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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. Why?! I don't know anything about this topic, so please bare with my ignorance.
  2. Of course she doesn't love you, because you welcomed her back like a fool. That was a shit-test, and you failed it. You forgot to punish her for flaking on you, and now you lost her attraction once again. Pull back. Dump her ass, and never look back or return except on your own terms.
  3. I worked for a sociopath for more than 5 years without realizing that he is one or how damaging he was to me. Recently, I got in touch with him again and realized that he's a narcissistic jerk. It just me the degree to which he affected me, and how.
  4. I'm playing stay alive, work everything and achieve nothing (already have worked at 6 or 7 different jobs + college) Difficultly: brutal++ But it's still quite a boring game tbh. No thrill whatsoever.
  5. That's wrong. It's more likely that a western millionaire would have a mental breakdown and experience an existential crisis the moment you throw them into a 3rd world country. Trust me they wouldn't last even for a few weeks due to the huge difference in quality of life. You're severely underestimating life under difficult conditions, obviously because you don't have any experience of it. I've lived on both sides. I was raised in a fairly good family with fairly good life circumstances, but things went down to hell right after I turned 17 years old. So, I know how easy life is in a developed country. Everything is served to you on a silver platter. You just gotta not be lazy and then work a little bit, and you'll be fine. The more effort you put, the more successful you'll be. That's how my life was before I turned 17. And that's how I got into the top university in the entire country. But then it all turned around and there was and still is nothing I can do about it. And even then, and now, I'm still always actively working on a plan to move out asap because I don't want to be a victim of poor circumstances. (which btw is nearly impossible given my financial situation and the country's poor economy). But that doesn't mean I'm not an actual victim. It just means that I'm not willing to remain one.
  6. @integral You clearly have no idea what poverty is. Thank you. I live in a poor third world country and this is exactly my situation. You described it perfectly. I mean who wouldn't want to be rich? I cringed a couple times when I entered this thread when I saw how ignorant some comments are. I would be glad to trade places with anyone who claims that poverty is a mindset, and I'm willing to be proven wrong. For the ones who claim that poverty is not a big deal, raise your hand if you're ready for the challenge, or stop spreading gaslighting ignorance that further empowers the rich and further disempowers the poor. How do you accuse the poor of irresponsibility when they don't even have anything to take responsibility of?! Wake up! It's enough misery to be poor then to have rich people dismissing your struggles and blame you for what is clearly their responsibility.
  7. He means the body is a disease because it's finite. He's equating limitation with sickness. Probably he meant it poetically, not literally
  8. The world would probably have a much slower pace. Everyone would probably be more mindful, peaceful, tranquil, focused, living closer nature, etc...
  9. Of course. It's just a survival strategy.
  10. @iceprincess Never double text. Some people use this as a strategy to show you that they're busy (which may or may not be true) in order to hook you (look how it worked perfectly on you). Of course, some people may be genuinely busy at certain times, but they still can respond later if they're interested. So, again, never double text.
  11. @KGrimes You are fine. You just lack the abundance mindset, and thus all the neediness and attachment. Play the numbers game and create abundance instead of focusing all your attention on one girl at a time. You need to have options and communicate that to her subconsciously. As long as she is your only option, you will be perceived by her as low value, which is unattractive. You don't necessarily have to be dating other girls, but you must have the ability to leave the girl you're interested in. That'll subcommunicate to her that you are confident and high value. She needs to know that you are capable of dating other girls. You might also benefit from learning how to push and pull through trial and error.
  12. Hmmm, that, at least, I understand. Maybe I said it wrong earlier. I didn't mean that I dislike responsibility in and of itself. It's just another experience after all. But since it's a highly conscious experience, it requires highly conscious effort, which is so much effort. Just like with heavy weight lifting, I can work out for a certain period of time each day. Some people, like Dwayne Johnson, may be able to work out for longer periods of time, but they still can't work out 24/7. It's humanly impossible. The human body has its limits, and so does the human brain. That's what responsibility basically is like, at least to me. I need to rest and relax my mind and not be always busy mentally in order to achieve ideal performance when required. I would say the maximum number of work hours per day should not exceed 10. I think 6 hours is ideal. And when I say work, I mean real work, like with full attention and focus. Not autopilot, half asleep, unconscious, and half (or even less than half) assed work, which probably explains the low quality low consciousness political leaders we have. I could (maybe?) work like that for 16-20 hours a day, but I wouldn't consider it high quality work. High quality work requires high levels of responsibility. And responsibility requires focus. And focus requires rest.
  13. The president. Personally, I've never in my life wanted to be in charge even of a small group of people. It's just too much responsibility to take, and I don't like being responsible unless I don't have any other options. Because responsibility is limiting, and I don't like being limited. I feel a bit weird in this regard. Why do some people obsess about and fight over that title too much? It seems a lot of people fantasize about becoming in charge of other people, and that seems to cause us all the drama that creates wars and all that nonsense that comes along with it. Even the people who don't really want to take the highest ranks still seem to submit to this hierarchy as if the higher the rank, the better the quality of life. I don't know where that fantasy came from, but from my perspective it seems quite the opposite. I can't imagine a president of any given government who is happy with their life. I would bet that many of them are even living miserable lives, and so are many of the people who are close to them in rank. Thoughts?
