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Everything posted by Gesundheit

  1. Total bitches? Like big boobs and ass total bitches? Don't ask me why lol
  2. @Value Beauty is an illusion of the ego-mind. Contemplate deeply why you think anything is beautiful. It all boils down to your identity. Without identity, beautiful vs. ugly doesn't exist. It is a misperception. Delusion.
  3. Indian food is the only good thing about India.
  4. If you have any remnants of desire for awakening that means you're not awake.
  5. @Sea At Dawn check with a psychiatrist for bipolar.
  6. Yep that's basically it ??
  7. Just watch this video. I never used to believe in this sort of thing, but this seems coherent. I've watched her forecast for 2019 and it made perfect sense on a personal level. Am I being deluded here?
  8. ?? Absolutely true. I mean women are just human beings after all.
  9. I believe my explanation is very good. If psychedelics and awakening to Love are linked together, then the reason is more likely to be the state of consciousness than the absolute truth.
  10. Are you talking about the fetish?
  11. That is dope haha
  12. There is no God or experience either without a mind. Language is limited. But there are more objective ways of talking about being than "love".
  13. And how could Love be perceived without a mind? Can there be perception without a mind?
  14. Sure, but my desire here is to find something common so that we can avoid disagreements. That may help you clarifying things for others, including Ralston.
  15. An emotion, or a state of consciousness. Loss of self, or lack of selfishness. Being fully dissolved in other. Apparent, but not actual ego-death. A shift in identity to other instead of self. Ego, or the epitome of duality, where there is a lover and an other being loved. Fear for other. The substance that holds all of reality together. An imaginary bridge between self and other. Groundlessness, not-knowing, insanity, or ignorance. Surrendering, or submission. I could go on but I picked these in specific to see your response.
  16. Exactly. It could very well be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  17. @Leo Gura I try to contemplate 24/7 Do you not agree that Love is a filter? If that's so, then how could we possibly perceive reality from filters other than Love?
  18. I have been in a state of infinite Love though.
  19. I agree with that but I don't think the term Love is appropriate. To me it seems like a colored perception of what actually is in its raw form, like adding a filter from which you then perceive reality. That filter is relative to your state of consciousness and it changes accordingly. And so it's not absolute. The raw reality is, and its qualities are infinite, and love is a quality. If I stop making distinctions, reality will still be reality, only I will not be able to distinguish the filters from the raw beingness anymore, which could be anything, including, but not only Love. For example, if I stop making distinctions in a low state of consciousness, I will experience hell. But I won't be able to realize that it's not true because I'm too identified with the state because I am not making distinctions. As soon as I start making distinctions again, I will start seeing beyond the appearance (hellish filter) and then recognize Truth.
  20. Every facet is infinite, in a sense, because God is one. Still, there is one larger Infinity that is Absolute Infinity that is Oneness, or God. You once said in one of your videos that Infinity has infinite sizes. The example was from mathematics where between 0.1 and 0.2 is a larger infinity than the one between 0.01 and 0.02
  21. There is such a thing as enlightenment. It's God-realization, Oneness, or Infinity. Any other realization is a bonus. In this sense, science is one field of enlightenment as it explores the "material" nature of God. And yes, material is a facet of God in the same way love is. I can't know but I don't think he's playing coy. He's most likely being honest about his understanding. Love as a facet of Infinity, yes.
  22. Well now it's like chimps throwing shit at each other. Who's more enlightened? I am. No, I am. No, Ralston. No, Martin. No, Leo. You ought to find a solution for this issue. Otherwise we'll stay disagree forever. You claim that Love is a more comprehensive realization than Truth. And Ralston claims that Truth is a more comprehensive realization than Love. Of course you'll say you're the one with the correct understanding. But what if you're wrong? What if Ralston understands your perspective and transcends it? You really ought to solve this.
  23. @somegirl I think he was faking his personal agenda around you. He wanted more than a friendship and thought it would happen on its own. Eventually he could not fake it anymore and returned back to his authentic self, which is not really interested in you as a person but as a gf.