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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. @Someone here Identity death. Your ego is going through a change-phase, giving birth to a new you. You're turning from a caterpillar into a butterfly and sorry if this metaphor is offensive to masculinity lol but you get the idea..
  2. Some addiction recovery techniques plus a little commentary: Immediate & complete cut-off of the stimuli; Sudden withdrawal. High potential for relapsing even in a worse degree. Requires a strong will/belief and/or ridiculously high levels of awareness. Extremely painful. Most useful for mild addictions on things that are not survival related. Slow & steady cut-off of the stimuli; Gradual withdrawal. Moderate potential for relapsing but low potential for creating momentum which makes it easier to fall off track and lose focus. Moderately painful with windows of relief every now and then. Not very effective in general but could work in certain occasions as a way of decreasing the severity of the addiction, especially when it is a survival related addiction. Most useful for stage Green people. Replacement with healthy habits. Requires vision, passion, and drive, or strong environmental circumstances that forces the changes onto one's life. Doesn't address or get to the root of the issue, which is the fear of emptiness, which is the ultimate addiction. Fragile and circumstances-dependent, which means inevitable relapsing if the environment returns back to its original state. Most useful for people who aren't interested in Truth but merely in quick fixes and shallow personal development, stage Orange basically.
  3. Death is calling on you, baby... Prepare to meet your end... But also remember to relax and enjoy... I don't mean physical death though.
  4. @Raptorsin7 Actually, amongst all the people that are telling you how to get it, you're the one who truly gets it and all of them are deluded and their advice will only drive you back into delusion. You've stated your truth, and that's exactly what reality is. No more, no less.
  5. Yes it will. Anything less than that is not enlightenment. Realizing the present moment is not enlightenment. If it was, we would not have a difficult time trying to become enlightened. This modern advaita version of enlightenment mixed with shadow work ideas is not the real deal. Enlightenment is a state of consciousness that is achieved by working towards it. A lot of people think that they are enlightened when they're not. They only have realized the present moment, if even that. But that's called no-mind and it's not it. It's just one minor step towards the real thing. The mind must eventually be integrated into one's life in order to become enlightened.
  6. @Stephen It's just a phase, confusing as it is, but it will pass, and there will be clarity.
  7. It is a difficult path, perhaps the most difficult one there is. And I'm not perfect at it at all. I'm still falling back into my old self and patterns. No wonder why people don't choose it. It is a grind against everyone and everything in life. It is the ultimate suffering. And virtually nobody wants to suffer. There's a deep wisdom behind this path, and rarely anyone sees it. It's not about my joy and happiness. It's about the world and how corrupt it is. People confuse this path with a stage Blue religious belief, but they're unable to see beyond their egos. For me, the easiest thing to do is to go with the flow. I am a master at that. I've spent the past two years drowning in pleasures, from one thing to another, but it's not satisfying anymore. Going with the flow means turning a blind eye to the suffering of others. I can deny it all I want, but it'll still be there, even if I don't suffer on a personal level. I feel responsible for the suffering of others, and that's the best I could currently do to neutralise things. Happiness is ignorance. It is an unconscious reaction that plays out after a certain period of suffering. It is a comforting story for the ego. The ego never chooses the difficult path, but nothing lasts forever. I am getting more convinced that this is the right path. And old wisdom backs me up on this. Old sages certainly had valid reasons for preaching about this path. It's only these new-agey flaky teachers that don't seem to have gone full-circle, nor are responsible for their words that advocate 'the path of least resistance', and 'following your bliss'. That's the perfect bait for an ego. The ego wants nothing else more than a world purely made for its own sake. And sure enough, you will face a lot of these, dying to defend their ignorance. However, in no way I'm advocating for going to the extremes and torturing oneself. I'm simply trying to balance things out. Mad people thing they should know!
  8. @ivankiss I was expecting a better response. Perhaps I should let go of my attachment to having high quality discussions with people who disagree with me initially but fail to back up their opinions. Have a good one.
  9. @ivankiss I am sorry mate, but it seems like you don't have the answers. Like when you sweep my question under the rug with a cute 'heart' trick, it doesn't make it go away. I think I understand your perspective, maybe you're in a phase in your life where music feels essential to you, and I'm not denying you that, it is definitely your right to have things to be passionate about, and to merge within whatever feels like home to you. The most tricky thing to agree upon here is that whether or not this phase is the ultimate one that one is eventually going to have to arrive at, because how do you know that you've already arrived at the finish of the line? Please don't tell me it's your heart. That doesn't provide actual answers. When I feel hungry, I don't think that food is the epitome of life. I merely recognise that the body needs food to survive. From my perspective, it seems like anything in life can be a trap for human beings. We have an inclination to cling to all sorts of things. And that makes me look back and reconsider; whatever things I currently consider essential might actually not be essential at all. So, what makes a thing really essential? Like really, what do we mean when we say that something stems from the true self? What does this communicate to us from our subconscious mind? Could it be happiness? Or relief? Maybe sadness and grief? All is beautiful to me, but whatever might that be, there's an outcome that is being desired. And to protect myself from further misunderstandings, I'm not demonising desire. But I don't think it's the ultimate point of our quest in life. For me, all of what you're describing is a stepping stone on the path towards the ultimate goal, that is no goal, but just being. Also, please notice the amount of judgement and bias that you have shown against the 'low consciousnesses' music. That's like judging a child for not being tall enough to reach the apples on a tree. To each their own, and like you said, there may be moments where even highly conscious people can enjoy low consciousness products. However, the thing is that I don't think you actually brought a valid perspective on how music is being abused, as this abuse is not exclusive to low consciousness, but to everyone. It's simply replacing one form of abuse for another, since all perspectives are limited and relative, you can't call your favourite genre 'art', and deem all others 'trash'. Art according to whom? To you, maybe, and for a bunch of others, but not to everyone. That creates an absolute perspective from a relative one. Please be aware of that.
