@Galyna I don't feel prisoned. The only thing that I think can make me prisoned is trying to verify every philosophical concept that exists. It's like trying to win a video game, that is completely optional and absolutely unnecessary. You guys make it seem like it's a must. This makes life feel like a prison when it didn't do earlier.
@Galyna I hope what you just said is also merely a philosophical concept cause otherwise things might get problematic for me. The best thing about philosophy is that it's not real.
@Galyna So, it's merely a philosophical concept? Well, that's a relief!
Plus, is one's mind proven to be real? How come? I haven't even once seen a mind, whether mine or not.
@Aquarius Your heart will come crawling for that first lover. They have the keys to your heart, and only they can give it life. Take the keys and run away!
And FYI, there's no safe falling in love, that's a myth. You're welcome.
Why trying to change his mind when he's already close to finding out? The transition from one perspective to another is a hefty endeavour, which he will resist with all his power. Instead, I suggest that you try to spend more time on making him happy and satisfied. Let him have some peace of mind.
Stop! Literally stop whatever it is that you're currently doing on a regular or an irregular basis. Heard of dopamine detox? Might want to check that out. You'll see good results in a few days.