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Everything posted by Shunyata

  1. what resources would you recommend to read on this topic? what insights have you had about megalomania in humans? I would really love to learn more about that. Is it coming from the inferiority complex which is inherent to virtually all egos? Thanks.
  2. @Rilles I would probably be a different being. Like a different kind of an animal. Or an alien. Consciousness is creative.
  3. I remembered this one time when we were taught that we perceive with our ability to love. If we are full of love a whole new world of spirits, orbs, elementals, angels etc. becomes 'sensible' to us. It's like when people start to hear a leaf talking on LSD trips. an interesting perspective on perception. What we perceive on a daily basis is not ultimate reality.
  4. you can watch the whole video since it's going to be only of benefit to you. Lots of insights and a question similar to yours is being answered somewhere near the end. I'm trying to find it but I have to watch it all again.
  5. @Cosmin_Visan this is a very deep question. I advice you watch Shunyamurti's answer to this. I'll find it and send you a full transcript of the answer from a livestream satsang. Just wait.
  6. And what did you expect to see here? Not many random people on the forum are spiritual gurus. Have you looked up some teachers/gurus?
  7. You are in the wrong place. @LfcCharlie4 too lazy for that, possibly?
  8. @Cosmin_Visan Did I say that I had infinite intelligence? Read my answer again. I'm not enlightened and I never said so.
  9. @electroBeam are you taking meditation/liberation seriously rn?
  10. Didn't this exist long before that? Newspapers etc.
  11. @Zigzag Idiot thank you! Will definitely check that out.
  12. @Zigzag Idiot thank you. Shunyamurti said that we can't let go of our ego because we are really in love with our self image. Does that mean that one has to have some sense of disgust over the ugliness of the ego in order to get liberated?
  13. Are all narcissistic people megalomaniac? And so is every ego technically megalomaniac?
  14. @Insightful27 just my 2 cents inquiring deeply into who you really are
  15. @Keyhole I would love to hear more about this story.
  16. Let me tell you my personal story. my little sibling was born gorgeous and many people compare her to me. She seems to be way more talented, smart and everything else. This fact used to annoy me so much. Jealousy , envy - you name it. The world seemed to be so unfair.. But now, after having had multiple awakenings, my heartbreak is gone. I now understand that we are all different fingers of the same hand. I sense God's unconditional love. I've been the one rejecting it the whole time! Shook. There's also a feeling that everyone is beautiful. And calling someone ugly is an insult to their consciousness and humanity. We think that all of this is some new age hippie nonsense and it has no practical value. Well, it sure does. Why get so upset about something you have no control over? Isn't it easier to just accept everything as it is? I hope your heartbreak is going to be healed, after all, with all of my heart. There is so much to live for. There is so much difference you can make, theough being true to your nature as a beautiful manifestation of supreme divine loveful being
  17. The most difficult thing in life is probably staying content all the time. To accept everything as it is. To play the hand you're dealt. The ego doesn't like it, but it's exactly the reason why you suffer. You should probably come first to realize that you are your own enemy. I did that, and that's why I'm not afraid of spilling some truth. We think that it's the world that doesn't love us, rejects us, hates us but it's our own minds playing games. You say that it's the real world with serious problems. But what if the real world is nothing like that? See, you also are biased. And you think that my advice doesn't matter because I'm young. Go for liberation NOW. Enter the real which is divine love. We have nothing to lose but our suffering
  18. @arlin the secret to everlasting happiness has been found thousands of years ago by great sages - that secret is that happiness can only be found within. The truth is, you are being a bit overdramatic and can't see yourself as a beautiful divine creature. We are sad and angry at the world because people don't see us in our infinite divine nature and beauty. The world is cruel. We can't live with an open heart. We can no longer love. But it's our own fault of rejecting the love of God. The ego has inferiority complex, it was created by the social system in order to satisfy and please others. The truth is that you are NOT the ego. The real self has NOTHING to do with the body, with gender or past. The question of who you really are is a very intimate one. God loves everyone and he sees everyone as beautiful. There is no favoritism. To find out who you really are, you need to abide in the heart of your being, which means that you have nothing to do. It's our center deep within, the core full of divine love, the secret to unending bliss. We crave attention and love from others because we see God in it. And if it's not women but money then it's still love/happiness/bliss. Why not go in for God's love directly ? It's like rejecting someone giving you billions of dollars for free (without any malice).
  19. @Endangered-EGO I agree. What is your best advice then?
  20. since when feeling envious and feeling sorry for yourself not the same? You are so defensive it's funny