Jacob Morres

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Everything posted by Jacob Morres

  1. Leos video on holism hits different If you don't have holism it's hard to be effective because you are unaware of many variables. Feels like putting lipstick on a pig
  2. @Consept love that idea. I've been using it for years. Careful not to rationalize peoples behavior because of it. I'm learning that just cuz its not personal doesn't mean I should allow it. You might not have any prob with it, just felt compelled to warn you in case
  3. @The_Truth_Seeker the way I define feminine is being kind, generous, loving and empathetic that might be a wrong definition though. How are you defining it? I am defining masculine as assertive, decisive, leader, ambitious. I don't think its one or the other tbh I think it depends on the person and what they need. Some dudes for sure could use the "feminine" qualities I mentioned. But many dudes for sure can use the "masculine"
  4. Yeah i thought about this before too.. if the adage is true and men really are that cut throat about looks, it's definitely unfortunate that it may be more difficult for some girls. but at the same time, i think beauty do be in the eye of the beholder sometimes, and also i've definitely personally seen some mismatches in physical attractiveness happen but as a dude that isn't secure in himself i can tell you that dating is hard as fuck lol and i have to say that i've personally been through some of the struggles and it's not easy at all. the silver lining is that we do have a lot we can work on also there is the point that you dont even need the world attracted to you right? like you just need one SO that meets your criteria. it's chill if the rest are not okay with you, but i think if you non-needy patient and trusting, you will find the right person. me personally, i dont think i'm that cut throat about looks. i personally prefer personality 80% and looks 20% but i do have a minimum need for physical attraction though . ive seen the fulfillment that comes with personality and that honestly is 10x better than looks any day. i definietely need to contemplate this more though
  5. Top overwatch insight: I am gm and everything is part of that. All mistakes, everything. Mistakes don't make me not a gm player
  6. What Nahm said In therapy today I learned it really has to do with stop efforting. My trying too hard really was the obstacle in the road. letting go and just being and feeling my emotions was so much better and allowed for a better place to make change from
  7. next journal iterations: 80/20 the information
  8. @modmyth ah nice catch! I think a better distinction would have been advice giving versus when to listen, but both being empathetic
  9. Topics I want to cover soon: Building strong relationships with friends, family and a SO Self love Self esteem, self confidence, boundaries Mindfulness Career Meta learning Enlightenment Ocd Mastering emotions
  10. We live in a world abundant of resources: Therapists for all disorders Life coaches for all problems People who have done what you've want and can show you the ropes Groups dedicated for singular topics Books, cohorts, courses, videos written directly for your issues Masters in respective fields Tons of people on Instagram, Facebook groups, friends of friends, youtubers, tik tok creators, people in forums (paid and not paid) willing to help Friend groups, communities Meet-ups and groups on zoom Dating apps Entrepreneurship groups Entrepreneurship masterminds And more and more. You don't know what you don't know
  11. How to help someone change: https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/12-ways-help-someone-change.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transtheoretical_model
  12. As a human being, we have immense power We have to learn how to control it, to use it, to actualize it, to manifest it
  13. RAS is some shit other day i was thinking about needing a system to get better at video games because playing irregularly yields low results so i wanted consistent playing on a consistent schedule. sort of like working out. after i had that insight i was open to receiving that info and then i found it literally immediately then today i was thinking about needing friends to play overwatch with because if you play without a duo it is lonely, difficult and yields lower results. so i opened my mind to it and found the results almost instantensouly. weird how the world gives you the answer as soon as your mind begins to genuinely look for it
  14. I think the only way i can handle the problem with my parents it through systems thinking because handling my parents with green values is so trash it gets me nowhere because they dont resonate with it deeply enough... instead of dealing with it at green stage, i have to handle them where they are at instead of trying to bring them up to green
  15. another one is setting boundaries, like what you tolerate/dont tolerate.
  16. @Emerald sorry about that i misread that hard
  17. i think bringing this up in the same paragraph makes it seem like it marginalizes men's issues... like: yeah men have these problems... but women have it worse but thats not to say i dont agree with most of ur points
  18. I realized that mindfulness of my anxiety in social situations can also be applied to my anxiety in all situations Then I realized that my mindfulness isn't strong or powerful enough, and I need to be more focused with its light
  19. One of the issues with advice in overwatch is that the whole underlying problem of good mindset is missing! How can you implement advice without proper structure, good mindset, proper regime and learning skills?? How can you apply without self confidence? It's very difficult to apply advice when your underlying feelings are all over the place If you have an underlying mindset of self confidence, it is much easier to apply advice! Same with social skills! You can tell me what to say, but an underlying feeling of self confidence makes the whole journey 10x smoother. Honestly its a complete lack of awareness of the INNER GAME of social skills
  20. something i notice i do is that i try to do things and give aid and serve others in the way i should give myself i want to be a social anxiety coach and self-esteem coach but really i just want these things solved in myself? idk lets just do it
  21. i do not have the answers you seek unfortunately but are you familiar with the hero's journey? @Leo Gura whatre your thoughts @PureRogueQ dont feed her fear bro. thats not chill
  22. Self-acceptance vs self-improvement Self-acceptance... is being okay with what is. with that struggle. with that pain. with that flaw. with that negativity. comes peace. Self-improvement... is a desire for a higher being. for more love. for a higher power. for a better life. for better relationships. for a better outcome. for more joy & happiness. Develop this idea more
  23. There is a trap in giving advice when you dont understand when that advice is appropriate and when it is not When you don't have a in depth understanding of the advice, your advice will not be accurate in many cases
  24. How do you tailor your game for guys not interested in game A? To be frank, I have a much bigger desire for a relationship than game A. Game A to me seems like too much effort.. like it's not high enough as a value for me How would you go about this? Do you recommend going game A if your only intention is game B?
  25. Funny because you derailed my thread with your gender wars