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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. Most of them are underdeveloped, true. BUT many of them are very rich, probably richer than most other countries. See this link: You'll see a majority of Muslim countries in the top 20, with Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran in the top 5 countries, the former two which are very similar countries historically, logistically, geographically (albeit not very much), and basically in most other areas. The difference between Saudi Arabia and Iraq today is that one chose to cooperats with the US ages ago while the other refused. So that's the main factor for why these two particular countries are very different. It's different to assess each other Muslim country. It's very difficult and it requires deep research. But still, even Saudi Arabia and Dubai are not that much evolved. Blue/Orange at best. They buy experts from all over the world with their money. In a sense they're utilizing their money in a good way but they still have got long ways to go as people. Also, leadership is a crucial factor. Saddam for example was in a constant war with neighbouring countries like Quwait and Iran while Saudi Arabia was more peaceful which made them progress relatively better.
  2. Idk. It sounds more like a motivational speech than teaching to me tbh
  3. I find this little representation interesting. I've found it somewhere here on the forum. To me, the two largest circles are almost identical. And many times I speak things that I don't even think about. This is odd, I wasn't like that at all. I feel hyper-aware as a baseline level but I still have some "bad" times. One of the best practices for relaxing the mind and enhancing awareness in my experience is letting go, albeit a bit tricky since it should also be let go of. I'm not a teacher so I'm not gonna try to explain that. But yeah, it's very crucial to lose yourself, to forget who you are, to get with the present moment, and to enter a state of flow. To achieve this state, all resistance needs to be dropped. That is true freedom!
  4. @iceprincess Raise your self-esteem.
  5. Also just to add one more observation here: I think that radical open-mindedness requires a component of empathy which happens to be present more in females than in males. Notice that in this thread the ladies were generally more understanding and accepting regarding this issue as opposed to males who were generally conservatives and judgemental. I think this has to do with levels of emotional intelligence that are generally higher in females than in males. It seems like most women are more connected with their essence and therefore can empathize easier than most men. They seem to be more able than men to intuit what and how life feels like in other people's shoes. That contributes to radical open-mindedness since it gives the ability of jumping between different, and opposing perspectives. This is an incredible trait that a lot of men should be working on improving. Godspeed for everyone! And have a good one!
  6. @docs20 Thanks for the video. @bejapuskas Thanks for the info. I had arrived at these same conclusions solely from my own observations. And these information represent more proof for me. It's all coming together right now. Observation is a superpower I should say!
  7. The problem with this kind of categorization is that it is very black and white. It assumes that the human psyche is not a paradox of two opposing forces but either or. Thanks to Wilber and Graves and the others we know that that's out of date. Modern understanding is more of a spectrum and it's way more accurate and better at solving such problems. No one is a 100% narcissist. At the core of every narcissistic psyche there is deep empathy. That empathy can be revived and brought back to balance with the narcissistic trait through understanding and therapy.
  8. The difference is that they would not feel shame or fear of judgement. Regardless of the actual risks, they have little to almost no ego regarding other people's opinions. On the other hand, once a nun goes out naked, she's no longer a nun but a prostitute. A prostitute can have the heart of a nun, but a nun can never have the heart of a prostitute, or maybe she could but then that would make her a hypocrite. Looks are deceiving.
  9. A prostitute does not fear walking naked in the streets while a nun does. An indicator of ego. I loved when you used to think that things do always go full-circle. The prostitute is the nun and the nun is the prostitute.
  10. And that is the biggest mistake!!! What everyone should do is to watch all the videos and get familiar with some of the shadow of humanity. But of course nobody wants to examine the shadow. It's always judged and demonized. These negative feelings are what brings us back to reality instead of staying in comfort and building castles of ideals that won't ever work. I have watched two videos so far and I didn't feel anything negative. I would consider that an indicator of how well I embrace my shadow. I almost cried listening to the porn actress and saw pure God in the inbred family but no negative emotions arised at all. I could easily watch the whole channel but then at this point I realize that I don't need that cuz I already have it with me.
  11. And why not apply the same standard for those who you judge and call "degenerate"?
  12. Also for everyone beware of the Faulty Generalisation's fallacy: "In logic and reasoning, a faulty generalization, similar to a proof by example in mathematics, is a conclusion made about all or many instances of a phenomenon, that has been reached on the basis of one or a few instances of that phenomenon. It is an example of jumping to conclusions." --Wikipedia Beware with this channel. Just because they interview real-life people doesn't mean everyone in their respective field is the same, neither that what they're saying is true. They're merely expressing their points of view. So be careful.
