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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. You have to be realistic about your advice. For example, awareness/attention/focus decreases before bed and you can't really do much about it. You can drink coffee, but it will be like overclocking your brain, which will eventually fire back at you.
  2. @Zigzag Idiot Yes, feeling into the body is a good practice, too. It requires energy to focus, though. But he said he's on autopilot for the most part. If you don't have enough energy, you won't have enough focus to make an effective practice. First, remove energy parasites, and then redirect your energies where you see fit.
  3. You don't need techniques. Just stop feeding on that entertainment BS that you subscribe to, and you will be fine. You have a limited amount of energy everyday, but you're wasting it on unnecessary stuff, for you. Instead, during that time, do nothing.
  4. Because your chats aren't important. You are not a politician or a billionaire. Nobody really cares about your messages. Yep. Not only a good alternative, it has a lot of things that Whatsapp doesn't.
  5. @Carl-Richard No you
  6. More of something means less of something else. All in perfect balance. More contains less, and less contains more.
  7. Hey, and welcome! And good on you for starting your journaling journey. It is one of the best habits I've ever done personally; A great place for exploring the contents of the mind and bringing unconscious thoughts to the light, and for getting a better understanding of the relationship between thoughts and emotions. I've read that you want this to be a space for exploring new ideas and perspectives. For that, I would suggest that you start a daily meditation practice of 20-30 minutes if you haven't already. This one practice can change your whole life. There are plenty of information about meditation everywhere. Yet, the practice is very simple and does not require a lot of research. You just sit down quietly and watch what happens. That's it. Whatever happens, you observe, notice, and not react. The purpose of the practice is to learn more about yourself, by yourself, through self-observation. The benefits of meditation are plenty, you can read about them anywhere. The content of the forum and YouTube channel is deeply insightful, that's for sure. But some of it is also pretty radical (not for me tbh, but it feels so for most people, so I assume you will find it radical too), especially the newer videos. is not an ordinary self-help site, keep that in mind while browsing. Nothing to be worried about, of course, but it is something that should be taken into account. Feel free to ask any questions. There are plenty of amazing people here who have plenty of information and experiences with self-help, self-actualization, enlightenment, etc... Good luck, and keep us posted.
  8. I've not experienced sleep paralysis in years. I'm not sure what's happening. I just experienced two new forms of it consecutively. The first was accompanied by the sound of my father as if he had come to wake me up. I was sleeping on my left side so he shaked me from my right arm. And then I felt that he was pulling me out of bed. There were two forces this time. The force pulling me out of bed, and the force pulling me in. Then I realized it was just sleep paralysis. The second was minutes after that one. And it was the weirdest thing. A pigeon hovering/fluttering over me and closing in onto my head. This time I was laying on my back. It's the first time such things happen. I will consider that a release and a sign of the progress I'm making.
  9. New distinction: Seeking vs. Non-seeking practice. There's value in both, but each is different unique ways. I have been practicing a non-seeking practice for probably a year by now. And truth be said, I have had many deep & profound insights, probably some of the most advanced insights ever. Advaita Vedanta is like taking a shortcut straight to God consciousness without bothering much with the ego. However, right now, I need more deliberate conscious seeking. I need more spiritual ego practice. It's been over an hour now and it's one of the most intense sessions I have done in the past couple of years. Deliberately applying awareness in the moment; realizing patterns, letting go of them, desire arising, letting go of desire, memories & emotions arising, letting go of them, nostalgic feelings arising, basking in the NOW, desire to journal about all that, going meta, letting go of journaling (story/storytelling), questioning that desire. Key principle here is to detach immediately and go meta. Similar to self-inquiry. I'd done a lot of this before, and it's what led me to the most enlightened states I've ever been in. But that would require me deep surrendering and I'm not sure whether I should or even could do it. We'll see.
  10. Actually, these kinds of systems are the most durable. They aren't permanent, of course. But they last much longer than other systems with less corruption, lies, manipulation, etc... Why? Because a circle is larger than a point.
  11. Welcome to Green:
  12. Carrot and stick. People at the top hold the rest by the nutbags. Think about it from the pov of a tribal leader who wants to rule the world. If you would allow sex for your people, they would become lazy and won't follow you anymore, cuz they've got everything already. And then you wouldn't be able to grow/conquer the world. In fact, the neighbouring tribes would come to you, kill you and enslave you, and rape all the women in your tribe.
  13. @Forestluv But hard luck for you. I'll make sure you're going to be included in my next incarnation.
  14. @RedLine Yep. The thing about the dream theory is that nobody fears going to sleep, even the least conscious people, animals, etc... But when it comes to physical death, even the most awake is afraid and tries to escape it at all costs. It really is a stupid thing to say that reality is but a dream, cuz it ain't.
  15. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. There are 5 sentient beings in the entire universe. Me, Leo, two unknown females, and one last secret character (could be you). The rest are bots. It's not just one being, not infinite beings, not 100 beings, not even two beings. 5 sentient beings. That's the most absolutest truth you can ever find. Reality is quintupluality. Prove me wrong.
  16. Radical to the ego, sure. God is fine either way.
  17. It's like we're covered with spider webs over here. I just don't get it. This environment is not original, nor genuine, nor creative, nor conservative, and nor progressive. It's a dying man smoking cigarettes, and a dead woman wearing make-up. Brains like stones, and beating hearts with no souls. A disease-generating disease. So lame, yet with genius levels of evil. So low in quality, yet still existing and persisting. No will and no power. No fuel and no fire. That's what happens when you spend more than 15 minutes on Facebook. You realize how fucked up everyone around you is. Where's it heading towards?
  18. Set your agendas aside.
  19. Anything would look stupid from a higher perspective. And vice-versa. I like the idea that God is a neutral thing that we shouldn't be attributing qualities to. So, instead of saying God is infinitely intelligent, it's better and more accurate to say that the ego is infinitely stupid. Cause of the limitations imposed on God by the ego-mind.
  20. @xxxx Forgive yourself for not being able to forgive yourself.
  21. LMFAO! ????