  14. I honestly did not understand anything.
  15. It is hard for me to imagine that. How can 24/7 responsibility reduce stress?
  16. Hmmm, maybe in some cases, but not always? For me, if I would have to be on the lookout 24/7 (like how I imagine presidency to be), that would certainly create a physical sensation of stress within my body regardless of how i think about it. I would have to have time to meditate to reduce the stress. But with such a tight schedule (as I imagine), that would be extremely difficult. Otherwise, and within the human limits (6-10 hours of work per day), I agree.
  17. That's an interesting perspective, and I agree. I want to be powerful too. But I'm still not convinced that presidency grants anyone the kind of power that they (or at least I) want, especially nowadays. I would speculate that maybe a king would enjoy ruling because that would probably mean less work for him (maybe?). But what I imagine a president is like is totally different. Presidency is basically a job that has no end point. There's no clear point at which a president can sit back and relax because they've done everything that needs to be done. Managing a little group on Facebook can be tiring. Now imagine scaling that up to a nation. And not only that, you don't have direct access to management. You manage other people who in turn manage other people, and so on. Let alone the foreign affairs, which are perhaps a lot more complicated and tiring. I don't know what's so good about presidency. In our modern world, money = power. You don't need to be president to access anything. You only need money. It perplexes me that someone very rich like Trump even wanted to be president. I mean what did that add to him? What did he have not before being president? And what did he lose after losing the elections? I can't think of anything tangible. Maybe it's all in his head after all? How?
  18. Cold showers + focused intention. In some cases, intentions are far more important than the practices. This is one of those cases.
  19. I'll save you some time here. I am not awake, and a devil.
  20. That's a really good topic. It demonstrates clearly how love is imaginary and delusional at heart. There's no such a thing as love. It's just neediness and attachment for survival purposes.
  21. Here's a koan: What is the difference between the materialistic cult and all other cults? Hint: There is no difference.
  22. @fridjonk Reminds me of this meme: I guess one of the best things about stage Blue spirituality is that you don't feel alienated by practicing it, because everyone is practicing it it, too. Muslims fast together for a month each year. So, it's the other way around, and you'd be alienated if you didn't fast.
  23. Anyone who follows or is invested in politics is a deluded ideologue and understands nothing about society. There's no such a thing as a genuine movement that the people create. There's only plays that leaders create and people execute. The leaders in our modern world are the capitols, which basically own the media. The media is the catalyst for all the main events that happen anywhere all around the globe. Nothing in reality is as advertised on the media. Not even close. Everything is distorted for evil purposes. War has basically become cyber/digital, but not all of it. However, people who are confused and naive fall for every other idea that the media owners imprint them with. How did I arrive at this insight? Well, considering that Leo and folks as such are deluded ideologues/control freaks, that's one good indicator. But mainly, it's the mess that I'm living in called The Middle-East, which only turned into hell right after the breakout of the so-called "The Arab Spring". The Arab Spring is nothing but BS and western propaganda. Most of the people, at least in my country, were living very decent lives with very decent jobs before the "spring". It wasn't perfect, but nobody was complaining. I mean, of course, people always complain about everything all the time. But that's not the same thing. The reality of the arab spring was just a few folks working in proxy for certain external players, paying money and giving drugs to savages to go on protests and start riots. Those savages were a minority. My city used to have over 5 million people, but only a few hundreds were protesting against the government. The rest of us did not protest. Rather, we actually went on rallies to support the government. We would rally in tens and hundreds of thousands in each city alone. Why? Because life was good. I'm not going to lie. There are other inauthentic factors, but they can be easily dismissed because they're really not important. We, the majority, did not want anything to change. Change was forced upon us by those external players that I hinted at earlier. There was no such a thing as a genuine movement or an Arab Spring. The external players, then, started smuggling weapons and explosives in order to create chaos. And then terrorist groups started coming in too, probably motivated by the same external players. This one example that I have lived through and suffered the consequences, I'm sure it applies to most other movements, if not even all of them. There can't be a movement without a leader. It just isn't humanly possible. Without a leader directing the whole thing, there won't even be a thing to being with. That's why the arab spring failed. Now, the country is hell. The economy is shit. 4000 local currency for each 1 USD. Before the arab spring it was only 50 for each 1 USD. Why aren't people protesting now? Where's the anger and frustration? Why aren't there any movements? Now is the time where everyone is suffering from poverty. Now it makes sense to protest and even make riots. It would simply be the right thing you do. But it's not happening, why? Obviously, because no one is fueling the fire. There's not even a spark or an indicator of one even in the far future. This people are incapable of change. They never wanted to change, and they never will. Nobody likes change, except the deluded ideologues. But even those don't like changing themselves, so they always seek to change others and the outside world. The only good thing about all that is that it made me more awake than most people. Before the arab spring, I was extremely ignorant and deeply deluded, like most people. I used to buy into all sorts of BS, including conspiracy theories. Because I was living a comfortable life. Suffering creates awareness. Suffering is the fastest way to God.
  24. <html> <head> <title>Test<title/> <head/> <body> <h1>Header<h1/> <p>Test Paragraph<p/> <h2>Header lvl2<h2> <html/> I recently discovered that the forum offers a code insertion feature so I wanted to try it out and see what happens. That's a very simple html code. I've started learning web development one week ago. I have already finished html and css. Now moving to something more advanced like bootstrap, jquery, javascript. Finally something I'm good at. We'll see how it goes.