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Everything posted by Bando

  1. Man you guys are blowing this way out of proportion its just an edgy teen action movie, relax
  2. This is a pretty kick ass mentality but college?? Thats not where I would best use this mentality, go create a business, go talk to cute girls, reach your body's genetic potential all of this shit is difficult and its a lot more fun than trying to brute force your way through calculus or engineering.
  3. Interesting thread, got a few questions for @Leo Gura How did you market when you first created it, did you post the self-development videos to build credibility with your audience to sell your LP course? Was the LP course your product and you created to market it? Was Youtube your main platform of marketing or did you use other methods as well? Why you think your channel stood out from other self-help gurus yt channels (before the spirituality) and gained traction. For people planning on using Youtube to market their services what key principles would you tell them to keep in mind?
  4. Do both, work on your limiting beliefs and get good with girls, don't only do one you won't make much progress
  5. @soos_mite_ah Theres actually a whole subreddit dedicated to finding stuff like this out believe it or not, it's called TrueRateMe. In my opinion the place reeks of incel and Redpill culture but their template on rating looks is one perspective to think about if you're interested. The general gist is that in terms of facial aesthetics a 1-3 is on the lower end end of the spectrum 4-6 is where most of society lands is 7 is your local hot chick or dude and 8-10 are model like status. This is the Rank system they use for Men~ This is the Rank system they use for Women~ And this is how they determine those metrics~ My take on it is that there are certain traits that all human beings find attractive and unattractive. One person may see someone as 5 but to you see them as 8 because they have certain preferences you enjoy (hight, build, race ect). This model does have its limitations as beauty is subjective but only up to a certain point. A 1-2 stands out just as much as a 9-10 does
  6. I can actually give a unique perspective on this, my mentor isn't a celebrity but is extremely successful in his own right and the "vibe" you get from these people is on another level. You have no idea how "average" the people around you are (even that is an overstatement) until you consistently hang around people who have achieved massive success. These types of people are some of the most happiest and psychologicaly developed people Ive met and my worldview has expanded so much because of these interactions.
  7. @Leo Gura Interesting thread, since your on vacation you should reminisce about your pua journey and put it on your blog, I feel it would help put some pieces together for younger guys who were once in your situation or the men who have this victim mindset on the forum. What was your "Wow this pua stuff actually works" moment? Every person I've met who went through their pua stage have all this moment, just curious
  8. Man history class is gonna be entertaining af for the next generation of kids
  9. Ive never really understood why people do this, he gives good relationship advice and seems like a generally good person, so what if he likes Trump that doesn't mean he's a bad person. Everybody has some believes or options other people might not like. Also I'm starting to find out most people on this forum don't really understand spiral dynamics and just lump people into a certain category based on some common stereotypes. S.D is not a good measure when looking at individuals
  10. Jesus $6000 I love the dedication, but from my personal experience the biggest bang for my buck came from doing bootcamps a good bootcamp from a good teacher costs around $2000 but man does it skyrocket your results. Having people who studied game for years break down what you're doing wrong when talking to women, correcting your vibe, reading social cues, frame gives you a much deeper understanding on attraction. Going out with experienced people to clubs, bars, ect is one way to speed up your results, if money is an issue try looking at pick up groups near you and try to link up and go out with them but if it isn't pay the money and go out with a "professional"
  11. At least have a few sexual encounters with women before making this decision. You've never been with anybody so how do you know you dont need anyone? Your creating a limiting belief which can easily turn into redpill or incel ideology, (not saying it will but its easily to fall into one of these paths if based on your story) I don't want to pressure you you or anything, but I would encourage you to start taking dating serious, (at least 5-7 partners over the next 2 years which should be easy enough) and then make your decision. 14-24 is where most of your socialization skills develop. Its hard for the average person to honestly get better past this age at dating as your faced with more responsibilities in life and can't delegate as much time and energy into dating. Wait until this whole Covid situation is done and then start hitting the streets! In the mean time write down any limiting beliefs that you believe is preventing you from attracting women to you and genuinely contemplate on them.
