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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. @lmfao I wonder why would you call it poison though? It gives me the impression that there's something like a chemical substance that you get off to through that addiction exclusively. If that's the case, is there a way that you can somehow extract that substance and examine it scientifically, and then look for it in other stuff? In other words, what is the thing that you're looking for exactly when you're watching porn? Like on the deepest level, what is that thing? Is it a feeling? A state of consciousness? Certain thoughts? What is it? Like if you're locked up in a jail cell or lost in the desert with no internet access whatsoever, what would you have to do to get that poison? Maybe if you can answer that question you will be able to solve the problem on a deeper level.
  2. @Value How reality works at any level below the absolute.
  3. @abrakamowse The absolutest truth though in the realm of absolutismatism is that there are only 5 sentient beings in the entire universe, and the rest are just bots. I am one of those sentient beings, and Leo is one. The other three are still unknown till this day, but two of them are females, for sure. Ladies, pm me with your hottest pics so that I can confirm.
  4. Solipsism is what happens when you take empiricism too seriously. @satyajit What does the word "illusion" mean? It means that there's something beyond that which you call "illusion", and you believe in it, but you deny that you do Why not just admit the inevitability of belief instead?
  5. @lmfao Would you take 1000 bucks and quit porn addiction once and for all? Or would you rather pay 1000 bucks and still do it?
  6. @Value I have the same two values in my top values. I call them Truth & Practicality to avoid that problem. Practicality itself is true, and so it contains the truth value in it already. I leave Truth for abstract understanding that does not necessarily affect the way reality works. To me, it's like this: Truth is raw/without ego-mind. Practicality is with ego-mind.
  7. LMFAO! Epitome of stage Blue, blindly following authority. I've been there 5 years ago, and I know exactly how he feels like. The funniest thing is that he even used big words like ignorance and open-mindedness as if he understands either of them. Just LMFAO! His comment on psychedelics is interesting though. I like the perspective that we shouldn't be messing with our state of consciousness.
  8. I'm doing a huge project this year on addiction recovery. Make sure you check that out in the journals section. That's precisely correct. The main abstract force that is causing the addictions is lack of awareness. This approach is not going to work unless you have a strong disgust of the addiction or desire to let go, and even then you're gonna need consistency over a period of time. Change does not happen auto-magically, usually. It requires conscious effort. Who wants to know? And why? Why not just not-know? Remember, the point here is to go meta as far as you can. It doesn't really yield much to try examine yourself from the same level. You have to examine from above. Of course! But also not. Because at the level of the absolute truth there are no problems and no solutions. There is one flow of life, and you just align with it. If it is addictions, it'll be addictions. If it is desire to quit addictions, it'll be desire to quit addictions. Either way is absolute truth. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that well because the absolute truth is everything that means change is impossible, because it's not. You can create change in your life and it will be absolute truth. The question is whether you actually deeply really want that change or not.
  9. I didn't realize that this model did actually originate in China. Now, there's no wonder why there's not much information available on the internet around it. It seems like learning the Chinese language is going to be very useful both in the short and long terms, and in various areas. ..... One of the very first, yet most important things you learn in medical school is the distinction between a sign and a symptom. A symptom is simply something that the patient comes to you complaining from. The patient does not necessarily tell you about it, but they're aware of it, like crystal clear awareness, so it is easy to find. On the other hand, a sign is a symptom that the patient is unaware of and yet the doctor should have enough wit and experience to discover, or rather uncover, and signs can be tricky to find. Why is this distinction important? Because this one distinction is what makes the biggest difference between a good doctor and a bad one. If you aren't good enough, you won't be able to make use of all the theoretical knowledge that you have accumulated over the years, and so you will make bad assessments, or at least inaccurate ones. And here comes the distinction between actual diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Actual diagnosis is supposed to be the exact condition or sickness. Differential diagnosis is the list of possible conditions for the collection of symptoms and signs that are present, and the actual diagnosis has to necessarily be one of them. Good diagnosis is the most crucial factor in good treatment. If you don't have enough clarity on what you're dealing with, then you're not going to make very effective treatment plans. You're going to be confused and all over the place, not knowing what your patient is actually suffering from, therefore turning all your theoretical knowledge into trash. Here, I want to bring modern-day academic medical knowledge into spirituality and see how it’s going to work. A patient is present to your clinic, and you have got to find out what the problem is. You start by gathering information, which is called history taking, and then you proceed to physical examination. 1) History taking is essential. I don't want to explain it here, because I'm not qualified yet, and there's already plenty of detailed guidelines for that everywhere; such as this link: I will keep in mind all the steps involved in history taking and put them to my practice here. In fact, I already do that to a certain degree, so I just need to take it to the next level, and then to mastery. 2) Clinical examination consists of 4 major principles: 1) Inspection. 2) Palpation. 3) Percussion. 