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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. Letting go is opposite to having fun. Can't do both. Choose either.
  2. Which you are imagining, of course. Still imagining, and will always be imagining. Whatever "my" perception is, you're imagining it right now. Even if you somehow were able to "directly perceive" it, it would still be your imagination. Imagination is the only game in town.
  3. You imagine. Because you're reading too much into your own perception. That is the illusion and the entire trick. You perceive a human body, which is creating sounds and voices, which are still perception. The end. The rest, you're imagining. Again, that is one way to look at it.
  4. Problem is that statements so irritating like this prevent me from having the fun. They're just so annoying.
  5. You are conscious of all minds simultaneously but it takes different forms. The reality is that "your" mind creates thoughts, and you assume that they are something else other than thoughts, as if they have some reality to them. You want to know what my experience is like, but what you're reading right now is exactly what I am. No more, no less. The rest is you imagining things about these words, that there is someone there sitting somewhere typing them etc... At least that's one way to look at it.
  6. It's very easy for me to be a hard-worker. It just comes naturally. My body ignites in flames after a few minutes in, and it feels good while working and even great after I'm done when at rest. And if it becomes a regular thing, my muscles start to take shape, my body looks perfect, and my health maximizes to the top. However, and when it comes to intellect, it's very different, like 180° different. It's the most difficult thing for me to do. I would rather work 8 hours in labor than to study for 1 hour. The reason why I even bother with this whole spirituality and personal development thing is procrastination. I don't want to do the studying. I hate it. I hate everything about it. And worst of all, up until now, I couldn't find a way to make things less worse. I only have two years remaining to graduate out of college. And it's the most difficult thing I have on my list. I have sacrificed almost every other thing, and therefore handicapped myself and my growth, as to be intending to focus on this shit, yet without much results. My life is currently on hold until I move out of this shitty obligation and be done with it. And for what? For a piece of paper called "certificate". I can't sit upright. My neck starts hurting so quickly. I can't sit for too long. I can't keep my mind focused when most of the material is complete BS without actual value in real life. I wish there was a fast-forward button so that I could skip this step. I really dislike everything about college and hope to get done with it immediately if not before.
  7. What you're saying is obvious but I'm talking within the context of the thread. As long as I have different options, it's not that much of a problem. If my partner doesn't like me wearing suits, I'll wear casual, no big deal. And vice-versa, no problem. No one needs to get emotional about what their partner wants or prefers. If my partner disliked my style, I could find other options that would still "express" myself. It's very flexible unless they're asking me to wear clown make-up ? But yeah, that guy is a jerk still, regardless.
  8. Ummm I mean okay but it doesn't have to be one particular way of dressing. I could wear a suit or causal or something in between. I don't build a concrete identity around my clothing. It's very flexible. Women have a lot of options too if I'm not mistaken.
  9. Yeah life can be very difficult without a belief system to rely on.
  10. Your s.o. is clearly a narcissistic jerk but still I don't follow here. How is your clothing an expression of yourself exactly? How does anyone's clothing say anything about them? They're just clothes, literally meaningless. How does this work? I'm totally ignorant of fashion and all that.
  11. Perhaps the mother looks somewhat like this: #infinite_love
  12. You took your time to come up with this theory, didn't you?
  13. There's no better or worse in life. You're always exactly where you are. You're not moving forward or backwards. You're not growing or aging. Nothing changes really but appearances. It's all an illusion.
  14. Kindergarten.
  15. Don't do it. If you're both not 100% sure you want it, then why are you even considering? You both need to want the relationship and marriage. That's like basic stuff. If there's 0.00001% doubt, that means something is wrong. It's not a dilemma. It's approaching something new from a place of lack. Of course you will not want to let go. You will think he's irreplaceable. He will probably think the same. But just look outside. There are always other more compatible options.
  16. The difference though is that before I used to operate from fear. Now after I "died" it seems like I will not likely fear anything anymore.
  17. You said you're terrified because of that insight.
  18. I can't lie. I can't build a life on lies. My most foundational value comes from this statement: "Stake life upon Truth". If something does not feel authentic to me, I don't do it unless I really have to. My first awakening came about when I was 14. After finishing class 9 i realized the meaninglessness of life. Not that I took anything seriously at that time. I swept it under the rug and went on with my busy life. My parents were banning me from video games and so I craved them so much throughout the year. Whenever my parents weren't at home I would secretly play. And during the exams period, I stopped playing by my will, but still craved it. However, the desire to play was there because I was supposed to be doing something else. When the exams were over, I came back home asap and thought I would find the ultimate happiness and freedom. Only to find myself absolutely bored 15 minutes in. It was devastating. All that waiting was for nothing. However, I kept playing. It started becoming a task. I felt obliged to play. Still, I was never truly free to play whenever I wanted to. So there was never anything I could call satisfaction. The same scenario is repeating right now. I have exams but I don't like studying. So I find myself doing anything else to distract myself. This means that I have never had passions. I was never motivated to do anything from my early childhood. I only desire what is forbidden. That explains my sexual fetishes too. If I have everything, I don't want anything. Desire dies. I don't particularly like food because there's always plenty of it. I'm quite sure if there will be a shortage at some point that I will certainly become fat. As long as there's enough of a thing, I take it for granted and it loses its value to me. Right now I deeply desire love but I can't have it. I crave it but I can't have it. I am pretty sure it will lose its value as soon as I get it. This is my true nature. Deluded Adam seeking the forbidden fruit.
  19. Well now thanks to "Love" you're already experiencing some of the "bad" stuff.
  20. If you want to think about it this way but many people think of it more literally than symbolically. OP was asking if Jesus was real like literally. In my limited knowledge it's not possible for a human female to give birth on her own except for Mary.
  21. Exactly because they're not true.
  22. LMAO meme of the week: She talks too much but cooks nonsense.