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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. Yes. Reminds me of another reason to not like you. You think that I can't separate facts from personal affairs. You think that I will dismiss insights for what I think about others. I don't care why you do whatever you do. Your intentions don't matter to me as much as what you actually say or do. Your intentions don't affect me, they affect you. So far, you've almost exclusively said untrue and unhelpful stuff. Truth is my number one priority and second comes practicality. You provided neither, and so I didn't want to go on with a useless conversation from my pov. It's not just that. You misread what I said once again. I journal for several purposes, not just one.
  2. I won't take that for an answer. How I know things is simply by comparison/contrast. Without contrast, I wouldn't know anything. So knowing is dualistic. Now the question is: Is the duality between different states of consciousness true? Or does it ultimately collapse?
  3. @xxxx Yes, please. And I would recommend that you don't read from my journals anymore. What I write here is not who I actually am, just some highlights of what I find worth talking about for my own purposes, one of which is venting off. So just because I said some offensive stuff here doesn't mean that I am like that all the time. I declare myself innocent from whatever stories you have created in your head about me. And as for you, just for your future reference, take it or leave it; you've talked a lot but actually said a little, which is something I despise, and a main characteristic of unattractive women. I guess your message was simply that I may be suppressing my feminine side. But to say that, it took you over a 100 words, which is the opposite of blunt/direct, which is another reason to not like you. And when I said that I am a soulless zombie, I was obviously sarcastic and I meant the opposite. I have already talked a little bit about my love life here, and apparently you've read it. You were supposed to get the sarcasm but you didn't. Another reason to not like you. Plus, the energy you're giving off feels a little bit familiar to me. It feels like I have been in touch with you before in one or more discussions. I may be deluded here, but if by any chance that was the case, that would be another reason to not like you. There are a few more things that I wanted to say about this brief but ugly communication that I don't recall currently. I may let you know in the future if anything comes up.
  4. @xxxx I don't like you. You've already made a handful of projections about me just from reading my journal entries. Please don't communicate with me again.
  5. Ahhh, okay! I want to get technical here with you. Can you please elaborate on quality? Because to me, it seems quality is a subjective thing. So how do we rate higher states in terms of quality? What if a lower state is misleading that it makes one think that it's a higher state? How would we know?
  6. I do, but how did you know? People are reading me easily nowadays. It's kinda getting interesting. And we're back to being misunderstood lol. No, and you know why? Because I'm a soulless zombie that hates humanity and does not feel the love emotion. LMAO. Seriously though, I don't know about the last question. I probably would be reluctant, for various reasons; including personal and spiritual.
  7. Oh, dear God! Just kill me now! Shocking!!! It was brief on the mind, but the body is still in shock. Dead. I'll play. No way. Just when you think you've transcended your personal story as a human, God proves you wrong. That was misleading. Won't hurt anymore.
  8. @Keyhole Thanks. I'll contemplate my reactions and maybe post the results here. Already downloaded the whole list. I'm going for a walk right now. It'll be a great time for some music.
  9. Ironically enough, it has always seemed that Leo is materialism's biggest "hater", and yet whenever he's asked a question about consciousness, his views turn out to be full of materialism. Levels, degrees, whatever... What is all that but quantifying consciousness? You know who loves to quantify reality? Materialists.
  10. The answer to this question is the difference between being awake and being asleep. This difference cannot be made except by you.
  11. Everything. Not just certain topics. Maybe I'm being neurotic here, I don't know. Every word feels like a betrayal of truth, even my words, but I recognize that. I don't think others do though. Yep! Don't know many of those though. You have any?
  12. I'm triggered and really disgusted by the mind. Not my mind, though. My mind is cool and friendly. The minds of others seem like apes learning how to think. It bothers me to see apes talking about things which they do not understand. I want to breathe. I want to feel. Break. Silence.
  13. Humans and their silly disagreements. Consciousness does not exist.
  14. In my experience, moods cannot be controlled. I am a male and I find it difficult. Happiness is a different thing though. You can be having a low mood and still be happy. But for that you'd have to work on acceptance.
  15. As a female, your mood is affected by your hormones/menstrual cycle. So, no you don't have much control over it. What do you mean exactly by controlling emotions/moods though?
  16. Here is a fun experiment for those who think reality is absolutely good: Reality is absolutely bad and evil. Prove me wrong if you can.
  17. Boring. I'm so over that long ago. It's like kindergarten.
  18. @abrakamowse God has always been silent, but the mind likes to make up "rules".
  19. In philosophy, it's called solipsism. And of course, it's bullshit. It is one of the mind's final tricks before it totally surrenders to groundlessness/not-knowing.
  20. @Someone here Good explanation. Thanks.
  21. @Someone here Why am I me, and not you?
  22. No. I realize that I observe observation accompanied by amplification of attention. So I realize the correlation, but I don't see that necessarily as a rule.