Jacob Morres

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Everything posted by Jacob Morres

  1. @KH2 not sure why ur making personal attacks
  2. @Alexop damn 73 out of how many?
  3. @aurum Not sure tbh if they would be rowdy like this
  4. I know IT has many job opportunities in western countries. I know in USA many companies will sponsor your visa
  5. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=networking&crid=RLS50X43UK1Y&sprefix=networking%2Caps%2C114&ref=nb_sb_noss_1 Maybe a start
  6. Depends on what type of party Raves, frat party, clubs. Those mfs are just going crazy and having fun.
  7. Maybe find some dudes that you admire in this area and glean insight off em
  8. Hehe this is the reason why feminism even exists in the first place. Do u see the negatives of gender roles? Women should be X, men should be Y and it demonizes the person who doesn't want to live up to those expectations "That's why I pointed out how feminism caricatures women into this "strong independent masculine" stereotype which every woman is supposed to aspire to or else she is considered weak" Yeah, and This is one issue that traditional gender roles had toward men. Men are expected to be strong independent or masculine or they're demonized/dehumanized for being beta, weak etc. I agree with you that feminism over corrected in some aspects and strongly dislike some forms of feminism but I don't think it's the core of feminism. At its core feminism to me is allowing freedom for all ppl freedom without expectations. Sort of like freedom of religion in USA (in theory at least) .
  9. Yes toxic woke is like it replaces the old toxic standard with a new one. Traditional gender roles were challenged because it places an expectation of men and women to behave a certain way - but really people are fluid . But they're forced to behave in certain ways even when it's not authentic to them Then feminism comes along and is like damn this shit sucked why must a women just sit around, cook and clean (among many other expectations)!! Fuck gender roles! But the problem with some strong progressives is that they create New gender roles-> so some create it by saying that women must go out and work! But really what needs to happen is that people should be free to do as they please. If they want to work, work. If they don't want to, don't work. They're not less of a woman or person either way, just following their bliss and what feels right But this isn't all progressives. I'd say only 30% of the left represents the more toxic form of feminism. Dont quote be on that.
  10. Have u done it ? Lol. Ur just biased I have many times and I'm not addicted
  11. Naw its just cultural dogma from blue countries
  12. IT is mega lucrative A lot of freelancing careers can potentially be very lucrative
  13. No clue but I can say this - porn objecticifies people which will rub off onto you - creates fantasies and misconceptions of sex - create false expectations of body image - can lead to porn / masturbation addiction - can have some parasocial aspects to it - is usually used as an escapism But... it's fun. Like alcohol. Should be used in moderation Blue orange and green all have seperate reasons for no porn tho
  14. I'm 27 and will probably not have time for dating for another 3-4 years - I heard that dating in 30s for dudes it's tough bc most people are cuffed or married or women have kids and shit This be true ? ?
  15. @Razard86 I've heard that too but i also heard that ur dating pool is much smaller Maybe it's sorta offset by looking for girls in their mid 20s.
  16. Luckily I learned about fitness from r/fitness which had a collective thing where like if u didn't have good form everyone made fun of u and good form was like the holy grail. Grateful I learned fitness from there
  17. You can do the same thing with any sport. I have the same thing but with basketball and overwatch But for me it's moreso a desire of mastery, and being the best. But all of those qualities you mention are always talked about by athletes If you can help it , I'd pick something else competitive. Fighting is dangerous and too violent man. Too much injury risk for yourself and others. Also I think the fighting community might be full of crazy people But hey fighting is hot to girls lol
  18. @Tyler Robinson side question, are you @Preety_India? ?
  19. It can be trauma bonding I think I've had this happen to me personally with abusive women. I would never recommend this (being rude) as a strategy if you can help it. You can take healthy and conscious approaches and still get your needs met. Too much negative karma for others and for yourself (hurting others is bad for your own soul ime) You can build attractive masculine qualities that are attractive to women without the toxic part.
  20. Is this true?? Or is this like a thing from the pua community used to say to sell their products
  21. Perhaps hot women... are simply our shadow
  22. High value = nice face Lol Humans are weird (me included)
  23. hot women deny their privelege too which is annoying lmao. As if they don't have some things on easy mode?? But I also have insane privileges too in other areas so idc And leos right man like the reward of plain sex is pretty shallow Is this jealousy I wonder? And what is the root of it? Scarcity/insecurity or something. That can be healed