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@john1 No No No, avoid spiritual work at least until your out of highschool, theres so many other survival skills you must learn before you can even think about enlightenment. Any profound insights you have will be corrupted by your immature mind and will be quickly snuffed out by peer pressure so you can fit in high school 100% can guarantee you this. Workout, learn about good diet practices, learn how to make friends, learn how to attract/talk to girls and learn how to be a creative value provider. There's a reason why this is "advanced work" understanding a bunch of concepts doesn't mean anything when you cant make friends, attract women in your life or even make money. At most you should instill an easy mediation practice thats all you need.
There both not bad at all, if you use it to cope for a shitty life then yes, if you use it in moderation there's no problem.
@Karmadhi The problem with Black pill isn't so much much the content but the structure of the ideology. Its common sense if your very attractive or have lots of money, attracting girls will be relatively easy but its baked into such an insecure and low quality world view that the message ends up turning into "theres no point of doing anything because the chads will just take your girl." Most normal people can smell the stench of blackpill ideology but people who are isolated, have been hurt in the past, or have no aspirations in life gravitate towards this perspective because it just reaffirms their biases which is much more easier to face than there own issues. One profound insight that Leo shared in his video about conspiracy theory's was that any ideology that don't inspire you to take ownership of your life or give you inspiration should be dropped as there just worthless. You must quickly be able to recognize a low quality perspective and disregard it before you give it too much attention. This takes many years to recognize as this requires a lot of trail and error, which also goes in hand why so many of these blackpillers/incels are between the ages of 17-25 one has simply not had enough life experiences to prove otherwise. To get out of a position like this you must first create a plan to reach a level of consciousness that proves how ridiculous an ideology like this is and then from that position start checking off your limiting beliefs. Also kudos to escaping that type of mentality, by the looks of other people experience on this side of the forum that seems pretty hard to do.
@Runtz Sigh... There should be a pined thread in this section of the forum telling all young men to stop reading incel/blackpill ideology. Im pretty sure your in your late teens or early 20's bro, stop consuming this shit seriously you think your getting a "non-mainstream, no bullshit" worldview on how relationships and dating works but its just not true, all your getting is the biggest strawman on how interpersonal relationships work. The problem with ideologies like this is that they create more limiting beliefs on top of your insecurities and doesn't empower you to take action. The danger is that you become so deluded in this worldview when anybody else try's to point out the fallacies in your thinking you immediately label them an enemy or "normie" and quickly shut down their perspective. The problem is that you are too fixated on hot chicks, thats not what someone in your position needs or wants. What you need is social experience and to be around normal people that embrace your character and quirks, from that position you can start killing off these limiting beliefs and actually open your eyes to how this stuff works. Worry about improving the quality of girls you get after you've made a few friends and dated a few girls who genuinely care about you. In order to do that you will need to develop strong character which starts by not deluding yourself with low quality ideologies and avoiding them like the plague.
@Javfly33 Make a High Calorie Protein shake, use one scoop of protein powder, one cup of oats, 2 cups milk, 2 tablespoon peanut butter, and a big handful of spinach,= 900~1000 calories, I drink that for breakfast and for days I workout i drink it after my session also. It takes 10 minutes total, including prep, finishing and cleaning. Liquid calories are going to be your "cheat code" to gaining gaining mass it doesn't have to be unhealthy.
The only way through it is to go throw a paradigm shift which comes from meeting many women, change it from "going to talk to her" to "Im screening for compatibility" It sounds basic but being able to re-contextualize rejection is the only thing that's going to lead to better sets in the future. Also never forget meeting a random the girl on the street vs meeting a girl that already has social proof of you are two completely different things. Dont expect to convert many cold approach chicks into lays let's be realistic here.
Be careful with type of logic you could see how adopting this mentality could fuck you up down the road, bro put the ball on her court and move on thats the whole point of doing pick up, so you can adopt an abundance mentality. But theres something deeper here this isn't just about women take some time to explore this maybe you should cut ties with her who knows, she may actually have shitgoing on in here life.
Pretty good video I like how Tyler tries to relate spirituality to practical advice/concepts, "low vibrational" people must be avoided at all costs, because sooner or later their energy transfers and the next moment you get randomly mad and don't know where it came from.
Instead of worrying about becoming a leader you should address this first. The way you carry yourself must scream "weakness" if your always designated as the butt of group. When someone says something about you you don't like call it out and address it, you will lose friends if you do this but the ones that stay will respect you and would be more inclined to let you take the lead.
@Gianna Be straight up if a guy wants to spend alone time with you and you think he might make a move make it clear you don't see him more than a friend and you appreciate his company but you could understand if he didnt want to continue your relationship. If he's a man of weak character this will show it right then and there, but if he's like most dudes hell be understanding and move on.
Volunteer work or becoming a teacher at something or engaging in hobbies you have interest in or already good at.
Sad thing at 13 she isn't mature enough to recognize that not addressing or healing this trauma will 100% fuck up her future/ how she forms relationships. Find subreddits that have a similar story to her, (theres tons of them) and ask her to create an account and read others stories/ encourage her to write about her own experience. She isn't going to be able to confide in others because she blames herself and her mother trying to cover it up has made her lose all faith in others trying to understand her. When she realizes that others are going through this and its not just her she will open up. 13 is such a vulnerable age because maturity hasn't even started to form the most you can do is show her the resources she can use to understand herself and try to lead her to them.
