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Everything posted by Vincent S
Vincent S replied to Barna's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Fear of death is only for the ego and the separate self that think it is not a part of everything else. But passing this fear is and can be the hardest thing to do as a separate self. Because all your life, you have been buying in to this dream and everything about it. Including this thing called death. Fear of death is really a huge fear of having to be selfless, and stop caring only about yourself, and start caring about reality as a whole. The ego will hijack this truth with giving you/us a HUGE fear of death. Death is an illusion. But it is the roughest illusion there can ever be, because there Is so much stored up deception, thoughts, emotions, fear and a primordial weight around it. Even though I have been through my fear of death during 50+ trips, and thought I already moved past this. I was surprised few weeks ago during a DMT trip where I was being strangulated with love by God. Because I had asked so thoroughly what REAL AWAKENING was. And of course, it is behind this primordial fear of death. I went through the biggest trauma of my life. Because I had feared death since I was a child. I was becoming Infinite, while I was being choked to death by God. And the love of Reality. And I resisted it of course, because my fear of death was apparently greater than becoming one with God. Until a few days later where I told myself that I wasn't going to live with this fear anymore. I was so done with this crap. Having to fear this for 25+ years. I took 3-4 tabs of LSD and deliberately went in to a deep state of meditation, and stopped my heart. I passed out after that, and went through THE BIGGEST awakening ever. And saw the illusion of life, outside this dream. I was EVERYTHING. And my fear of death, was really my fear of being EVERYTHING. My fear of death, was owning it to myself that I was God. Or shall I say: There Is Only God. My body passed out for I don't know how long, while I was going through this transformation. And I became so Conscious that I became unconscious. I could have been there forever. But I didn't really know I was gone, until I came back. I returned to "my body" and It was the most surreal experience of my life. I'm still shocked that I am living and that I still Am. But I live with the joy of life and appreciation for what is. Rather than fearing what may be, or what will happen in the future. -
Saw this on discord the other day and thought I would share. It's quite useful. Even though It's not advised to combine drugs. But here is a sheet of info for the combinations to look out for, if you decide to combine any.
I think you replied to the wrong person. I think your reply was maybe to @Yarco Do you buddy. Nobody forcing you to change your ways.
That video is real sad. Looks like a lot of people who are not supplementing right and eating the right amounts/right stuff that they really need. Being on a raw food lifestyle requires a bit of knowledge about what it is you are doing. I have been on a plant based diet for 10 years and just switched to a raw diet. I'm more energized than ever before. There are a lot of unhealthy ways to be vegan/plant based, and a lot of ways of being healthy. Just like the ways you can be unhealthy and healthy on animal based diets. Even though I don't really see the former being something optimal for everyone included. The planet, the animals and people's health. But speaking to people about their number one survival requirement can get people really really riled up. This guy is a year short of 60 and he looks younger than most 30 year olds I know. He has been a raw foodist for almost 30 years.
Vincent S replied to Vincent S's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Exactly the way you wan't it -
If you feel stuck in where you are, however far you think you have gone there in that direction, just know that it can go in that direction forever. As far as you want to take it. And it becomes hard to accept how far you have gone. But how can this be shown to you? Other than your reality getting painted in a perfect way to reflect this back to yourself, and to show you what you have become and where you are going. Your reality becomes your perfect mirror. Question is: Are you willing to open your eyes and watch yourself in the mirror? Accept what you have become? Realize that it is a story you are telling yourself? If you are tired of telling this story about yourself. Then challenge that story and tell a new one. Be someone new every single day and open yourself up to feel and experience new things. But at the end of the day, realize that you are not the stories... you are the Author of them. Don't forget that. I know it can be hard to accept that. Because you have been telling yourself stories for a long time. But that too is a story... You see where I am going with this? Peekaboo, I see you...
@TRUTHWITHCAPITALT It doesn't get any better than that. Good one!
Vincent S replied to Nahm's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I was lost... And I'm still lost... But, I feel so much better You can travel the world But you can't run away From the person you are in your heart You can be who you want to be Make us believe in you Keep all your light in the dark If you're searching for truth You must look in the mirror And make sense of what you can't see Just be... Just be... They say learning to love yourself Is the first step That you take what you want to be real But flying on planes to exotic locations Won't teach you how you really feel Face up to the fact That you are who you are And nothing can change that belief Just be... Just be... Cause now I know It's not so far To where I go The hardest part is inside me I need... To just be... To just be... Just be!!! <3 <3 <3 -
Haha good one! My shoes are like the white sneakers. They be hella mad when they get dirty. Always wanting me to keep them clean
Vincent S replied to Vincent S's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hahaha that's hilarious. I have sorta passed out on a high ayahuasca dose, where I fell on the bathroom floor and I became the floor and felt so peaceful being bathroom floor tiles. It felt so cold, solid and smooth. Quite refreshing actually Best is when you are out walking and you see another human who walkes on the grass and you feel the grass screaming: "Hey do you mind walking on the hard concrete ground? Rather then stepping on me? Jeeeeeezzzz" >.<
Wow this is some amazing content. Thanks for sharing
Hard to tell, that brand doesn’t say much about its nutrition. Try this one:
Well, it’s your own highest beauty, so I agree. ??? Right back at ya ?
If you feel called to do a 5MEO trip. Do a 5MEO trip. Don’t let yourself be run by the fear. You have Infinite Beauty waiting behind it. You just have to be willing to face yourself so thoroughly. My first ever psychedelic was 5MEO. Without any preparations other than a willing heart for Change, Acceptance and Truth. But if you want a tip, practice self love. 5MEO will just amplify that times Infinity and give it back to you in the Highest sense. Surrender, Smile and open up widely for God to come love you.
