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Everything posted by Shunyata

  1. @Preety_India yeah romantic physical attraction is much closer to real love than hate, wars, prejudice etc. I'm glad you got to experience this.
  2. I used to think that I was kind of different for falling in love with someone who wasn't beautiful like KEANU REEVES. I loved him because he was very smart, intelligent, and funny (great sense of humor, many academic accomplishments etc). He was kind of cute in the looks part though, but of course not the model kind of attractive. ? but most importantly - humble and not taking himself too seriously. But would I like him if he didn't have any of those qualities and instead was a low energy annoying know-it-all with a superiority complex or someone without any accomplishments, or a homeless person? No. That's not true love. True love is when you realize you are the unmanifest awareness and you help people to get out of their own egoic hell realms. This is the only worthwhile goal to achieve in this human life. And that love is directed to literally every manifestation of consciousness. Otherwise it's desire plus ego. Not many are capable of that.
  3. @Preety_India True love by Shunyamurti's definition is not a love of an object. It's love that transcends all and we shouldn't use this term in picking up the right romantic partners because that's beyond the scope of our animal experience.
  4. I'm an average looking girl and how do I deal with the fact that even if I make the most out of my looks (quality trendy makeup, fitness, smile, style etc.) I still am not good enough to be approachable by men like young KEANU REEVES or LEONARDO DICAPRIO @Leo Gurahow did you learn to deal with this problem? I guess we are on the same boat ?‍♀️I know I need to get out of this narcissistic and childish frame of reference but where do I start? I need some advice bc this shit hurts ?
  5. @Leo Gura is it true that all men have the same desire?
  6. I hate god so much I wish I was neve born. I know I sound even more silly but I hate it. I Hat e it. But if course that's my fault
  7. I'd say, you are too awakened. This is a very dangerous stage of spiritual awakening known as spiritual brain detox.
  8. The ego's hell realm in a nutshell
  9. Many people say that the ego can never learn or change. But what about some people who still have made some positive change in their lives? Is it grace then?
  10. I'm glad to see there are people more stupid than me.
  11. So I was reading one mystic poet. In one of his works he said that self-deprecation is the most dangerous thing in the world. I kind of agree that it's dangerous. But why think that it is an action that has most negative consequences IN THE WORLD? He was very wise and he probably speaks the truth though. Why?
  12. @Leo Gura a new kingdom of heaven with saintly beings reincarnated was prophecized a long time ago. human race will be on the brink of extinction until everyone would adopt purity of soul. it's very possible and it's going to happen no matter what you believe about others.
  13. Psychedelics are temporary af
  14. ahhhh it's not that easy peasy just read a lot, contemplate and meditate. I'll advise Shunyamurti's teachings on youtube and his blog which is offered to all for FREE
  15. He may have lots of insights snd all that but he's like the biggest snowflake
  16. @Nahm probably because of the unforeseen events
  17. @Setzer901 very nice!
  18. Does anyone have any advantage here (in god realization)? Or is it really all up to you? Can people born with spiritual gifts be considered advantaged?
  19. Is there any particular way of using Wikipedia?