Jacob Morres

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Everything posted by Jacob Morres

  1. @Vrubel can u elaborate a bit on how you came to the virtue signaling conclusion?
  2. My ex told me he was just a friend lol My lesson was to avoid self deception in relationships and acknowledge the real facts
  3. @Bob Seeker Yeah this is the common trap with college degrees Going to college with like a communications major and then coming out struggling to find a job is the trap
  4. @Matt23 for business degrees like finance, marketing, accounting -> startups, small companies, or corporations pay like 50k entry level (in cities, in usa). you can like get $20-25k+ pay increases per year if you swap companies + if you are good if you land large corporations you are making $100k+ minimum by like age 24 . very doable if you have a good resume in college. internships + good gpa + decent school + projects you can do this without a degree too probably if you play smart. bootcamps, personal projects, freelancing portfolios, getting recommendations with networks that being said this is just one option, not really related to OP's questions per say
  5. @Matt23 @Jai comp sci, engineering or business fields tend to have insane trajectory if done right
  6. Same. But I also value this in men too lol ( for friends)
  7. seems like a great idea. i personally love coffee and doing my work at coffee shops. it's an enjoyable atmosphere for me one thought i have is that 100k for a first business is high? nowadays you can start businesses for a single digit % of that - through online means. does that appeal to you? and then maybe transition to a coffee shop once the online store pops off
  8. Probably but I've personally used his principles to achieve success in my first business. They can be wildly useful. (particularly the burn the boats concept)
  9. I love constructive criticism. I give and listen to constructive criticism towards leo regularly Yours is just way too abrasive for me personally. Especially since there is a lot of personal attacks as well as some dogma surrounding your beliefs. So yeah unless you take your ego out of this I'm disinterested.
  10. after googling a bit about the nature of arguments i found wisdom directly correlated to what i needed i suspect that every issue has this same benefit to be googled and searched for to find answers I will try: How to have a GM level mindset? https://eathletelabs.com/a-tactic-for-becoming-a-pro-gamer-the-power-of-mindset/ Careers that make $100k/year? https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/jobs-that-pay-100k-year-without-a-degree Insights pulled: 1. Computer network artchitect: A computer network architect is an individual who designs and builds data related to both small and large communication networks. They often work closely with executive-level staff to determine where networks are needed within an organization. Computer network architects may also determine which network-related equipment to implement in a company, research new network technology and present network plans to organization leaders. Most positions require individuals to have a bachelor's degree, however, some companies may hire people who have extensive experience in computer networking without a degree. 2. Sr. Web developer: 100k: Web developers are responsible for building and modifying all types of websites. They may code, design and layout a website in a way that meets client or company requirements. Web developers typically work as a team with web designers and programmers to produce websites. 3. Risk Manager: A risk manager is a professional who is responsible for planning, developing and implementing risk strategies in a business setting. Risk managers identify and control various potential dangers that may negatively impact a company. They also address and fix risk-related situations that have already taken place. Common skills needed to be a successful risk manager include a keen eye for detail, research skills, communication skills and problem-solving skills. Higher education is not mandatory for this position, but requirements will vary from company to company. 4. writer/editor: Even in today's digital age, written communication is a dominant way of conveying and exchanging information and stories with each other. But not everybody does it well. As a result, many organizations will pay top dollar for excellent writers and editors. And numerous avenues exist for building a writing career that pays well (regardless of whether your interest lies in creative, technical, informational, or marketing-oriented writing). Plus, successful writers and editors vary significantly in their educational backgrounds. High earning potential (90th percentile): $125,880 5. Marketing Manager Average: $154,470 TRASH PAY for such a high impactful role... 6.
  11. https://medium.com/be-open/why-you-dont-have-to-win-the-argument-3e0a88c92afc 'arguing is a futile activity that has no winners. Arguments can never create a sense of understanding or acceptance of one’s point of view. They just leave both sides feeling angry and frustrated (and sometimes guilty too). They also typically make it less likely that people will listen to each other " https://medium.com/swlh/dont-argue-to-win-argue-to-learn-874a523fd39 "Because you’re verbally more skilled at constructing an argument on the fly, it doesn’t make you more right." arguments can also contain: manipulation tactics logical fallacies dogma that being said i argue a fuckton so im not one to speak
  12. There are two types of criticisms (I just made up but to me feel very true) Criticisms that are from below are argumentative, judgemental, critical, demonizing/bashing Criticisms that are from above are calm, peaceful, empathetic, unreactive, conscious and wise The former is like in an argument/debate kind of mindset. Where the truth actually can't be seen because it is based in arguments and some egoic agenda. Also because I can see clearly a lot of his judgements are wrong/untrue I know that his argument isn't based in looking for the truth!!
  13. Important topic. It's important to stand up for yourself and your feelings and set boundaries
  14. tons of great insights - but i just want to wary on being too analytical about this stuff. because if you focus too much on outer, your inner will remain the same. it requires a healthy balance of both
  15. @Vzdoh would i be wrong in assuming this discussion feeds your ego as to how hot and high value you are and how the men on the forum need to up their value to get women like you
  16. If we want to be epistemically sound, im curious to know how attached are you to the ideology? And how much do u desire to have truthful perspectives? Because if we want episetemic integrity then we must be willing to question any perspective (ofc me included :)) @eaaaeaeae
  17. Yeah makes sense honestly, you do talk a lot It was from your infinite intelligence video
  18. It's your own quote LOL
  19. His whole harm reduction brand thing came after he got banned from YouTube. It was a survival mechanism to stay alive on the platform
  20. also some skills dont require mastery. if you just want some base proficiency, dont stress too much
  21. caused as a byproduct of systemic issues