Jacob Morres

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Posts posted by Jacob Morres

  1. I think it can also help to be clear on what exactly are the steps for your goal. This way you can differentiate between a distraction/non distraction

    For example, if you goal is to get a job, and then the strategy you came up with is to fix up your resume and apply to 100 jobs - it becomes clear that everything besides this is most likely a distraction 

  2. On 9/18/2024 at 5:35 AM, Sandhu said:

    working on computer screen types of jobs is an idea of hell for me. I have little hope to be successful in these kind of jobs.

    I suspect that is more perception of the jobs than the actual jobs themselves 

    Because, you can have creative fulfillment, can be great for flow states, mastery, good teams/clients, $$, make great friends. There's a lot of benefits with them 

    That is true that you might spend time on the computer but I feel like there are jobs for everyone and can be potentially quite fulfilling. 

  3. On 9/14/2024 at 11:15 PM, Sandhu said:

    These things money and sex doesn't come easy here. You need a speciall kind of skill set which is not neccessarily ethical. To flourish in kind of culture I am stuck in.

    sorry to hear man about that situation. One thing I can suggest though (regarding the money one) is that there are a lot of careers online available for people outside of the US to 

    For example, I just hired a freelancer from pakistan in digital marketing (for $15/hr). While this is not much for someone in the US, this can be a pretty good living outside. You can find a lottttt of fields like this that can give you this kind of opportunity. digital marketing (copywriting, ads, social media), tech (UX, web dev, full-stack), video editing, coaching/teaching etc.

    it does take some time to build a portfolio though to sell to clients (6 months - 1 year depending on field and intensity of your work) 

  4. On 9/16/2024 at 11:23 AM, Rishabh R said:

    @Buck Edwards ok but any sources for typing one's insights ?

    if you upload your pictures to chatgpt, it can transcribe them for you 

    It's not 100% accurate though but if you care to save it you can write slightly more legibly and it should get it 

    (love your contemplations btw)

    (4o btw)  


    **Image 1 (March 21):**

    **Wisest way to live life:**
    - Do not let anyone stop you from doing your best and karma. God controls that and never disappoints.
    - Everything has a reason for happening.
    - Never be in negative emotion very long. Everything bad happens and it is time to put effort to change it.
    - Always normally get a situation because of lessons that I need to be learned.
    - To recognize that who declared God truly is God.
    - To thank someone unique in the crowd.
    - To recognize that everything we do is for self-love.
    - To look at a situation in an unbiased way.


    **Image 2 (March 22):**

    - Rejuvenation and research of everything.
    - To recognize that what seems is not the case and what is the case that doesn't seem.
    - To ask to be in denial about truth.
    - Pray to recognize that I am a part of something.
    - To recognize that I am in harmony with it.
    - To harmonize the harmony.
    - To recognize that I am part of something around me.
    - To recognize that life is calm and at the same time, it is complexity inside complexity.
    - To feel all emotions fully.
    - To get a deep grasp of emotions.
    - To recognize that emotion is success.


    **Image 3 (March 23):**

    - And proceed by thought.
    - To be in a joyful mood.
    - To let a veil up.
    - To recognize that one is in a boundary within a boundary.
    - To recognize that silence is larger than safe distraction, it looks close to sit in silence.
    - To be open-minded and look for possibilities.
    - To learn from the past and leave the rest behind to influence the present and future.
    - Resolve trauma.
    - To try to understand things to understand what they imply.
    - To recognize that the past is gone and is no longer there.


    **Image 4 (March 25 and 26):**

    (March 25)
    - To keep one’s mind clear and open.
    - To recognize that silence is more valuable than noise.
    - To concentrate on deep thoughts.

    (March 26)
    - To recognize that life is unpredictable but manageable.
    - To experience fully the moment and not be overwhelmed by the past or the future.
    - To recognize that I am beyond my physical existence.
    - To live with mindfulness in every action.


  5. On 9/11/2024 at 7:55 PM, Atb210201 said:

    How is acceptance different from letting go?

    Oh I see

    Maybe acceptance is let it be

    And letting go is let it not be

    Somehow that makes sense to me now

    Then again maybe there is not that much of a difference at all between them is there?

