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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. Ironically, you're misusing this free will by being a little bit too liberal with the word "truth".
  2. It's called the spiritual ego. You need transcendence through understanding. Not an easy task though.
  3. Because they're right from a materialistic pov and wrong from an idealistic pov.
  4. If that ever happened, remember that in another life you will be living a peaceful life where you have the opportunity to decide whether to worry or not, perhaps, exactly like your current life. DON'T WASTE YOUR LIFE WITH WORRYING! GO LIVE!
  5. I don't remember the first time I did the test and I don't quite recall my first result, but I am sure it's different from the recent ones. I just did the test now. My last two trials are one year apart. I shifted from ISFJ-T to ISFP-A. Are changes in personality a common thing? What are the likely reasons and consequences of slight changes? Can one change radically? Where to best educate myself about the functions? Anything else that you like to add would be appreciated too!
  6. It really depends, but the important thing here is to make sure he doesn't feel like he's being pressured into a certain pathway. Stress can be very frustrating and counterproductive. He needs to make his own calls about his future, and feel the liberty of choice. Your role as a parent would be just to nudge him gently into the right direction. What does he think/talk about right now instead? There may be some clues for you in there.
  7. @Danioover9000 @Keyhole One thing that comes to mind is levels of investment. If someone is really investing in the content of the forum then chances are that whatever mistakes they make will be done unconsciously and without bad intentions. However, if someone opens a new account and immediately starts to cause disharmony and stuff, then chances are they're just trolling. I mean that should be obvious. In some cases, someone who is really invested can actually be a troll, but judgement should be made carefully.
  8. I think Mods here could do better at detecting trolls. Trolls get away, and innocent people fall victims of the merciless ban hammer. I think there should be more awareness and understanding of how trolls work, especially developing skills such as emotional intelligence, pattern analysis, better guesswork, using triggering techniques, understanding personality types, etc... Some trolls are very obvious to me from the sight of their very first posts, some are more subtle. I find it strange how it's lost on the mods a lot of times. I think mods should be better than that.
  9. @Consept Absolutely. We want to make sure that the virus doesn't get any additional 1% chances of spreading. It's already cancerous enough. Until the vaccine is released, I think it'll get much better then.
  10. Useless is a strong word. The truth is that masks aren't not really that effective. Like, if you sat down with a person in a closed room for one hour, even if you're both wearing masks the whole time, there would be a high chance of viral transmission. As opposed to an open place where air is always moving and humidity is low (e.g. outdoors), even if both of you weren't wearing masks, there would be a very little chance of transmission. Environment is a much more important factor than masks. Public transport could be a highly contagious environment depending on how it's managed. But generally, if the windows are open, chances of contamination are low.
  11. Haha! It's not that there's no final awakening. It's that after you have the final awakening, no more awakenings will be considered awakenings by the mind. The mind will be completely absent at that point that the whole awakening thing will fall apart. Or, so I think...
  12. @lmfao Thanks for the detailed reply! Truly appreciated. I can't comment right up because I obviously don't have enough theory and you guys have already flooded me with information enough for the next few days. So maybe then I will return here and discuss. Right now I just want to comment on the age guessing thing. I'm not 17-18, that would be an underestimation. In the past people used to always overestimate me and assume I'm in my 30s. The truth is that I'm 24 but I'm guessing people judge according to levels of seriousness/neurosis? In the past, I was extremely neurotic and serious about life. I was able to decrease that significantly in the past few years. My approach has changed radically, and so people's assessments of my age when anonymous. On the other hand, in real life, I used to look younger than I actually am. Now, it's the other way around. Although I haven't changed anything regarding my looks. It's just that my face and hair pattern now seem more grown-up, and also my mind. But I still am the same innocent kid on the inside. @Haumea2018 @nitramadas Thank you very much for your contributions. I might reply after I gather enough understanding.
  13. Summary: "Stealing is evil." No. Evil is a judgement. "But judgement is a judgement, so?" No. Judgement is actually an accurate label, not a judgement. "Okay. So is label a judgement or a label?" Label is another label for itself. "Okay. So stealing is stealing, and we can't say anything further." Hence, the self-reference problem. ..... Why can't we get past that point? Or can we? What are the best ways to deal with this problem? And what's next? Out-of-the-box thinking is most appreciated!
  14. Not my favourite thing to say, but the universe has no beginning, and so is consciousness. Form = formlessness. Consciousness did not give birth to itself. It is giving birth to itself all the time, each moment, from eternity to infinity. The time construct (past event) you're limiting consciousness to is the problem.
  15. The sleight of hand you did here; false conclusion drawn from false induction. You equated your definition of opinions with the definition of labels. Opinion is smaller than label. Label contains opinion and description.
  16. Preventing is not the same as solving. Prevention is like running away and hiding. Solving means facing the problem head-on and coming out the other side with an actual solution, or at least admitting defeat. ???
  17. But how can that phrase be technically correct when it's actually also a self-referential statement? There's a leap of faith here getting sweeped under the rug.
  18. Well, that's what I thought too, but I hoped that I could encourage some people to question this assumption and think outside of the box. There could not be a solution before the problem even existed. This does not solve the problem, it just prevents it.
  19. Again, realization/awareness is also self-referential. I can become aware of the thoughts. It's called going meta. But then I go meta on going meta, and I become aware of awareness. And so awareness is still referring to itself.
  20. Okay, but then 'that which is' is also in the realm of self-reference. We are referring to something inside of being. So the problem is still there.
  21. @xxxx @Keyhole @Username Thank you very much! I'll check them out. @lmfao Your contribution would be of utmost importance to me.
  22. Of course, but who's to say suffering isn't healthy?