  13. @Leo Gura How does high consciousness sex look like? Masturbation to pictures of brunettes?
  14. @4201 Thanks for the perspective. For me, regardless of the joyfulness of the task, I prefer physical activities. If I had to choose between working in labour for 8 hours a day or studying for 4 hours a day, I would always choose labour work. I don't know why that is. Most people seem intellect-oriented but not me. Although I have my intellectual moments. I enjoy working my body and resting my mind. I don't know why that is.
  15. A month ago, a friend of mine called and was talking nonsense. He was hallucinating stuff and having delusions. He still does. Initial diagnosis was psychosis, they put him on medications, and left him to be reassessed a while later. How he got here is a bit tragic but basically he stressed himself out so fucking much beyond his comfort zone until he finally broke down. He was having trouble with studying like not being able to do more than a few hours a day. However he tried to break his limits but they ended up breaking him. He broke down one week before the exams and couldn't attend and now he has to wait another year to have another go hopefully when he gets better. My question is how do you know what your limits are? My friend thought that he was just being lazy and that he could have done more so he pushed so hard while being pressured on by his parents. I mean a lot of people do study for several hours a day. I know many who do personally but that still did not excuse my friend. I find myself in a similar situation. I don't find myself able to take so much information in a brief period of time. I had to repeat two times to pass some years, and I can only imagine that if I did the same as my friend I would end up with psychosis as well, but perhaps of a different kind since my personality is a little bit different. Some people think that I'm being lazy but I work well and usually make better results at work than my colleagues. It's only more difficult to me when it comes to studying abstract stuff like most of what universities teach, or really anything highly intellectual. At home I try to study and focus but I get distracted all the time thinking and contemplating all sorts of things including the materials at hand. I get stuck and move very slowly even if I force myself to sit down and read, sometimes I don't even feel like I read some lines. My eyes do read but my mind does not. I believe some of this is practice related but still it's not easy for me to practice studying at all. I put this question in this category cuz I think it fits best here but don't make this a limitation of your insights. Please feel free to share your thoughts. I would like to hear as many perspectives as possible, thanks.
  16. I could do that but then my life would fail without the driver.
  17. Easier for you and me, maybe. But not for those who are less fortunate who are born in poor environments without good upbringing or education. You're thinking about this issue from your own pov not from theirs. You have no idea what their life is like. It's like telling an illiterate to take responsibility for not knowing how to read. Well how about teaching them first? The system is the human social hierarchy and it's inclusive to all cultures. Our culture is a variation of that system.
  18. @Rilles "Ive only had one gf in my life. I wouldnt say im very fortunate at all, but its my responsibilty if I want to attract someone" It's not your responsibility. It's your right. But the system forces you to believe that it's your fault because otherwise you won't have sex at all. I understand your position but I don't share it. I do personal development because it's practical, but I also understand that this is not how things should be ideally. I don't confuse practicality for the ideals. Hence, I'm not a slave to the system, at least on the mental level. "waiting for prostitution to be legal is some weak shit. I dont go around blaming women for it." Don't put words in my mouth. I was explaining why prostitution exists, not advocating it.
  19. The funny thing is that everyone is currently a slave to the system and don't even realize it. Self-deception at its finest. I am not advocating forcing others to have sex with you but others are forcing you to change so that they allow you to have sex with them. If that's not slavery, I don't know what is. And guess what? Not everyone is as good as changing themselves. Not everyone is good at deceiving others. Have some sympathy for those who are less fortunate. And well, I believe that everyone should get sex. If you believe otherwise, then there's no point in this discussion since we have totally different principles. Also, prostitution is not exclusive to women. Obese, and not so good-looking ladies deserve to have sex as well, hence male prostitutes. Gender typing prostitution to females only is sexist.
  20. It's not that. Getting sex in the human society requires meeting certain criteria. But not everyone is capable of meeting them. These criteria are ego. Wanting to have sex with certain people, i.e. being selective, is also ego since it involves criteria. The raw sex drive is pure and innocent and should be fulfilled. Otherwise it will manifest in pathological ways. You either realize that or you don’t.