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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. Form. The manifest world. Perception. Formlessness. Infinite potential. Imagination. I tried to stay on topic but your mind is sloppy.
  2. Self-love is the ultimate answer, and it's kinda antagonistic to self-help. From where I'm at right now, self-help has zero value, even on the relative level. It is playing the game, but not actually winning it. Winning the game means stepping out of the game for good, with the prize of self-love, which is right here right now. Only if realized.
  3. Is a false statement. Feel free to disagree. You're probably talking about how it's not possible to define the sun or capture its essence, but that'd be deflection of the point I'm making. When we say sun, we're referring to a certain memory of a direct experience, or a current direct experience, that we assume other people who share similar qualities, can relate to. We don't need to be scientific or neurotic about it. Language delivers the message, and that's enough. Now to say that there is no sun, that does not even make sense, and it only creates confusion for other humans who use language casually.
  4. The point is itself. "Why" is an invalid existential question. Existence is larger than reason. Reason is a certain connection that the mind creates between different parts of existence, and that connection only adds to existence but never replaces it. Reason becomes a part of existence. Again, not an existential question. Same. Infinity includes everything. And everything does not think like humans. It's like a spell. You can't actually tell what's really there from what's not. Infinity does not distinguish between delusion and truth, because it does not think from the limits of the human mind. It thinks from infinite potential.
  5. Both of which are also existence. Thoughts and labels are just the language of the mind. Imaginary or not is also a thought or a label, so.
  6. I would agree, but in my view, this is still dualistic. To say that awareness is a space that things can exist in, implies separation or a distinction. But there is no space and no things, no middlemen required. There is only awareness which does not even exist.
  7. How about changing this absolute vs relative narrative? Instead, I suggest that we shift the game and use language as our focal point and instead of categorizing things as existing or not existing (cuz it's a pointless game), we can categorize statements as true or false. Not only it resolves the absolute vs relative confusion, but it's also much easier and more effective in communication. For example, we can say that "the sun exists" is a true statement, of course here we have to admit (or ignore) the fact that we're implying relativity, that the sun's existence is actually dependent upon the observer, etc... But to say that "the sun does not exist", this is what we can say is a false statement because it contradicts direct experience. What do you think? I think you're getting lost in the semantics. Read above if interested.
  8. Actually, from where I am at right now, it's not good at all, just useless. Most people don't even know the first thing about self-help, and most of them are generally at peace and life is working for them just fine.
  9. You only need language to communicate, and that's it. The rest is ego games and the ego can never win against God. I'm speaking from experience, but you'd have to open up your mind.
  10. Don't tell anyone, but I rented a room for 10 days for half a dollar per night. It was very poorly equipped but still it was an incredibly cheap retreat. I could live there forever, but unfortunately I don't even have enough money to cover such a low rent.
  11. For males, Alpha is overly masculine and Beta is overly feminine. For females, it's the other way around. Although, it gets nuanced depending on the environment. Basically, Alphas are the ones with the highest status within any given hierarchy. That's the rule of thumb here. For example, Leo here is the most Alpha among us. However, compared to teachers, it's different. Compared to self-help/spiritual teachers, Leo is much more Sigma than Alpha. Within another hierarchy, like being a YouTuber, Leo is somewhat Alpha and somewhat more Omega.
  12. This, Or the other way around.. You can work on your self in isolation and discover who you truly are, and who you truly are is an attractive social genius entity.
  13. Drop all the BS advice and don't do anything at all. Self-help implies changing yourself because you hate yourself. The only reason you'd be listening to any advice is because you hate yourself as you are and want to become something else. But examine exactly what you are, and what you want to become. And see that you really don't want to become anything else other than your current self. You want to be at peace, and peace is found right here and now, not somewhere else in the future when you become "better". Notice the subtle difference between being and becoming. Notice that you are already what you seek. Notice that you are already whole and don't actually lack anything at all, and that no amount of change/becoming can ever change that, neither up nor down.
  14. Time is an illusion created by the mind. Awareness is not aware or unaware. Awareness does not even exist. That's how empty it is.
  15. Turning off the monkey-mind after it's done its work, that's all, cuz the mind is a workaholic.
  16. @SpYITB Infinity is not really as mysterious as it sounds. It just means lack of limitations. Have you ever experienced a limitation? Another approach; This reality we live in, is it limited? Why would anyone even assume it to be limited? What is a limitation, really? And aren't all limitations imposed upon reality by the mind?
  17. It could be both. Non-existence refers to a thought that does not refer to a certain direct experience (i.e. absence of a certain phenomenon), and rather refers to any other direct experience (phenomenon) except that one. In other words, non-existence refers to the direct experience of a something else.
  18. Congratulations @Leo Gura
  19. Honestly, I don't see a difference between the two.
  20. This is interesting, although does not resonate with me. What is being a human exactly? And can someone not be a human per se?
  21. Nope. I mean not from an external source. This is very important to contemplate. Only you can love yourself. All external love is imaginary by you, and it never substitutes for your own love. Imagine a scenario where you love someone very deeply and they love you back. But then at a certain point they turn out to be an imposter. You'll realize that they never loved you, not even a bit, and in fact they were using you as means to an end, even though you were feeling the love regardless of their truth. How's that possible? Well, you tell me.
  22. By using a third-party, or an external objective observer, like a clock.
  23. I can totally see the validity of their way of being! It's crazy that to me, Blue is the same as Orange and Green, and even Yellow, only in different flavours and levels of complexity. I see them all in the same way, ideologies.