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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. Lol that's funny! The truth is created by thought, and discovered by awareness.
  2. I don't know about you. But I personally prefer not having any concerns at all, at least at this point in my life. Maybe in the future things will change, maybe we'll exchange positions, I don't know. What I do know is that we don't get to choose either way, so these questions are nonsensical.
  3. Concern is the only real problem. All other problems are tangents of it.
  4. I think your actual question is whether life can ever be problem-free. And my answer is of course not. Whatever you do, whatever ideologies you adopt, and whatever the degrees of sophistication and nuance you may reach in thinking and understanding, you will still face problems EVERY.SINGLE.DAY
  5. The happiest age is right now.
  6. @Someone here Not only you look like one of my close friends, but you actually sound like him. A LOT! Ha!
  7. You will find it EXTREMLY annoying until you realize, due to lack of sex, that that's been just your ego tricking you the whole time.
  8. @Stakres I know this is probably the most used up cliche ever, but you just need to surrender and accept yourself as you are. Remove the thoughts that tell you that you are missing something, because they're untrue. So just ignore them if you can, or in case you can't, investigate them. Easier said than done though.
  9. Ooookay. So this is a simple illustration of how I perceive addictions to work. I want to make a few general points, and then I will discuss different strategies and solutions: I like to make a distinction between what I call "positive cycles" and "negative cycles". What that means is that there are two categories of addiction; addiction to doing stuff (positive, e.g. porn, drinking, video games) and addiction to the avoidance of doing stuff (negative, e.g. overthinking, introvertedness, losing presence while doing stuff). Positive addictions are rooted in neurosis. Negative addictions are rooted in resistance. Both of which are rooted in fear, of course. The cycle of addiction applies to/can be used to understand and heal: OCDs, perfectionism, neurosis, psychological suffering, depression, anxiety, relationships and attraction, boundaries, self-esteem, self-image, self-love, and others. The cycles are not necessarily pathological. In fact, it's how humans operate in general. The cycles are made of energy, in various degrees. More patterns = less remaining energy. Make sure that you know where you are putting your energy in. There are several ways that I have found to dismantle that cycle. Some ways are proactive, and others are more passive. But the general rule of thumb is mindfulness/awareness, of course. The purpose of the cycle is to keep repeating itself. That's how it keeps itself going. The three main anchor points make it hard for it to break. However, through proper understanding, we can use the model to achieve desired outcomes. (1) One way for breaking the cycle is to block the flow at any point. There are different variations for this; For example, stopping the pattern will block the flow. And then, energy will accumulate in the other two anchor points and on their pathways. So, if you stop doing any addiction, you will have thoughts that tell you to do it. If you don't listen to the thoughts, you will feel certain sensations that won't go away until you follow through again with the cycle. Doesn't matter where you make the blockage. You can ignore the thoughts, but then you will feel sensations that won't go away until you return to the pattern. If you keep ignoring the thoughts, you will end up going back and forth between patterns and sensations. You feel the urge, and you immediately act on it. On the other hand, if you somehow block the sensation, for example by distracting yourself with something else, you will have unconscious thoughts that will eventually lead to and manifest in the form of the original patterns. You can also interrupt the cycle at the pathways between any two anchor points: You can interrupt the pattern-thought pathway (unconscious) through being mindful of the thoughts that accompany the patterns. You can interrupt the thought-sensation pathway (emotion) by understanding and taking ownership of your emotions. You can interrupt the sensation-pattern pathway (conscious) by being present while experiencing the sensations and by developing more bodily awareness. All/any of that has to be done with awareness. Otherwise, there won't be any progress. (2) Another way for breaking the cycle is to overdrive it at any point. There's not much to say here other than what's been said above. If you do anything in excess, it won't be as desirable as it was before. Desire is always doomed to death. Whether you allow/feed it or block/deprive it, is irrelevant. Again, awareness is key. (3) Another way for breaking the cycle is creating other cycles. Or what I call "comparative awareness". This has to be done consciously as well, or else it will add up to the problem instead of fixing it. You replace the current unwanted cycles with others that serve similar purposes. That'll make it easier to detach from either cycles, and you will have the luxury of seeing the cycles playing out from a meta perspective. ..... Will contemplate more and see if I can add more insights.
