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  1. @Majed If you've really done thousands of approaches and your still a virign thats a BIG problem. Nobody else is saying it but I will, its 1 of 2 things, your Appearance or your Vibe. Try looking into escorts you don't need to consider rape to get sex from a woman lol, its legal in your country. Maybe its your desperation for sex women can smell off you thats putting them off
  2. You could have made a course & charged $999 for this info lmao, such an insightful post thanks. I have a few questions. How do you track progress for your clients? For context fitness coaches can track things like weight progress, lifting strength over time ect, since overcoming self-sabotage is more subjective how do you know you've solved their problem what metrics do you track? Also on the discovery call, is your aim to close the prospect on that call, or do you reach out and go for the close on the 2nd attempt?
  3. @joshuahuebner Gold, Im glad I got to experience it before the mass deletion, the 2010's was the golden era for a lot of this stuff, after the meetoo movement / covid / Andrew Tate era a lot of dating/redpill content has been mass deleted. But just like everything else you outgrow the teachings and the space in general, I can understand why the mass deletion happened and its only something you appreciate as you get older but as an early 20 something year old trying to figure dating out it was truly great resource
  4. Humans will always be humans no matter how "developed" you perceive them to be, there will always be a couple character flaws somewhere. Anyone who prescribes heavily to online mentors, understand you don't know them in real life, you don't know their true unfiltered beliefs on how they view the world. This applies even more to online figures that promote "consciousness", discuss new age topics, and has a following, there is a certain ego that someone develops after having mystical experiences or any success in general that makes them have an attitude of "others just don't understand their too stupid" Its not a coincidence that these "conscious" people usually always fall into right leaning topics, its a safe space for "ideas outside the matrix" this aligns with their core attitude. The best way to observe human nature is to contemplate on the levels deception the mind is able to cultivate. Leo has been hammering this point a lot in his blogs this year and I agree.
  5. @AION Next time call out the frame she's putting out. Some times women are anxious and create distance as a defense mechanism. Build some vibe with regular convo and on a high point do a soft call out, something like "Why are you sitting so far it feels like I'm talking with my bro" , anything along those lines that calls out the situation and move closer or ask her to come closer. Establish a proper man to woman vibe, a girl your on a date with shouldn't get the feeling you guys are "friends" if she does give that energy its up to you whether you want to accept it or not. Also pro tip if you invite a girl over to your spot put boxes or other larger items on any sitting surface accept the one you want her to sit on
  6. @Hardkill Ah we have a man of culture here, man I miss that era of "PUA" if thats what you'd call it glad I was around during this time, sources like that arnt going to come up in this day & age. Which leads to my next point, you cant have a guns blazing approach like this anymore what he did in 2008-2013 is way different than now. @LifeEnjoyer You'll be fine just make sure your approaches are calibrated don't push to hard. I remember when I was approaching on campus, I actually got called out for it twice, but I responded with "I'm a very social person I like meeting people" than switched topics. You only develop a reputation if your weird about it. Also are there colleges near the one you go to? My college had another one 15 minutes away from our main campus. We would sometimes take a bus over to that other one just to get some faces / vibe
  7. @jacknine119 Stay outside the house and be busy, its hard to want to fap when you come home dead tired. Seriously only make your house a place where you Shower and Sleep, try this until you have better control of your urges
  8. This is really good advice, have you thought about making more mainstream personal development on your youtube channel? It would be a good way of introducing "normies" into Shadow Work and other practices, kind of like what Leo did with spirituality. You have a really good way of articulating ideas especially on topics regarding psychology / relationships. Maybe something like "Psychology with Dr. Ana" @Dana1 -This is her channel
  9. @fabger Try day game its surprisingly more forgiving, look for day time venues / gatherings and do approaches there, I also lean towards introversion, this approach is pretty good for this kind of personality. For night game as Leo said try to find other wings in your area to game with, join PUA forums get to know the layout, add value, and then make a post asking if there are any wings in your area. Night game is all about state management women want fun energy, this is easier when your with guys you can laugh / have fun with One forum I joined when I was heavy into this stuff lead to a 2 week long "boot camp" with one of the top guys and a few other members, cost about $1000 for travel / accommodation / coaching some of the best money I've spent in this space
  10. @Raze This was an interesting conversation to listen too any more podcasts/discussions like this?
  11. I swear this section of the forum never grows its always the same 3-4 people posting the same shit over and over this conversation is nearly identical to discussions had over 2 years ago by the same people, nothing productive will happen here
  12. Boot camps from mainstream PUA's or coaches you don't know personally are 100% a scam the best tried and true method, join a dating / pua forum make an account, log a couple of experiences you have and add value, see who the top guys are, organize a trip to do a week long or 3 day bootcamp, take a plane ride or commute to get to the lead guy, do a lot of approaches under his "mentorship". I did this when I was deep into my PUA days and got to do a "bootcamp" with one of the advanced guys (150+ lays) and 2 other friends I made, it cost around $700 dollars total for a week (this included living accommodations, going out, and a kick back to the guy leading the camp)
  13. @Miguel1 I second this every week make time to record for 30 minutes talking about whatever interests you. Review your content and watch the way you would watch any other creator. You'll learn a lot on how to speak and use body language in a more engaging way.
  14. @jimwell What happened to her? Was she banned
  15. Let him be, some people don't change, theres no advice you can give him besides asking him clarifying questions