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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. What?! I thought most people were materialists. I don't think most people recognize God as a real being, let alone them being it. It's very strange that you have suggested otherwise. I wasn't implying his way of relating to people. I guess if it's working then it's fine. But there seems to be something inside him that he can't let go of that makes him wanna tell everyone that he's God. It seems like celebrating some achievement in a video game or something, only to an extreme degree.
  2. You should always approach. Results are irrelevant.
  3. Not walking down the streets yelling that I have realized my true nature?
  4. I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this obsession about God. Why can't people realize their true nature and just be cool with it?
  5. I would not focus on these appearances but rather focus on contemplating the fear/resistance that led to them.
  6. It's really not that men actually like to be chosen by the girl. Not at all. The girl's opinion is completely irrelevant here. Look at the porn industry. Why do you think men love porn? I mean, if sluts are so unappealing, then porn should be obsolete, but it isn't. Why? I'll tell you why: It's just the idea of an easy thing that is not sexy to men. Like with video games, nobody celebrates/prides themselves on having won an easy game. We want what no one can have. We want to face challenges and beat them to validate our power, dominance, and sense of self-worth/importance. This is how the masculine energy embodies itself. We want to possess the girl for ourselves because that's how we establish our kingdom. Furthermore, exclusive sluts are way more than just appealing to men. They're in a completely different dimension of sexy. If a girl is known to be sleeping around with high-quality men, men will be dying to have her for themselves. They will set up competitions and all sorts of things to win her.
  7. @Keyhole I can't love the collective, with or without survival, I just can't. The whole love thing has collapsed for me. I can't even love animals or nature because I know they will die someday and leave me alone. And vice-versa, if someone gets attached to me emotionally, I will die someday and leave them alone. So, it's always a bad idea and not worth the investment. Still, I have friends that I like and feel comfortable with (you're included). But I won't mourn for anyone when they're gone. Well, at least, I'll try not to.
  8. I mean even within religion, it was supposed to be clear what God is, yet somehow there's always confusion. Even Leo says that everything is God, yet we aren't in God consciousness. So what is it, really? Is everything God without exception? Or is God consciousness the only one true God and everything else something else (illusion)? How can non-duality be true if God consciousness is not always the case? Does this distinction make God an external entity?
  9. I have both seen truth distinct as content, and truth distinct as context. Yet, I can't distinguish between the two.
  10. @Keyhole If love exists after death, then love is already here. Survival, then, would be a masquerade. The reason why I don't believe in love because I used to but then I got hurt time after time, every single time. So now, I distance myself from any emotional connections with people because I know how quickly things can change. I no longer attach my emotions to social interactions. And if I catch myself doing that, I remind myself of the hurt and go meta. @Preety_India @Keyhole Don't take it personally, though. I think you're both great people. And I wish you all the best. Maybe in the future I will be open again to these things. Right now I just can't.
  11. I don't believe in love, but thanks for being kind. I wonder if it would have been the same in case I wasn't feminist. ?
  12. Of course, not. This kind of thinking assumes that consciousness is a material possession that can be acquired, increased or decreased, but that's not what it actually is. Vegans/hippies feel free to prove me wrong. The reality is that everything is relative and everyone is biased towards certain agendas. It doesn't mean that some agendas are better or "higher in consciousness" than others. It just means that people use all sorts of BS explanations and justifications to further push their agendas. In this case, people allude to higher consciousness as an argument to appeal to the spiritual/sensitive side of people, as if it actually means anything other than what it is, a deception. (Ironically, most people use these arguments rather unconsciously ?).
  13. No. I am saying that the point of my question is exploration. Something of value might come up, or it might not. Not all questions have answers, and even if they have, we can still question them and extract value. And of course, I needn't to tell you that there are no shoulds or shouldn’ts.
  14. Peace to you too. But that's not the reason why I started this thread. If I wanted to find things out in direct experience, I would have done it already. But I don't want that. Rather, I want to discuss and keep asking questions until I get to the bottom of the inquiry, if any. The objective for me is asking the questions, regardless of whether or not there are answers to them.
  15. @Someone here Yeah, you can't face the truth when it's thrown onto your face. You keep telling others to shut up, yet you keep talking. How convenient is that?
  16. If that is true, then why do you always push these insights onto me and others here? If only you could realize you are them and they are you and so whatever you /them decide is what YOU decide. So both views are correct and false. Isn't that obvious?
  17. I am you. Stop outsmarting yourself and enlighten up. And P.S. stfu
  18. My inquiry here is not entirely existential. I specifically referred to mystics and how they relate to the absolute so that you may see that. Is their way valid, as in ultimate non-duality? Or are they still in duality? In other words, is it the same thing to worship an external God? Or is it delusion?
  19. Someday, I will outsmart both you and reality, and I won't teach you how I did it.
  20. @Nahm Can you answer the questions on a more practical level? (practical = thoughts)
  21. @kbone You're answering questions that are interesting to you, and that is fine but does not belong here. You can excuse yourself from this thread. Thanks.