  10. @ivankiss How do you know it's your true self and not a form of addiction? Where's the defining line? Also, what are some ways of using music that you think have a great potential for abuse?
  11. @ivankiss I see. Music can very much help you levitate.
  12. The theory behind the path I've chosen: Society is in a craze, a rat race I vow to not join. We live in a world where the hamsters that keep their wheels running the most are the most loved, idolised, and worshipped. This process is never ending, even though cannot go on forever by an individual hamster. The collective creates a hierarchy, and everyone is responsible for this creation. I choose not to join society in this delusion. This delusion manifests in the form of competition. This competition creates a dynamic of winning and losing, better and worse, us and others, me and others, and so on. This dynamic is the root cause of all of human problems. It's simply what the term ego is all about. Without this dynamic, there would be no racism, poverty, wars, nations, borders, ideologies, identities, suffering, pollution, rape, abuse, addiction, violence, divorce, cheating, and a variety of mental disorders. Or at least, these problems would be much less severe than they currently are. People can't just fucking sit down in silence and meditate! They (and I'm still one of them) are hooked up to all kinds of stimulants that are designed to distract them from being. In reality, happiness and peace of mind can only be truly found in meditation. I'm currently experiencing a heightened state of consciousness due to decreasing exposure to stimulations. I'm feeling hyper aware and present. I now see a truth that I've never seen before, and rarely see anyone aware of. I'm alone on this path, but I don't care. I want my conscience as clean as possible, and that can only happen if I contribute with the least possible amount of collateral damage due to the process of getting my needs met. Therefore, I'll try to always keep my needs both in check and as minimalistic as possible. I'll keep updating this journal if anyone is interested in seeing where this goes, but mainly for myself. It makes perfect sense for me now to choose this path. I don't know what will make perfect sense for me tomorrow!
  13. @cn03 The shift between Yellow and Turquoise is similar to the one between tier one and tier two. Your criticism is coming from Turquoise, so yeah, probably that's why.
  14. Music is no different than a drug. It has its advantages and side effects. Main side effects include tolerance and addiction. It can be used in many good ways for healing but eventually it must be discarded. An ideally healthy life must be pure of all attachments.
  15. Ideas: Almost total media blackout (that includes YouTube, Facebook, and all other sites). Cleaning up the feeds on all sites and narrowing them down to the essentials. Closed-minded approach to life. High focus on survival and what directly contributes to it. Abandoning all sorts of pleasures, dopamine, and whatnot. No more learning about things that don't directly contribute to my survival. Selective use of technology; the least possible. Selective socialisation, but nevertheless, constant.
  16. @Nak Khid You seem very well educated, but you don't seem to know how to read between the lines. Or do you consider reading between the lines delusion? Or is it something else?
  17. @Someone here How are they two separate issues? You don't perceive me doing philosophy. The only thing you perceive of me is the words I post here. No more, no less. And the rest is your imagination. If I am capable of doing philosophy, that means that I exist as a self-aware person. But you don't perceive that internal process. Therefore, you doubt that I exist. You've cornered yourself into a metaphysical dilemma. And now you're left with two choices: you either have to drop solipsism and admit that others exist. Or you can deny otherness and live a soulless life that is merely appearances without a substance. And btw, anything less than that is hypocrisy. P.S. I do philosophy more than you could possibly imagine. I was only playing with you to show you how you're deceiving yourself.
  18. @Someone here Well, isn't that hypocrisy? You doubt that I exist independently, and yet you presume that I have the ability to do philosophy. OK have it however you want.
  19. @Someone here What's that supposed to mean? I still don't do philosophy, but I do type things on the internet. That's not philosophy. That's reality.
  20. @Galyna Same thing. General theorising comes second to the universe, not the other way around.
  21. @Someone here The universe was not created by philosophy. Philosophy was created by the universe. Newton and his philosophy and all the later technologies couldn't even exist without the universe.
  22. @Galyna I don't. And you can't disprove it.
  23. @Someone here I don't do philosophy. It's silly.