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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. The materialist paradigm is in the root of growing up.
  2. Or in other words, self-bias. You have no objective evidence or data for any of these claims except your personal experience which is prone to bias and most likely is actually biased. Relativity has nothing to do with this, even though it is true that beauty and class are relative. "Ugly" is a concept, just like "beautiful". It is simply another way of saying attractive or unattractive, which is completely relative and out of my control. No. I said go and experience what it's like to have the same food every day.
  3. It applies to all genders and not specifically women.
  4. That's clearly a bias on your part. I read another comment for you: Wouldn't you say that's akin to what you're saying here? Looks are important, of course. I want a beautiful partner, like everyone else. But nobody's ugly cuz it's all relative. Imagine eating your favourite food 3 times every single fucking day for the rest of your fucking life. That's what sex feels like when you have enough of it. You want the company, not the sex. You want a friend, not the restaurant or the plate. Or perhaps don't imagine that, but actually do it. Experience what it's like to have the same food on every meal.
  5. Lol WTF?! Then perhaps you should take into account the supply and demand principle. Priorities are relative to the market. If you have a lot to offer, your value goes up and you will more likely have the chance to pick as you like. Most guys aren't in that position. Women pick personality over looks because they know what will work in the long run. If you have marriage on your list, then you should consider personality as a priority.
  6. Just the tip of the iceberg but here goes: She has control over her monkey-mind. She only talks when necessary with the least amount of words possible. Supportive and understanding. Mildly naughty, can easily change the mood just by being herself. Clean, fresh breath, etc... Vulnerable with me and strong without me. Intelligent, although not dogmatic or complex. She has to be able to communicate clearly. Women who talk a lot to express little turn me off big time. Highly conscious. Perhaps the most important and sexiest thing here. Women who are closed-minded turn me off. She understands her shadow, and preferably mine. Things like openness, communication, beauty, being a good caregiver, having a direction in life, honesty, loyalty, etc... are across the board, of course. And no, she's not a unicorn. She existed but life took her from me, for now.
  7. If she does not have a good personality, you will regret it afterwards. Superficial relationships will only be superficial.
  8. You're talking about sex but relationships are not merely about sex.
  9. Everyone wants sexy everything. You wouldn't reject someone who is hot both physically and mentally, and if you're a guy then know that mental hotness exists even if most guys aren't aware of it. For example, a girl with a low self-esteem is a huge turn-off for me. If there were no other girls on earth, I would rather be celibate for the rest of my life than to date her.
  10. + @Leo Gura This suspense is also part of your foreplay?
  11. God's only question for the human being is about faith & trust. Do you trust God? That's the key to your freedom as a human. This insight had dawned on me earlier today during one of my hikes in the city. I've had the goosebumps for about a minute afterwards. My body became over sensitive, and I enjoyed it. Have faith.
  12. @tatsumaru "Perfect" is a concept. Everything is not perfect as it is. It's not "whatever it is the opposite of perfect" either. Rather, it is simply what it is. Everything is everything. Period. Always remember to examine the initial assumptions before going any further, and to recognize them as they are; as mere assumptions, i.e. partial points of view.
  13. Lack of awareness. It's not enough to have the realizations. Action is required. Habits = identification = identity. Change = death of identity. Enduring the pain of letting go. Change = letting go.
  14. @Himanshu Thanks!
  15. @Preety_India I think that maybe you're over analysing things. This isn't the first time someone asks a simple question and you reply inappropriately. I understand that you may not like my comment either but I am merely trying to say something useful to you. I believe this type of reaction has to do with childhood trauma where you were criticised and judged consistently for being who you are. Please don't take anything said here personally. I'm trying to point out something that you may be able to utilize to your benefit. Take whatever you find useful for your growth and throw away the rest. Notice that you could have answered the question with a simple yes or no or I don't know, or with silence. All of these options would have produced a better outcome for you. Notice that you had to waste your time explaining things to others. You could always avoid all that. I try to always make my answers fit to the questions. Stay well, and pardon this not so requested comment.
  16. Nothing beats the presence of God.
  17. Pink refers to something else, although somewhat related.
  18. @Leo Gura finally it is time to pack your shit and go home.
  19. The human psyche is more nuanced than that. I know of a Yellow guy that is still religious. He simply doesn't apply yellow to religion but nevertheless to everything else. And he does not even know about SD. I dare say he's way more nuanced than I am even though I've spent years studying this stuff and we're both at a similar age. This shows that you can have different stages of development for each area of your life. You don't have to be fully tier two to have a tier two orientation. In fact I believe that's where a lot of people are at. Becoming a professional in any field essentially means getting into a tier two zone even if you're purple in other fields.
  20. ...instead of gold? And why can't it be replaced? What makes it so dominant? Any resources to understand how this all came to being and how it works?
  21. Yo everyone makes mistakes. Stop ganging up on Leo. Yes he was a little bit sarcastic but so what? You don't have to suffocate him to death. Point out what was wrong and move on, or pm him. He probably realized his mistake. Come on guys who would admit being wrong if they had 1 million subscribers?! What you're doing here is not only like rape, but also like a gangbang lol. Let's stop all this violence against the poor guy, he deserves some compassion too.
  22. Contemplation time for those who subscribe to equality.