  12. Ive never really understood the no fap craze. Most people Ive talked to who have a fapping issue stems from porn addiction, like if you take away the porn most guys literally can't get off. if you can't go 2 weeks minimum without jerking off you have an addiction. You're not supposed to feel drained after you bust you gotta give your Johnson a break.
  13. @GroovyGuru Can layout what your typically do in day? (time block) How much of your time is spent doing focused work? Just curious.
  14. Hahah, this is the RSD I remember that took my game to another level, if the product is anything like this and touches over main attraction sticking points like vibe, frame, congruence, paradigm, overcoming limiting beliefs ect. This will be the only course you need when it comes to building attraction, buy it
  15. Don't do this if you have no game and fear talking to women the last thing you would want to do is get hookers. Not only will create new limiting beliefs about women that will only hurt you but you'll be even worse of than you started. If you suck with women this bad, you just gotta tough tf up and go approach or at least socialize with women. There are certain lessons you can't skip when it comes to attraction if one doesn't want to learn them well...tough titty
  16. This is a nice take, when you start getting good at attracting girls you realize they they have their own life, beliefs ect and their not obligated to agree on your advances, if there not on your vibe just wish them best of luck and go about your day, don't create a story in your head about what happened just keep moving, it's really that simple
  17. @knakoo Great advice, I remember reading that reddit post a while back, its funny to know the the person who created it is on this forum The goal every guy should have in dating is to just "be" and let attraction come naturally without the need of mind games, negging, pedasltes, worrying about being high value ect, you can just let things happen naturally. But this is only after you learn how to attract women (I suggest pick up), integrate it into your own personality and then transcend it altogether. If you go about dating the right way you should come full circle, I started off as a "nice guy" and worked hard to break that pattern, got deep into pick up and learning all these "tactics" Leo often talks about, (they do work btw) and got great results and then started doing intense emotional healing and spirituality work. Honestly I even feel more of a "nice guy" then when I started because I know its authentic and not some cover to gain approval. Theres is no "talk to her like you're a king" or "look for something to neg on" but just being natural which makes dating feel sooo much better. Don't aim to just get chicks, but also aim to clean up and make the process of getting chicks more conscious and non-manipulative, make it enjoyable for everyone
  18. Or you you can just type your question
  19. My mother is in her 50's and has had metal fillings for about 15 years, should I convince her to get them removed? She's has no side effects and seems full of energy, should I be worried? I didn't even know this was even a thing to be concerned of, this whole process seems daunting, especially considering one wrong step and you can fuck everything up
  20. Hahaha some of you guys need to be hit with a bus or something, so you guys can be more grateful of the body you have. If you have no major health issues, can put on muscle and move your body without pain I would consider myself blessed, People who usually parrot this ideology have no real experiences with women and instead of figuring out a way get better at this, they get all bitter and complain how there not getting laid because of how they look. Some people are born disabled, some get into horrific accidents, some are born wealthy and good looking, thats how life is, if looks arnt your best feature focus on something else like your body and becoming a more high value man just stop with the bitching cause your only going to attract other losers who agree with your ideology and you'll trap yourself in an echo chamber.
  21. Try staring at a candle and focus on belly breathing, thats what I found works best for me
  22. This was probably one of the most funniest threads Ive read on here Sigh...All great things must come to an end
  23. @Jacobsrw Ive tried meditating with my eyes open and I find I get quite distracted. Do you look at a blank wall or in nature? Or do you just let your eyes glaze over not really focusing on anything at all? Do you mind explaining your meditation routine?
  24. @No Self Yea those algorithms are ruthless, I watched a few videos on Trump on YT in September and since then Ive been bombarded with Trump propaganda and have no way of deleting it. I can see through his bs so it wasn't that big a deal but I can see how other Americans can fall into Trumps paws.