Vincent S replied to Ones's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Sounds like you have invited Nothingness in to your life. Welcome her in and let her wash it all away. ???? -
I hear ya. Coffee is so fragrant and gives a lot of comfort. Shame it has many side effects. Good news is. You can get the same comfort with the recipe above. Without the side effects. ✨ Also, do note that Raw Cacao Powder is not Cocoa Powder, which is for baking. Similar names ? You want Raw Cacao Powder in your “coffee”. Otherwise it is going to be too bitter ?
I’m quite sensitive to caffeine. Always have been. So, 1 cup a day is more than enough. But if you are used to drink multiple cups, then maybe start with 2. And see if you need more. Also do try the recipe above. That’s like 2-3 cups worth of alertness. But with lots less caffeine. Also do note that when you drink coffee and caffeine. Part of the reason why we get so tired and addicted to it, is because coffee really makes you dehydrated. As much coffee as you drink, the double amount of water your body is going to demand out of you. And if we don’t compensate for that, then the body will send signals of thirst and dehydration, which can also show up as more tiredness and slow reproductivity. And then we drink more coffee to quiet that down. So it becomes a bad circle. @Knowledge Hoarder Not saying that you do. Just saying how it is generally. But alternatives to coffee; such as tea, cocoa powder, or nootropic/mushroom coffee, have less of a dehydration component. But you still need to drink sufficient amounts of water and give your body the main liquid it needs.
Vincent S replied to Vincent S's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thank you ?? ? -
Why exactly is the past and the future Imaginary? I just had a deep sense and realization of the fact that that what I experienced in the past is Imaginary. Because I imagined it first, and then got to experience/live it in the Now. I have been putting off listening to Leo's Deconstructing Myth Of Science videos for a while now. And while watching part 3, I came to the realization that I Imagined watching that video before. And now I'm getting to live/experience/listen to it "live". But I of course realized that all that is happening in one Instant, in the Now. There was no "past" me Imagining it, there is no future me deciding to watch it: It's all happening in the NOW. But my mind has (past tense) been so focused on linear progression and been programmed with a certain way of looking at Reality. Even the Imagining of the mind being focused (past tense) on linear progression and programmed (past tense) is looking at the situation in a linear fashion that is heavily time oriented. That itself is the fabric of its limitations and expansions/liberation happening in the Now. But as the finite separate pieces of itself. it can choose to look at the situation in one way or the other. And its experience will be exactly mirrored on to itself, by its way of looking at it. And once it has looked from both angles, it can choose to look at it as a whole single happening. Then, what is Now is what Is, has been, will ever be, and at the same time wouldn't have ever happened. It's just a perfect loop of Nothingness appearing as Something-ness and then looping back in on itself. Your/our reality is just a construction and deconstruction that is happening at the same time. But we separate the happenings in to linear moments and separated objects that we watch the entirety of the play from. And that play itself Is just what God is. The ability to create yourself, experience yourself, and to destroy yourself. Like an artist which uses one hand to draw something beautiful, and use the other hand to erase what it is creating. At the same time, but then the animation is live, because it is constantly moving, changing, evolving and morphing. Everything I ever experienced and will experience, is pages of a flip book animation. And of course, even beyond that, being the creator of the flip book, is then watched by another me, watching me, drawing the flip book animation of me watching a flip book animation. I'm sure you are getting where this is going. Or shall I say: I'm (you the reader) sure I'm getting where this is going.
Hey, we all play roles to help each other out. But sometimes it goes unnoticed and often they get misunderstood. It’s all good. “We are all lovers” Lisa Cairns
Yeah that would be real nice. From experience. DMT has no tolerance. But 2cb has some, same with shrooms and LSD. Like a few days up to a week. Noticed some cross tolerance between 2cb and LSD. Personally think it’s best to leave 10-14 days between them. Probably different for us all. Also noticed that diet and nutrition plays a good role in this too. Normally I wait 14 days between trips. But im in a period where I have more time on my hands. And can work on the things I want to work on. Edit: just noticed your other comment about elimination period. That’s a good one, need to look in to that a little more ?
I haven’t had coffee for years really. Because it’s always too much. And it had negative effects when coming down or crashing down. Leaving room to just drink more and to get addicted. But with raw cacao powder, it doesn’t give you that skyhigh effect, and doesn’t leave you exhausted when it comes down. It is much smoother. Also have a good recipe for mushroom/nootropic’s coffee: (feel free to experiment with the amounts, if you like mild or strong) Quarter to half a teaspoon of Chaga mushroom powder. Quarter to half a teaspoon of Reishi mushroom powder. Quarter to half a teaspoon of Cacao powder. Optional: Quarter to half a teaspoon of Lions mane mushroom powder. Pinch of cinnamon/cardamom/pumpkin spice. Mix your dry ingredients in your cup. Add hot boiling water, and stir while pouring in the water. So you don’t get lumps. If you like it neat and strong, drink it like that. Otherwise add some oat milk/almond milk, or milk of your choice. Enjoy your day full of productiveness/alertness. ✨
I understand what you mean. You are saying: Why even bring up the chart, because by even sharing this, will end up baiting or triggering people into combining drugs. No, because people are responsible for their own actions and lives. My intention with sharing this was to have people informed about the potential risks. It was in the name of harm reduction. But of course I can see that this can cause the opposite effect. Also shows you how much everything is boiled down to perception and assumptions. You see what you want to see. While there can be other ways of seeing the thing you think you are seeing. Thank you for your feedback. ??
Cacao is a great source of caffein imo. It gives a sense of alertness with a touch of balance, that I was never able to get with coffee. Highly recommend buying raw cacao powder and mixing it with some hot water or some hot almond milk and some cinnamon. Or even mixing some cacao powder in to a smoothie.