Don't worry about this, getting a strong number close is just fine, you want to make sure you at least meet her by the end of the week, the earlier the better, you want to set plans to meet the same day no later than 1 day after the #. The more sets your in, the better your "intuition" will be in determining your next move, this isn't something you can be consciously aware of this takes many trails and errors to get down. Getting the lay, one of the best advice one of my wings taught me was to aim to sleep with 10% of the girls I attract, if you can get to that number you'll be considered advanced. That means out of 10 numbers, you get 1 lay, this is much more difficult than it seems btw. This is why you have to run more volume, take a moment to think about it from a woman's perspective, that girl you met probably has an instagram, Tinder, Bumble, active social circle that she can go to events/parties with and lets not even forget the random guys that might approach her during the day. Imagine getting bombarded with girls like that everyday you'd have a very short attention span as well. Most guys have no social life, don't use dating apps, no social media and rely on being the "lone pick up guy" and magically think there going to be surrounded by quality women, thats not how it works lol. After doing a few approaches by yourself, I always recommend first finding 2-4 like minded guys you can routinely go out with, not only is it much more fun you can tap into their social networks and get invited to events you regularly couldn't get into by yourself. But to do that you first have to come of like a dude who enjoys his life, has hobbies, takes care of his body ect.
This is like asking why are so many people broke, they do everything but ask themselves the important questions
@Consilience Very solid interaction, good job going into the field and not creating threads complaining about women. A few tips to keep in mind next time is to screen for logistics early especially when you recognize there's interest, ex, "how do you guys know each other in the group" or "how long are you staying in this area." Not handling logistics is what's going to kill most of your leads that you get. Recognising interest and calibrating to it is one of the most important things you learn when gaming. You have to learn when its best to set up an insta-date, try to go for the pull or just get a strong number. In this situation, I would have asked to meet up the next day if she was available. Counter-intuitively you must strike while the iron's hot, especially with an attractive girl. With the amount of options a girl has if you wait too long she will literally move on to the next interesting guy she meets. Also don't worry about the whole "bro thing," find out the availability of a chick via logistic screening and then your good to go. Just don't be to gamey or to push too hard or else the group will get defensive and closed off. Many of your sets will go like this, One Rule of thumb is that you'll only be able to close 10% of girls that have interest in you and that's if your game is tight. Always remember that an average woman that's in shape has 10-30x more options than the average guy, 100x if the girl is attractive, it's not that she looses interest its just she has so many other options she doesn't have to wait around, this is why they do things like pull back out of nowhere, its not even a conscious thought, she just moves in her own way and most men will typically follow because they have such a scarce mentality.
Ofc its hard for guys to imagine why girls would treat nice guys bad, the average guy literally has close to 0 options when it comes to meeting woman and often have to settle with someone "beneath them" Imagine being hit on 24/7 the abundance mentality you would have would be unbelievable, why would you need to treat someone you dont like with respect when you can just move on to the next guy? If women had the same amount as options as the guys on this forum there would be no threads like this that exist because everyone would get along. Abundance mentality is what what creates entitlement, (which isn't a bad thing btw)
Avoid anything and anyone who talks about black pill guarantee you there's nothing good there except more limiting beliefs and useless info
@Javfly33 This is like being 50 and discovering that self-imporvement exist and now all you can think about is how much time you wasted, notice the feeling and use that as a sign to approach it gets better down the road
If your dealing with a shy guy who isn't a social person he may not be able to pick up certain social cues or indicators of interest you may throw at him. You may have to make the first move to get the ball rolling. I suggest you ask him to hang out or grab a bite or catch a workout, (if you still go to the gym) and have warm, inviting personality, the rest should fall into place if theres interest.
This is very true I used to run with a club promotor back in my pua days and routinely run into stunners at many of these clubs, id talk to the other dudes at that club and bring up a particular chicks name and they'd say "really you were with her too?" and we would laugh about it. You don't understand how many options hot girls have, they can easily attract many high value men and often times loop them around their finger, its like a fat kid at a candy shop. Id say most women nowadays have a body cu** of 15-25 and hot girls 40-60 based of what ive seen.
Thie mods should feature this, this was a very foundational episode and you did great work summarizing this, all while making the information digestible. @FlyingLotus
Stop listening or watching anyone that gives of this terrible advice. Combined with strong character, enhancing your appearance can littely 4x your success in attracting women i've went through it personally. Best tip about fashion is to first build a good body, (decent muscularity, no belly gut or noodle arms ect) and then wear pieces that fit. Finding good styles is the easy part turing your body into something that looks good in clothing is where the real energy goes to.
High calorie smoothies are your best friend for gaining weight. Get a blender mix Protein Powder, 2 cups Milk, Peanut butter, Oats, Spinach= 900-1000 cal, Drink this twice a day one in the morning one at night, thats 2000 calories all you have left is about 1000 more and thats pretty easy to reach in 2 meals. I was also tall and skinny and couldn't seem to gain weight no matter how hard I tried until I learned about blending my meals and downing it in like 2 min.
@Virtus ofc it is its highschool
Reframe the question to "should i learn how to talk to girls and develop good social skills" and then you've answered your question. I would work on building an attractive physique and learning about proper diet, start building out a good appearance and the rest will follow naturally. Also for the love of god DON'T get into incel/blackpill theory and tread carefully around red pill ideology. @Virtus