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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. It's okay, I always liked watching people riding the roller-coaster. I never desired trying it for myself out of curiosity, even though I did try it somehow partially against my will. Sorry about that. Lesson acquired. Take care.
  2. Well, first of all, labelling it as "regression" is already a mistake. Because who determines what progress is and what regression is? The model? But that's the thing that we're questioning here. Second, now that we're clear on point number one, we can't use the model in question for our new possible explanations. And we certainly have to find other models or ways of thinking to see if it makes sense. Third, I believe this is how people at SD tier two view things, but perhaps much more complicated than just this, so congratulations myself for starting to glimpse that lol. That being said, I don't know where to go with this, sorry ? Yeah, actually there's this other developmental model that Leo talked about recently, it's called the 9 stages of ego development. It focuses on the individual trends, but it's kinda similar to SD in its line of thinking.
  3. Life is a bipolar experiment, no? ?
  4. You selfish minx
  5. It's both refreshing and mind-opening to see some potential evidence against Spiral Dynamics. It makes me wonder if the developmental models are biased by the progressive agenda.
  6. "Soon" - out of infinity - could mean a billion years, or a billion times more, or more
  7. It depends on how much control you want to have over your life. And control = neurosis. The more nuanced you get with your thinking, the more neurotic you probably are. You could always just let things go and be okay with life. And at the same time you can still keep your boundaries. There's no need to be neurotic over boundaries. Whoever likes me as I am, they're welcome. Whoever doesn't, there's 7 billion minus two other people to try their chances with. I will not change for anyone for whatever reason and I will never negotiate my boundaries unless I want to. If people aren't happy with that, they're totally free to find themselves some other friends. Believe it or not, this attitude is actually more attractive than the needy/negotiable/lacking self-love attitude.
  8. Sure, if you're not aware enough. Nice.
  9. @Martin123 Sorry dude, but it's the exact opposite. We don't actually have any emotional needs, not on the most fundamental level. Emotions are delusions created out of desire. They're the reason why everyone is not enlightened. Emotion = desire = attachment. It's extremely toxic to have emotions, but that's not to say we have to suppress them. Instead, we have to become aware of them until they vanish and disappear.
  10. What I'm saying is that there's no need to push anyone anywhere or towards anything. The thing that wants others to change is blinded by its own preferences and can't see beyond them. There is no path, but only a fool can't walk it. And others being on their path is no different from a "no path". It only seems like a path from another path's pov. Twisted and paradoxical, but it's probably easy for someone at your level to get it.
  11. Not really, unless you have low self-worth. Boundaries have nothing to do with others, and everything to do with you. If you prioritize others before yourself, you're likely not going to be able to stick to your boundaries. And you will succumb to whatever they want you to do.
  12. Says who? Drop that ideology.
  13. Actually, you don't need anything other than food and water and air. You're imagining things which you label "needs" and then you're giving them too much importance when they actually aren't needs nor important at all. You're literally creating anxiety and neediness by thinking about those things as "needs". Try it. Try living a few days simply without all the noise and unnecessary things that at the moment you believe are necessary. See it for yourself. You will be even much happier and at peace. You may even be surprised at what you may find through this experience regarding your questions. I've been on an extremely minimalistic retreat recently and I can tell; it's one of the best things you can ever do.
  14. You don't yet see the biases of your own lenses. But I guess it's inevitable.
  15. Because you're either scared or just used to your current conditioning. You certainly can live alone if you are willing to. At least I can. But I do lack the courage and experience required to do so. People live together because they exchange value between each other. But it's actually the stupid way to go about life, but I digress.
  16. Yeah, it is risky, that's for sure. But what isn't? Thanks for the tip and care anyway. Really appreciate it.
  17. Love yourself and develop more awareness. In other words, don't do anything.
  18. Perhaps you're over generalizing your experience here. Robbery and violence are not exclusive to homeless people. And hey, I'm not rich so I'm just being hypothetical here. The intention is to help. The means may differ. I may or may not decide to do something about it if I ever become rich. And of course, I'd have to study the thing thoroughly before I start doing anything. But like I said, it is my intention and the people here are very different from yours.
  19. You're stereotyping all the homeless as junkies and criminals. However, the truth is that substance abuse can affect anyone from any socioeconomic group, without much gap between them. You just view the homeless in a negative light and label them "smackheads" and "criminals". You might as well not trust anyone passing on the streets, or you know, the cashier at your favourite restaurant. They may be junkies carrying knives too. And well, drug abuse don't exist nearly at all here where I live. It's the rich people that smoke weed and drink vodka and all that. I don't know about you, but most of the poor people I know are good, simple-minded people who can do a lot better with a little help.
  20. I don't get it. Is she gonna suck the kidney out of my dick during the bj? But anyway, good to know. And that being said, shouldn't we like just kill all the homeless people right now? Dude, you have a pretty distorted idea of the world. Can't blame you though. That's how it works. That's part of how we keep the homeless homeless. They're just evil heroin addicted zombies, and we can't do anything about it.
  21. Health is a highly subjective matter, especially when it comes to psychology. Who's to say whether a psychopath is mentally ill or just being authentic, and why is authenticity favored over mental illness? Who's to say whether authenticity is a good thing or not? And who's to say whether we should be doing good things or not? In the end, it becomes obvious that all categories must collapse and that none of them is actually true. But we're egos and like to set things the way we like, which is most likely, in accordance to our egoic needs. We're all just egos fighting to spread each one's own narrative. We like life customized to fit us perfectly.
  22. A perspective, by definition, is untrue. There cannot be a relatively true perspective. Only absolute truth.
  23. That's your definition? But I have a different definition.. Which one is true? And who's to say? Ofcourse mine is the true And I get to say.
  24. Yes. You shouldn't. Mine, of course. Me, of course. Because you were asking and I was answering. In this scenario, I'm the teacher and you're the student. In this scenario, I know and you don't know. Obey, or otherwise don't ask questions, jk lol.
  25. I can't believe that God who wrote the Bible is illiterate