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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. Maybe you're not using the "right" methods lol. And P.S. there's nothing wrong about being argumentative.
  2. What everyone needs to understand about enlightenment is that it can't be forced. There is no method to make it happen or even to simply facilitate it. The ego that thinks it can awaken is the exact obstacle that prevents awakening. To think that you have to do certain things to achieve some certain goal is itself the thing that needs to fall away for awakening to unfold. This belief in causality is the ultimate guardian on the gateless gate, and exactly the reason why virtually no one is ever awake. And only true enlightenment is able to uproot that belief, but at that point there will be no enlightenment. There will only be silence and letting go, and God. You can't believe in causality and be enlightened, not even slightly. Enlightenment is the exact opposite of causality. To realize that is the first step. However, to live from that place is true enlightenment. Because essentially, causality is a made-up-by-the-ego restraint onto God, the unlimited.
  3. Another immature ego thinking that he's God. Just wait for him to lose that state and talk to me then.
  4. Yo I get the feeling that politics in the west is a complete joke. Go get a dictator and be done with this silliness.
  5. It sure all is value exchange. However, it's extremely relative and infinitely complicated that it eventually becomes really arbitrary. You can't determine what's high value objectively. There's no such thing as high value except in your mind. And that high value thing may be viewed of low value in other people's minds. It's just basic supply and demand, only infinite in its relativity and complexity. You may dislike people with a victim's mindset and avoid them at all costs, but some other person may create a career out of helping them.
  6. You have a lot of self-image problems. You don't love or value yourself. And of course, you deserve what you're experiencing.
  7. Or maybe this is where the subjective/direct experience limits start to become apparent. Maybe you'd need a leap of another kind to go beyond those limits. Maybe consciousness is not the ultimate answer.
  8. It's charity. They're free to give back or not, and I have no problem either way.
  9. I have noticed that it's most difficult to understand girls who are into spirituality. Their minds are not wired like the average person. It's very difficult to predict their thoughts and behaviors. One day you're the sexiest guy on the planet, and the other day she does not want to be with you anymore. I have made many speculations about this myself, but I could never be sure. Basically, I'll just say that they're batshit crazy and unstable for a prolonged relationship. Maybe they're in conflict with themselves about how relationships could limit their freedom. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Don't count on these ones for your dream relationship. They're just insanely crazy. Instead, look for an average crazy girl. Both hot and stable. Also, forget about all the pick-up garbage that's in here. Just keep increasing your availability and you'll end up with someone very quickly. Guaranteed. High value and low value is BS.
  10. @arlin "We are all one" is just a hippie/psychedelic idea.
  11. @Mu_ Sorry to disappoint you, my friend. Some people think that I'm a devil, and some say so. Some people think that I'm deluded, and some say so. And a lot of other people don't even care to rank me. However, I'll let you know that I'm below stage Beige in Spiral Dynamics, and below the Symbiotic stage in the 9 ego developmental stages. The truth is that I don't know jack shit. Thank you.
  12. You're welcome. Yeah, I don't know why some people jump to conclusions out of these simple facts. I'll add that consciousness seems to be limited to itself and cannot know what's outside of itself. But it seems to have the ability to project itself outwards onto things and claim ownership of them, where in fact, that's never proven. I don't know what consciousness has to do with the universe being finite or infinite. This is the thing that spiritual people take for granted and accept without questioning, because they privilege their subjective experience over the "objective" reality. It simply could be the case that consciousness is an evolutionary kind of thing and at the same time the universe is infinite. I don't see any causation/relationship between the two. But of course we like to create stories about everything. Why and how? I don't know. Maybe it's a simulation where you can trick yourself into thinking that you are God. Who knows?! Not necessarily. These conclusions are what's popular among the current spiritual circles. But remember that we're still highly developed apes after all. This means that our understanding may still be very crude and that we don't actually know as much as we claim we do. Maybe in another 100 years, people will look back at our spirituality (non-duality) and view it as we view religion (external God).
  13. My capacity is one slot If I was rich, I would shelter as many as I could, no problem. And if they'd like to give back with sex, no problem either lol.
  14. The only reason I would ghost anyone would be that they're too fragile to hear the truth about themselves and their actions (people with low self-worth, etc...). Otherwise, I would be upfront and tell them that they're not a good fit for me, without making it personal. Of course assuming I don't want to lie. Usually, I would tell them that it's me and not them and then cut them loose. But I don't ghost anyone without a reasonable excuse, at least for me. I keep being friendly with everyone until they do something stupid or abusive. And that triggers me to abandon them.
  15. Yeah, certainly could. But the point from meditation is to detach from all emotional states to the point where it makes no difference at all to you whether you experience deep depression or ecstasy. That's the ultimate goal. Being a clear sky, unaffected by the clouds passing by.
  16. Well, what is this thing called "consciousness"? Where is it? Can you point to it? Generally, the word "consciousness" refers to a certain phenomenon that is attributed to living creatures. If this is the case here, then clearly consciousness is not universal because, for example, rocks aren't living/conscious beings. Alternative answer: from the paradigm of "consciousness is everything", our tool of measurement here is consciousness itself (the phenomenon). It is the thing we're using to make this conclusion. Therefore this conclusion inherently biased and not at all even remotely true. Wanted to elaborate more but unfortunately I don't have the capacity to talk in depth very easily.
  17. Looking for insights within language is one of the least effective ways to ascend your spirituality. Language is an extremely crude medium for sharing insights. It delivers less than 0.000000001% of truth. I ultimately wouldn't recommend written/spoken wisdom to anyone, but everyone has the right to extract wisdom from wherever they see fit. For this reason, I'd recommend you anything from Jed Mckenna. He's very direct, sometimes even blunt. And he's eloquent and sensitive. Also a few books to check out: Power vs. Force by David Hawkins. Mind Is a Myth by Krishnamurti. Emptiness Dancing by Adyashanti. And don't forget about the classics. Power of Now, etc...
  18. More traumas = more potential for consciousness. This assumes there is a "proper" move. .. If she was hiding it from me and I found out about it without her will, I would certainly dump her immediately if not before. If she was honest from the beginning, I would have to re-evaluate our relationship and see if I could continue. Maybe I'd discuss it with her and see if she's looking for more healing.