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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. @Chumbimba she may have been interested in you. Next time don't take no for an answer. Tell her I don't take no for an answer in a humorous way. Don't force it either. Just don't give up too early. You'll get better with time but very good you've made the first step.
  2. The difference is probably whether you're functioning well or not. Careful what you wish for. Taking hikes in nature helps me a lot. Especially when I sit down and meditate, and walk in a slower pace. Also, try aiming at a stable mood by applying awareness to particular times where you feel out of touch. Ex: right after waking up, notice that your mood is probably very different from how it was before going to sleep. Try to maintain a narrower range of mood swings. And build it up until you reach a stable level. . Anyway nice journal. Props to you for this level of transparency.
  3. It may help if you could share screenshots of how your conversations stopped. There's something wrong there probably. I've overheard that one third of all American marriages starts online. So it's not exactly useless.
  4. There's no observer or consciousness. There is only observation. Spontaneous creation. Something being made aware/conscious of, without a doer behind doing anything.
  5. This book has been waiting on my list for so long. And now this comment made my saliva run. I say to hell with the exams lol
  6. For me, Wikipedia is the worst place to learn about anything. Very rarely I resonate with their language both in my original and English languages. The authors are highly intellectual/logical in a very strict and robotic manner. That directly turns my mind off. But of course it's one of the greatest sources for information.
  7. I don't think it will help. Right now I can't even remember how the experience was like. I remember the insight but I don't feel it. Realizing that time is an illusion does not necessarily have to occur during all of the mystical experiences. If you don’t specifically inquire into it, you will less likely stumble upon it by accident. However, when people say that they experienced eternity or something like that, they mean that that how the experience felt for them. If you think about it you might be able to notice that happening in your life. Ex: when you're bored with nothing to do time seems longer. Time itself is illusory. One second equals eternity. The way you perceive it is what really matters.
  8. It appeared as it is, a concept. However, the concept itself didn't make sense at all at that time. Like it's the silliest concept there is.
  9. Finally! Anyway I scored 5 points on my profile for that so...
  10. Novels work on your intuition and emotional intelligence. Your EQ is proportional to the number and quality of the novels you have read so far.
  11. How you use it matters much more. Definitely. It depends on the local trends.
  12. Being muscular does not really count though. In fact, a lot of women find highly muscular bodies unappealing. Moderate muscle is optimal. Of course, granted that you should take care of your game and confidence etc..
  13. Looks matter A LOT. If you're to create a fair competition, 10s and 9s will get most of the voices. Still, regardless, you should be fine if you took good care of yourself, i.e. hygiene, clothing, teeth, breath, body language, sweet talking, etc... Even if you're a 2. You can still get laid regardless. Just take well care of yourself.
  14. Correct. But don't go celebrate just yet
  15. Direct consciousness is like using any of the 5 senses. It's a feature of the mind. If you don't know what ice-cream tastes like, you eat one. That's one way you can have a direct consciousness of ice-cream. The other ways were when you saw it and held it in your hands. In the case of spiritual work, direct consciousness is a moment of clarity, insight, or realization, of something you were ignorant of before. It comes in various degrees. The least degree is the moment you open your mind to a new possibility. The highest degree is when you find out that that possibility is true and realize it for yourself directly. I would have called it a moment of knowing, but that may appear similar to conceptual speculation which isn't the same. In fact, one really good way of describing direct consciousness is a moment of not-knowing but instead being. You become the thing that you were looking for.
  16. I have two questions: What's the difference between nothingness and love? How exactly is love larger than nothingness?
  17. @remember do you ever really say anything? I just see word salads under the name remember. Okay I get it I should eat more salad, what else? Lol
  18. Sure, but also you could think of it as investment. You shouldn't make self-help your main priority. Just something you do on the side as an investment that you find joyful.
  19. Or maybe he did, and those few awake fish are using their awakening stories to survive?
  20. I like this story and I like stories in general. Still, God does not need to wake up when he is experiencing a dualistic life as a fish. That takes away from the experience. If he wants to experience a life of an awake fish, he could have simply created a world where waking up is identical to selfishness and survival. But he didn't. Maybe he couldn't.
  21. Exactly. It's not God. It's just some fish talking about God.
  22. Why would a perfect God allow some fish (a few minority) to recognize something of such importance and let other fish drown in their ignorance and suffering? Maybe he's some kind of an elitist? Seems like he's not too conscious after all.
  23. @Mu_ I'm sorry and no offence but it seems like I'm talking to a brainwashed person. You say that God is all loving and all powerful, but suffering exists and it's part of the love and there's no contradiction. Well it is the epitome of contradiction. What I imagine love to be is exactly what the word love means on face value. It's your definition that seems very twisted. That love includes suffering. Why on earth would it include that? Couldn't an all loving all powerful God create a world without suffering? What kind of God is it if that's the case? Simple: not all loving and not all powerful.
  24. @Mu_ so stop using it. Come up with better words that are more accurate