4) Auscultation. The actual process of clinical examination is tricky to learn and apply, and it requires practice. However, it is almost irrelevant to my work here. I just mentioned this as to extract the external structure and apply it to my work. The main objective with clinical examination is to seek and find signs that are usually hidden, and then use them to reach the proper diagnosis. With spiritual work, it's a little bit different. There is one and only medication, that is awareness, and we already have it. We just need to bring the signs into awareness, and they will heal automatically. If we just bring up those signs/dysfunctions without applying awareness, they will just play out like nothing has happened, and they will keep being consistent, or in best case scenarios, they will get released for the moment but then they will come back later as if nothing has changed. The only way to cure them once and for all is by applying awareness. Now, this is where it gets interesting: How to bring up hidden signs/dysfunctions in the first place? In other words, what are some ways to invoke them? (I'll get to that later). Another question is that why aren't these signs/dysfunctions already apparent in our ordinary experience? The answer is that they are indeed present, but they are not apparent because they are buried deep in the unconscious mind under layers of unconscious patterns, and we are so adapted to them that we can't see how they're actually dysfunctions and how they're distancing us from happiness and robbing us from energy, and more importantly blocking us from presence. For that reason, it is worthwhile pausing for a moment to contemplate and appreciate the significance of what's being lost on us here. Really, it is a tragedy that we've exchanged this way of life for stupid conformity & brainwashing. We have exchanged the whole for the part, and the infinite for the finite. And the irony is that all of that is because of fear of death. We actually prefer living a miserable life than to die living the good life. I think I may have digressed here. Anyway, the structure of physical examination basically consists of two categories: 1) Passive techniques. 2) Active techniques. Like I said in the original post, conditioning consists of two components; patterns & emotions. Now, I'll add that emotions consist of two components too; thoughts & feelings/sensations. Passive techniques are their own points, because the conditioning is there, but it's not being made aware of. By practicing passive techniques such as meditation, journaling, body awareness, etc... The conditioning will become made aware of, and it will break down automatically. It will be just a matter of time and focused effort. Kinda like agriculture, you just take care of your land, and your land then will take care of you. However, with active techniques such as breathing exercises, questioning, shadow work, etc... It's different. Because unless there's active awareness involved in the process, it will be pointless to do anything to begin with, as stated above, because awareness is the key to making progress here. So, here it's important to use the practices to invoke dysfunctions and then as the patterns become apparent, you hunt them down with awareness. Kinda like luring a prey to a trap. You sucker it into the trap of awareness, and then you let awareness eat it up. More insights are coming soon...
  10. When you're talking with others, is your mind actually with you or elsewhere?
  11. The most effective way I've found to cure obsession is to stay busy. Find a life purpose and go after it. Do something you actually enjoy that takes you to different states of mind. It is extremely crucial that you experience different states of mind. Enjoy a snack, a walk, a conversation, do whatever you can to take your mind out of that state. Otherwise, surrender & accept. Or in other words, embrace the past & release it.
  12. That number freaked me out! I tasted a hint of absolute infinity in there.
  13. It's real at stage Purple. At Blue, it turns into Karma. Or perhaps the other way around, I'm not sure. Green reincarnation is the law of conservation.
  14. The furthest we can agree upon as humans from the human perspective is that it's a strange-loop between beliefs & direct experience, i.e. subjective & objective.
  15. @Forestluv Light has shined throughout the forum!
  16. The way I said it came out wrong. I meant to say that societies keep developing, but not necessarily all of them reach Green. In fact most societies collapse way before reaching Green due to other societies rising to Orange and Green, and therefore in turn suppressing them and causing them to die off early. Green has been the most advanced level any society has ever reached. It's not particularly a revelation that Spiral Dynamics talks about it. It's been known since the 13th century, and maybe even before. It's not an endless upward Spiral. It's a circle. Of course, things may change. Who knows? Maybe the SD vision could contribute to that change, I don't know. I only present and deal with facts. @Consept See the link above.
  17. @satyajit The point is that you cannot possibly get an answer to your question without believing others. From your pov, you can only experience your pov. Everything you hear from others is their povs. You cannot directly experience my pov. But you can believe that I directly experience it. With this belief in mind, there is an objective reality that we all share. Otherwise, if you choose not to believe that my pov is as real as yours, you will end up with solipsism/subjective reality. Either way, you're using beliefs. But at least, with the former, it's acknowledged.
  18. Spiral Dynamics is not designed originally for individuals. It is designed for societies. All societies all over history all over the world have shared the same pattern up to this day. They keep developing until a portion of them reaches Green, and then they collapse. This is an established fact throughout human civilization. Spiral Dynamics makes the additional step in that it assumes that society will not collapse after Green. This has not ever occurred before, and it is very unlikely to occur now. But believe whatever you want, time will tell.
  19. @satyajit This problem can be easily solved with belief. And actually, it is being solved exclusively through that way while denying that belief is involved. The answer to this question requires a leap of faith; precisely a belief in otherness. But Leo's approach to epistemology does not accept belief, or at least that's what he claims. You're not bound by that approach though. You can choose to believe others and you can choose not to. It's all up to you.
  20. @Carl-Richard There's not much to say here other than the map is not the territory. Don't attach to any particular map. It's that simple. You're criticizing Elliott for attaching to certain ideologies, and yet you're doing the same. So you're criticizing from the same level, not from above.