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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. Relative to what?
  2. Infinite cannot know finite. Sponsored by @Nahm
  3. @Etherial Cat I used to be slightly homophobic in the past due to childhood trauma and religious upbringing. I did shadow work and now I'm neutral about homosexual people. I'm not saying that is necessarily the case for you, but it could be. You may have had certain bad experiences and memories regarding male sexual behaviors or offence related to sex. If that is the case, then you might find some benefits in doing shadow work.
  4. @Mesopotamian'14%2097p%5B1%5D.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjc-LPw2sXuAhWyz4UKHRhgAUEQFjAAegQIAxAC&usg=AOvVaw2z0GB2aqBusOhdJS7ToQ9o
  5. Addiction, reinforced by lack of a better alternative. Contemplative space for me, by answering the questions posted here. In real life, I generally don't think at all unless I need to, and so I use this forum to contemplate to balance out the lack of thoughts. Remainders of self-image issues. Learning new stuff, of course. Exposure to radically different types of people and trying to understand how they think and feel. Effortless engagement, because of like-minded people, which does not exist in my real life. Improving my English skills. Improving my understanding of reality. Observing my emotions/reactions and correcting them. Observing others and learning from their experiences and mistakes.
  6. How is the concept of beyond equal to the actual beyond? Where's the connection?
  7. @Etherial Cat People are different is the point. I'm definitely not telling you to change.
  8. Well, I plan on reporting this bug to the designer after I die. I don't want to experience pain in my next incarnation.
  9. @Javfly33 And who thinks that being conscious of oneself is somehow better than not being so? God or the devil?
  10. @Someone here Define healthy.
  11. Let alone not really having any other choice, cuz logic, in essence, is purely intuitive.
  12. Too much ego going on there. Huh? I didn't show you my or that guy's thing. You literally just saw some people reacting positively to something you judge negatively. The rest is your ego.
  13. Good vs. Bad is a duality. Sorry. Force of habit lol.
  14. Yeah, just stop using the word love. It's just unsuitable, and furthermore, it violates non-duality because it assumes a lover and a loved one/thing.
  15. This becomes a silly statement when applied to a person who is suffering severely. It's like, seriously, where's the love? God loving the suffering through me? Thanks, but no thanks.
  16. It definitely is just pure bias stemming from an ego that refuses to accept other egos, and judges and thinks that there's something wrong with them. The line between surviving the body and surviving the ego is imaginary and made-up by the ego. It is absolutely impossible to survive anything at all, because our knowledge is extremely limited, and we can't possibly factor in everything that could possibly happen, and that means that we could die at any moment. But thanks to the fear & lack of awareness that are distilled within our DNA that we are motivated to do our best to stay alive. Because otherwise we would just freeze in our place and keep biting the bullet of not-knowing until we die. Humans have been trying to manipulate this natural unfolding of evil creation for thousands of years, only to end up creating more evil everytime by doing so. People don't realize that evil is inevitable and a fundamental part of reality whether we accept it or not, because God is evil, because God is the devil.
  17. @Leo Gura Cellfie.