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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. @Mesopotamian He wasn't weird or anything. Polygamy was the norm back then. In fact, the more women a man could marry, the higher status he would get. He regulated marriage for his people down to a maximum of four women for each man. Same thing about the paedophilia thing. It was normal back then to marry a girl right after puberty. And if you think about it, the modern 18 years old bar is artificial and really irrelevant to growth and maturity. So it's relative to society.
  2. First of all, Hitler is just a thought right now, so you're asking if I love that particular thought. My answer is that I'm totally indifferent to it. Second, I don't know who Hitler was, so I don't know how I would feel about him. But the mainstream known figure sounds like a terrible human that is beyond repair, and for the sake of the well-being of many others, he should not have been given power but rather executed. Then again, he can't be that terrible without all the other terrible humans (both enemy and allies). So, it's pointless to blame him alone for who he was, cuz it's actually God's faulty creations. Then again, blame is an inferior emotion that would cause me suffering. So no, I wouldn't blame God, either. Love him? Nah, I don't think so. I guess I would have to go with indifference once again.
  3. Lol nice projection. He said she supported and believed him when everyone else dismissed and shut him down. That's why he loved her the most. Even years after her death, he would go and retreat for days at her grave. I'm not interested in these Muslim vs. atheist arguments. And I certainly can't know for sure. But it seems fairly safe and reasonable to me to assume that he learned a bunch of stories and wisdom from his in law. People who accuse Mohammad of memorizing are often atheists who think that the Quran is somehow an infallible and eloquent book, which I'm not, and don't. In fact, I think it's full of errors, self-deceptions, hallucinations, logical fallacies, biases, both mental and emotional manipulations, and judgments.
  4. @levani At first it feels meta af, but then the meta becomes the baseline level. Effortless meta so to speak.
  5. I agree. It's totally pointless and misses the mark whether or not evil exists as an independent phenomenon outside of the human perception, i.e. objective evil vs. subjective evil. This inquiry is not important and really just a straw-man of the actual question. Because as long as we cannot prevent the bad stuff from happening, then the source doesn't really matter. (I know "bad" is a label, so whoever reading this, you won't be considered a genius for pointing that out). Spiritual people are the biggest hypocrites in this regard. Because on the one hand, they naively say that evil does not exist and it's all just infinite love bla bla bla. But then on the other hand, they're quite the selfish people that won't really care for anyone else other than themselves. If you put them to the challenge and do something "evil" to them. All of the sudden, you will be called a devil, as if they're the almighty God, and you're the evil devil. All of the sudden, you're not infinite love anymore, rather you're just a limited deluded selfish devil that is making God angry because you're not following/agreeing with his selfish agendas. Suddenly, there will be a distinction between the absolute and the relative, and an alignment between the two that you are missing. And you will be straw-manned time and time again. You'll discuss the relative, and they'll resort to the absolute. You'll go to the absolute, and they'll resort to the relative. Endless fruitless pointless hypocrisy, just to mask the fact that they're the biggest hypocrites in the world, and that they're bypassing and refusing to see the evil within themselves, because "it doesn't exist".
  6. Fix low self-esteem. Develop an alligator's skin for rejection by going through hundreds of rejections.
  7. I wouldn't do anything differently, cuz I already always try to live my life to the fullest, cuz I always assume I'm going to die the next minute.
  8. Perhaps contemplate the other side of the coin; The ego is infinitely stupid.
  9. The word God is not arbitrary or irrelevant. It implies many different things, mainly: Wonder. Magic. Spirit. Power. Creation. Oneness. Mercy. Forgiveness. Infinity. Eternity. And basically, it implies all possible human & non-human characteristics taken to God levels. There is no other word to describe all that, and that's the point. Because if you truly understand God, it will make perfect sense to you. But otherwise, it's gonna fly over your head.
  10. @Leo Gura Stop spamming the forum with double posts
  11. It probably sounds like a funny question, but I'm asking seriously. Is God enlightened? On some level, it's kinda nonsensical to ask such a question. Yet, on another, I think it makes some sense at least. I guess what I'm asking here is: What does that question even mean? Or maybe how to approach it properly?
  12. @LostStudent We all have our bad moments. But that doesn't make us awful humans. I wonder about this judgement you made about yourself. It feels like you're being hard on yourself when in fact all you need is a little comforting and support. There's also something that I think could help you here: "What You Resist, Persists. What You Accept, Transforms You. You've probably heard it before– the notion that life isn't about what happens to you, but rather about how you respond to it. It's been my favourite motto for over a decade now, and it's given me a sense of agency over the circumstances of my life." Hope this helps. Take care.
  13. There's no 1 or 2 or 5. All numbers are imaginary abstract constructs made-up by the mind. Deconstruct the mind, and there won't be a problem. 1+0-3=653
  14. The ban hammer. I could hear its echo.
  15. I did not say he didn't experience whatever he experienced. You should seriously stop projecting your assumptions. He was extremely delusional imo experiencing hallucinations, which I don't consider real, even though I don't doubt that he did actually experience them. But my point still stands that he was a religious nut that studied Christianity deeply even though he was illiterate. Most of the Quran is stories about past prophets and civilizations (and most of the stories are about Moses, Pharaoh, and Israel), which is basically all coming from Christianity and Judaism, not really Mohammad. I've read quite a bit from the Bible, and there are a lot of shared stories. And yet the bible has much more details. P.S. When his first wife died, the insights and revelations did not stop, even though he said he loved her above all humans. So your explanation doesn't make sense.
  16. If Mohammad wanted the Quran to be a well-kept book, he would have told his followers to collect it, write it all down and copy it then spread it. But maybe he wasn't that genius after all. Sunni is just an interpretation of Islam. It's not Islam. It's like a poem and its interpretation, they're completely different entities. The poem/Islam is dead. And the interpretation has changed throughout history more than you imagine that now it's not at all what it was like when it first came into being. We can safely say that the Sunni of today is not the same Sunni 1100 AD. They're completely different religions, but the Sunnis of today claim otherwise, because they're deluded. And don't worry, probably in a few hundred years there will be Sunni women doing yoga on TV.
  17. A lot of the Quran is borrowed from Christianity. His brother in law (first wife's cousin) was a saint and he taught him everything. When that guy died, Mohammad had trouble receiving insights and revelations. ???