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Everything posted by Bando

  1. I stopped watching Leo because I thought his stuff was impractical to my life then I watched this this video and soooo many pieces clicked together it, was really beautiful won't forget it.
  2. What sucks about is that I get the feeling most Americans are like this, decent people who just get by paycheck to paycheck, this is why I value education and developing proper life skills so much. Its way too easy to be manipulated when you don't even have the education to know better
  3. I mean if a person is able to hire 10-15 workers I'm assuming the company must be doing good, so what's to stop them from banning together and suing for sexual harassment and get a settlement from it? I dunno about you but the possibility of getting sued and paying out a large settlement isn't worth 20min of happy happy fun time.
  4. Your long awaited pick up stories would be cool to hear, but as long as you end the video with your famous 30min speeches I'll be happy, also make it your longest video.
  5. I actually second this as well, it may seem like common sense but in order to bust through limiting beliefs you must both understand them and actually "force" yourself to to come up with better and positive beliefs and only focus on them. Its difficult but you must train your mind to act in this frame. I recently went through this a while back when I told my clients my price for my services are being doubled. It took a while for me to believe my work was good enough for this price, but I kept challenging my beliefs and actively looked for ways to make them positive and come from a place of abundance. Questioning and understanding your limiting believes and then beating the shit out of them with positivity is what I found works best.
  6. Wanted to shout out "Voice of North Korea by Yeonmi Park" Youtube channel. Very eye opening channel about North Korean defector explaining through first hand experience on the living conditions there. Its amazing how she was able to overcome deep stage blue/red propaganda and move herself up to stage orange values really inspiring. But this video in particular caught my attention. The hypocrisy and deep ignorance of North Korean high officials is sometimes to baffling it like art
  7. @ShardMare If im being honest I wouldn't be taking spirituality as serious as you are at this age. Without proper integration of "lower stages" like making money, dating, sexuality, making quality friends, building a strong work ethic, learning how to learn properly, understanding you emotions, your spirituality will become naive and you could possibly become a zen devil. As a 15 year old you have so much karma to burn and its not easy practicing spirituality in high school when your surrounding yourself with such low conscious people 24/7 If you keep mediating and contemplating you will have a mystical experience but it won't mean shit if you can't make friends or socialize or even make your own money. I would say not to focus on enlightenment or anything like that but build strong foundation of mediating and becoming more aware of your mind-body connection. Also buy life purpose course take your $250 you were going to spend on a game console or clothes and just buy the dam course this will literally save you years, even decades. You probably won't understand everything but your perspective on what you do for a living will change for better, good luck!
  8. Yea I can understand the position your in but I gotta tell it to you straight focusing on your life purpose is hard if you don't have your survival needs met. How far are you into your grad school? Would it be even worth while quitting? Would your parents be ok with you dropping your grad school for a lower paying job to help with the bills? How committed are you to your side project, could you do it after school? This is a very personal decision, that needs to be covered at multiple angles. Try asking yourself these questions and see how you feel but always remember your survival needs need to be met first before you can thrive.
  9. The only thing you can do is lead by example, most people you will encounter don't even understand self-improvement is an actual thing let aloe spirtuialty and non-duality.
  10. @28 cm unbuffed Besides the obvious health risk why do want to stop smoking in the first place? Try asking yourself "Do I really want to stop smoking anyway?" When I had my weed addiction I would ask myself this question and most times I didn't really want to quit this habit even though I knew it was bad. I would continue to smoke anyway but I made sure I was mindful of the whole process from wrapping the weed all the way to finishing the joint. After about 2 months of this process I just started becoming more conscious of the limitations of smoking weed and gradually stopped. Haven't smoked a weed in about 2 years now and don't have any cravings for it what so ever. I'd give some Counter Intuitive advice and tell you to keep smoking BUT make sure you're mindful about the whole process. The more mindful you are of this process the quicker you will see its limitations and just outgrow it. Good luck
  11. ATLA really is a gem, I too was shocked when I heard that yogi talk about about non-duality especially on a "kids show." You really appreciate shows like this as you become a more conscious human being.
  12. Wow really went out on that website didn't ya What led you into spirituality or this forum in particular? Just curious
  13. PUA=learning how to build attraction there's no doubt about it but you must learn from many different sources to make sure you don't fall into an ideology trap. Pick up honestly speaking should never be pursued more than 5 years, once you're able to implicitly understand women and attraction, drop it and go work on other areas of your life its really that simple.
  14. Glad to see he's turning his life around and helping others, this man used to be one ruthless muthafucka back in his prime!
  15. By no means is Mike Tyson enlightened but at the end of the day an enlightened person does what they want. It's easy to fall into the trap that an "spiritual" person must act a certain way, which is such a simplistic way of looking at things. Usually you outgrow your "low conscious" behaviors or you can come back full circle with a renewed holistic passion. How the hell would we know? Notice that SD has its limitations as well and can't 100% read an individual.
  16. It's not a vision board if there's not at least one smoking hot babe right?
  17. Im a little late, but this is a beautiful post many lessons to be experienced and integrated!