  10. @MrBON It doesn't matter what you call it. What matters is how you make her feel. If you can't make her feel safe and protected with you, you won't be able to attract her. Arrogance is simply overconfidence. And not only girls fall for it. It's the arrogant person first and foremost, and then a lot of naive people.
  11. Educate yourself more about sex and how to turn women on. Plenty of information online. Go to gym and get in shape. Don't get ripped though, but just get your abs into good shape and you'll be on fire. That's it.
  12. You can certainly, but hardly, get a girl without these, just by cold approaching every girl you find attractive. Although it would be more challenging to keep her around without that whole package. Will understanding that affect your attitude positively? Maybe most girls prefer their guy taller than them, but so what? It is what it is. The question is what are you going to do about it? Even if you have 1% chance of scoring, it will turn to 0% if you don't become proactive about dating.
  13. @Rilles Ha! And I thought I was alone lol. Thank you for the spark, and best of luck there! You won't regret it. ..... Dancehall music, and SP! Such a unique voice and a great talent that never gets old and only gets better with time. The way he creates the lyrics is just beyond human! Of course, I'm not talking about the depth of the lyrics. That's not the important part. It's how he turns the lyrics into music. He sets the lyrics to the beat, and brings every dead beat to life. Sometimes, he literally locks it. Just incredible! Doesn't matter the message, serious or fun. Focus on the music generated by the lyrics. That's what I like most about Dancehall music. Jamaicans have such a way with the lyrics that you can't help but surrender to the Riddim. People who care about the meaning don't know what they're missing out on. And honestly, I find most of the "deep meaningful" songs to be full of shit and word salads. And even then, there's no good rhyme. So what's the point of singing? Can't they just leave the music alone? Do they really feel the need to ruin it with their
  14. She said that there will be a huge discovery regarding cancer research, and that the gap between the rich and poor will diminish greatly. We'll see about that.
  15. I'm 5'8, but I once dated a 6' overweight woman. We both were non-judgemental.
  16. @Inliytened1 @SamueLSD @Someone here @Fran11 Thank you guys, I'll contemplate your questions and answers.
  17. Order or Chaos? I mean in the ultimate sense. Is God ultimately ordered or chaotic? Infinite intelligence implies that it's both ways at the same time, but is infinite intelligence itself ordered or chaotic? We might as well ask; Is there a plan for the universe? What is order? And what is chaos?
  18. Yes, that's what the Buddha meant when he said desire is the root of all suffering. The ego is infinitely imaginative it cannot be truly satisfied.
