware of them, that's why we can achieve sleep yoga quicker.
    REM core without SWS MANY alarm clocks Gamma brainwave training Reverse Blinking  awake/asleep threshold tools (hand up, sitting + no head support) Trance deepeners FILD   
    Our goal is that the body falls asleep, while retaining consciousness. For that to happen the body must be tired (which is achieved by the many alarm clocks, when they wake you up, your body is still in sleep mode and wants to return as quickly as possible. And by reverse blinking, trance deepeners and by sleep deprivation, in case you end up being sleep deprived) while your mind must be alert (which is achieved through the "lighter sleep" tools and anchors). To achieve that, some astral projectors, would go for one night without sleep (body tired) and then trink coffee (mind alert) before going to sleep the next day.
    - 7.  Simplified Technique Overview
    Upon waking you do either of these (or a combination):
    Just try to remain conscious while your body falls asleep awake/asleep threshold tools Trance deepeners focus on anchors FILD  
    - 8. Tips 
    You can also experiment with using strong intention. Jus don't allow your mind to fall asleep.  You need balance between concentrating too tightly and too loosely If you notice you are about to lose consciousness, open your eyes. Regain consciousness and then close them while using your hypnotic triggers. This sudden fractionation could be enough to send your body one step closer to sleep whlile retaining consciousness  You can switch between sitting and lying during your REM core Reverse FILD: Suddenly stop the finger movements and pretend you fell asleep. When you can't fall asleep during your REM core, keep being conscious and see it as awareness practice, thus no time is wasted It's very easy to end up half-heartedly doing the technique upon waking up and then very quickly fall back asleep. When you wake up, strengthen your intention and determination first.  
    Chapter 3: Daily Practices - 1. Conscious falling asleep (during your REM core)
    - 2. Perfect concentration
    When you are very alert and have perfect concentration you produce more gamma brainwaves. Spend every day 5-10 min of perfect forced concentration. Don't allow thoughts. Don't allow anything other than what you are focusing on. 
    I usually focus on being extremely alert. Alert of whether there are thoughts. If a thought appears immediately cut it off. Don't even allow subtle thoughts. 
    You can also listen to gamma brainwave entrainment at the same time.
    - 3. Relaxed awareness 
    Spend every day 5-15 min doing relaxed awareness. The objective is to stay aware. And allow everything to happen.  Allow all thoughts and passively observe them. That's alpha brainwaves (and some theta).  But don't lose your awareness. Aim for zero lapse of awareness. That's the gamma (and beta) brainwaves.
    This is the sate of mind you need during conscious falling asleep. Relaxed and passive, yet uninterrupted awareness.
    - 4. ADA periods
    Doing all day awareness (ada) surely helps for conscious falling asleep but I don't think ada is worth the effort. Effort/Benefit ratio is poor. 
    Instead, I recommend you do ada only for a short period - like 2 to 10 minutes - around 1-3 times a day. Perhaps while driving, cooking, exercising. Just do your normal activity while trying to stay conscious.
    - 5. Binaural beats during the day
    All the above practices develop your gamma brainwave skills. Additionally you can listen to gamma (and other frequencies) brainwave entrainment while doing daily activities like reading, cooking, etc. I wrote about that here: 
    - 6. LOA Visualizations 
    Visualize everyday for 1-3 min how you are successful at sleep yoga. Know that this is true. If your memories say otherwise, regard them as false memories.
    You can apply all LOA stuff for sleep yoga. Here i mentioned some more LOA stuff: 
    - 7. Trance 
    Trance practice is not required but can be helpful.
    - 7.1 Procedure
    Strengthen your intention and LOA visualize how your session will unfold Get to your awake/tired sweet spot: (Reverse Blinking, hypnotic trigger, suggestions) Body relaxation: body scan, progressive muscle relaxation, tensing/relaxing muscles, visualize a light relaxing your muscles. You could also stretch, move and massage some muscles beforehand) Mental Relaxation Hypnotic suggestions Trance Deepeners and using your Hypnotic Triggers Listening to Guided Hypnosis or freestyle.
    0-60 min each day, as you believe necessary.
    - 7.2 Tips
    body and mind relaxation is crucial. it is the foundation for altered sates. Don't wave them aside, thinking they are not worth doing. I made that mistake and wasted a lot of time therefore. Once I realized the importance of body relaxation, I spent a few days - 2-4 hours each day - only trying to relax the body.  The objective is to get alpha and theta brainwaves. So practice when you are tired, because then it is far easier to enter these brainwaves. Find your sweet spot, of tired enough but still able to resist falling asleep. Exhaustion. It has a similiar effect like being tired. Hypnotic suggestions are more easily absorbed and it is easier to surrender into trance. Here I wrote more about exhaustion, including it's value in terms of enlightenment:  Use hypnosis (see my hypnosis thread) Use brainwave entrainment   
    Chapter 4: Stages of Progress  
    - Stage 1
    Getting close to the awake/asleep threshold for brief moments, but then being immediately snapped back
    - Stage 2
    Able to stay conscious while the body falls asleep. But after a few moments, you either lose consciousness or are snapped back.
    - Stage 3 
    Able to reliable stay conscious while the body falls asleep (during your REM core of course) and smoothly transition into a lucid dream.
    - Stage 4
    Able to enter the void. No, or almost no sensations of your body left
    - Stage 5
    Able to remain in this void during your whole REM core (both light sleep and REM)
    - Stage 6
    You stopped your segmented sleep schedule. You can retain consciousness while sinking into deep sleep, but are not able to hold it there for long
    - Stage 7
    Able to stay conscious during the whole night
    - Stage 8
    Able to enter epsilon brainwaves during deep sleep without losing consciousness 
    - Stage 9
    Able to enter the exact same depth, in your meditation during the day, when you are not tired.
    - Stage 10
    Able to do that in less than 5 minutes.
    - Stage 11
    Able to do that while sitting
    - Stage 12
    Able to do that while walking. You are able to split your consciousness. One part is astral projecting on Mars, while a small portion of your consciousness remains in your physical body, cleaning the kitchen.
    Chapter 5: Resources and Notes - 1. Resources
    There is not much information out there about Dream Yoga.
    - In this post I mentioned it a bit: 
    - Books:
    Dream Yoga by Andrew Holecek The Tibetan yogas of dream and sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Dreaming Yourself Awake by B. Alan Wallace. - Forum posts:
    - A Website:
    - 2. Depth of Sleep Yoga
    Some reports of being conscious during sleep, don't appear as fantastic as one would expect. I guess it's the same as with psychedelics. The average person might take 700 ug of LSD without getting nondual, while a spiritual seeker might get completely blown away by 300 ug. How deep your mystical experiences are (for psychedelics and sleep yoga alike) depends on many factors but the biggest are:
    your baseline consciousness  self-inquiry / contemplation skills surrender skills intention (for pyschedelics, there are some more, like personal tolerance etc).
    - 3. My progress so far
    I had tried WILD a few times a year ago with zero success.
    I have done quite a lot of meditation during the past 2 years. But I don't think this is required or provides a huge advantage compared to someone who hasn't done any meditation so far. A few months of the above-mentioned Sleep yoga practice, is more valuable in terms of sleep yoga progress than 3 years of meditation.
    I started my sleep yoga practice around 3 weeks ago. My attention has been mainly on figuring out the right technique/schedule rather than trying to actually achieve sleep yoga (but I did try, of course). Now I'm finally somewhat satisfied with the technique, so the real practice starts tomorrow.
    So far I'm roughly at progress stage 1. 
    I'm gonna keep updating.