    I don't know

    yeah I think they're the same. in the letting go process, the first step is acceptance (in the sedona method version at least) 

  6. i think one way is using metrics?

    for example in weightlifting i know i'm experiencing real growth if i'm 

    1. hitting my daily calorie and protein intake 

    2. hitting progressive overload per workout

    3. getting appropriate rest days between workouts

    if i'm hitting these goals daily, in a few months my muscle mass and body mass will change significantly (though there is like 10 other principles to follow, these are the main ones) 

    so i think depending on your goal, you need to figure out the right metrics/tasks

    so basically goal (broken into) -> specific tasks that make up that goal 

    so I guess basically if you're following the genuine right principles for your goals versus distractions would be your indicator. need to draw distinctions between the two  

  7. 1 hour ago, Staples said:

    I've watched a bit, it's better than I expected.

    I just get the ick when people outsource their critical thinking to the profiteering internet gurus who have an incentive to distort information.

    Yeah that's fair I'd def keep that suspicion when people sell things. But don't let it color your view completely. A lot of people that sell things still have a lot of gold to share.

    A lot of hormozis content is def S/A tier 

  8. @Leo Gura you can but it takes a lot of strategy and effort 


    This guy did the entire MIT comp sci curriculum at home. He found all courses and projects that were adjacent, and he passed all of mits online exams all under a year (from scratch) 

    It takes a very ambitious person though to put together a high quality strategy and follow through

  9. It could be potentially, but $4k does seem steep for this kind of service 

    I'd imagine you could replicate the format for much cheaper. With good mentors/friends, meetups that target social anxiety specifically (have seen them on meetup.com), coaches that charge maybe $75-$200 hr, lower paid groups etc. 

    Also while intensity for 3 days potentially can have a lot of benefit, sustained progress over weeks can also be really useful too (like maybe 10h a week in practice) 

  10. 13 hours ago, Epikur said:

    after experiencing the woke left they don't seem to be alone with their crazy.

    the left is good overall i think about muslims. they protect muslims from human rights violations

    some of the left could improve in the sense to being more conscious that many muslims are stage blue. that would put things into perspective

    but the problem is that the right will often resort to racism, propaganda or human rights violations as a backlash toward muslims. like propaganda during UK riots, camps in china, Gaza, post 9-11 in the usa etc. so the left at the very least is doing some important things . but yeah they can def improve

    maybe the left and the right are two sides of a coin here 

  11. One issue is that the material could be boring? 

    Are you able to stay focused and engaged while learning the subject? 

    I know personally for me, sometimes things take long for me to learn if the work itself is boring/low meaning in it 

    If so, you can implement strategies to make the work more engaging and meaningful (lots of great info online for this)

    You can also setup your work sessions to maximize "flow". This should increase your productivity a ton (lots of great info for this as well)

  12. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Society is not progressive and will never be progressive

    Okay never say never, america has grown a ton throughout its 300y history. At the rate it's growing, we might have that, in 300 more 

    Why so pessimistic!! 

    I do agree it is very hard for society to evolve though. Humanity repeats a lot of its errors repeatedly. But it's definitely trending upward 

    Also consider, gen z is 30-40% progressive! Imagine gen alpha, and gen z's kids (whatever is after alpha). We are progressing!! 

  13. @Ramanujan exactly something like this...

    To me it's like saying like someone that is trying to gain muscle and lose weight, but then they don't have a consistent workout routine and calorie deficit and then they're like at the end of the year theyre like why have I still have lost no weight lol 

    Imo it's just a routine error rather than an inherent capability error (esp since he excelled in calc 1 adjacent level classes) but I digress 




  14. I didnt see mention of the strategy or techniques you're using - what is your stack right now? 

    I know some people suggested a career switch, which can be viable, but at the same time mastery in studying & taking exams is doable

    You need a good deep work/rest routine, good meditation practices to perform during exams, using practice tests to your advantage, working with other smart people, using tactics likee active recall & space repetition, using 80/20 rule on what to study, maximizing time spent in flow, using motivation tactics, keeping your mood and energy high etc. 

    Also some strategies differ if you are nuerodivergent like depression, adhd, dyslexia etc. But it's 80% the same