  19. Have you tried any breathing exercises at all? Say, for example, the Wim Hof Method?
  20. Been practicing and experimenting a little bit with body awareness and breathing techniques and mindfulness. Here's a list of all the unconscious patterns that I have recognized so far: Popping fingers & neck. Sometimes due to feeling a little bit of pain. Clipping nails with other nails. Especially when I am stressed. Multi-tasking. Like there's not enough time for everything. Making drum sounds with the teeth when listening to music. A weird thing to do, but yeah. Pushing teeth against each other, or tongue against teeth to feel them. Tension in the lower jaw. I've tried Wim Hof breathing and the lower jaw was the only thing that tingled. There's still tension, so I will continue with the Wim Hof Method. Tension while asleep. Probably similar to the above. Bad posture. Due to bad conditions, which probably causes/adds up to the tension mentioned above. I'm not sure what to do here. Phone/internet addiction: specifically forum. I keep checking the forum unconsciously throughout the day. Also, Whatsapp, Facebook, and Telegram to a lesser degree. I should probably create rules for using the internet. But what about the phone? Scarcity mindset. It has improved, but it's still there from the times it was necessary. Can't leave acne and other stuff alone. I don't know why, because even if they're not painful at all I still can't leave them alone. Picking my nose when I'm alone. Similar to the above. Some stuff in my nose make me feel uncomfortable and I have to remove them. Talking stupid shit. Like throwing words here and there that don't have any context, mostly from the music I listen to. Also, humming certain parts of the most recent music I listen to. Why would I say anything when I am alone? Losing presence during conversations. It's like I'm not really interested in what the other person is saying so I just turn off my thinking mind and therefore I lose presence. Staring at girls. Especially ass and thighs. When I'm walking in the streets, I don't look at their faces. My eyes go straight to the ass and thighs. If they're shapely, I look at the face. Pervert lol. Porn and certain sexual fetishes. Especially the ass and thighs. I just love 'em. Checking exes profiles. Like once or twice daily, but not all exes. Just two. Playing video games. Just one game, but not necessarily daily. Posture probably causes/adds up to the tension problems mentioned above. Losing presence while eating. Not enjoying the food fully. Why even exist if you can't enjoy your food? Picking irregular hairs off of my head. I guess it's similar to the acne thing. Watching the views count on my journal, and on certain other things to compare things. As if the number adds any real significance to my life. Ego. Fear of hurting others psychologically. Feelings of guilt, blame, and shame. Not so bad though. Opening tabs and never ever returning to them again. I have hundreds of tabs that I was supposed to read sometime near when I first opened them. Now, they're unread, but I still don't close them. Music. My drug (more info below). Lack of direction. Due to too much deconstruction of the self. Moving quickly & without mindfulness throughout the day. Similar to the multi-tasking thing. I should slow down my pace. Introvertedness. Turns out probably my introvertedness is egoic. I'm not sure yet, but probably. Plus, probably some self-image problems as well. Selflessness. Due to prior Islamic conditioning. Desire to not edit posts on the forum. Reading posts twice after posting them, and correcting misspelled words. Contracting muscles around the eyes when the sun hits instead of closing my eyes on looking less directly into the light. Kicking stuff while walking, like cigarette butts and other small things. Due to my teenage years football obsession. Biting lips when they're dry. And wetting lips all the time. Climbing up the stairs quickly. Running and/or skipping steps. There were other things that I have recognized but I didn't write down immediately so I forgot what they were. And I'm sure there's still more stuff to uncover. But anyway, I have to start somewhere. I think most people have a lot worse unconscious patterns than that, both in number and degree. I have worked my way through a lot of things in the past that now I have this list, which is very mindful and perfectionistic of me. Even though most of the patterns I have seem harmless. But the goal with spiritual work is to reach the most perfect states of being, not doing. I'm sure most people can't even reach that degree of subtlety when it comes to recognizing unconscious patterns. Now, most of these patterns fit under Leo's definition of addiction to a certain degree but not all the way. I can't go a week without desiring these things but I don't necessarily feel a craving for all of them, but I do feel uncomfortable if I try to quit. Some of them I would consider extremely subtle, and some of them are more obvious. But I have to make certain categories for the things that I can definitely do without immediately, and the things that can wait for another time. For example, music and porn to me are crucial at this point. I can't let go of them even if I wanted to. I've tried so many times and failed. My current state of consciousness does not allow me to do it. Music puts me in deep trance/no-mind states that I need at this point, spiritually. And porn I just can't because then what do I do with the sexual energy? Maybe tantra, but I don't think it can be learned from books. It probably requires actual teachers. My dose is about 1 hour each two days and only when I jerk off, so it's not that big of a deal, at least now. Maybe if I cured myself of all the other subtle addictions then I will be able to pull it of with music and porn. I mean music, maybe. But porn, I'm not sure. Maybe after transcending the need for music my state of consciousness will allow transcending sexual desire. I'll leave these two addictions to the finals, or maybe to more advanced stages regarding the ox.