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About Jonsey

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    Alexandria, VA
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  1. may be a potential solution to your(our) problem. At least I think it will. I sure hope so. Attached are the results of three of my HTMA test. The first test I used my toenails as a sample. The second test I used my fingernails and the third I used a sample of my hair. I think the test using my toenails turned out to be a false-positive because I soaked my feet in baking soda before sending my toenails to the lab. The second and third test I did neither and my results were pretty similar. The password for HTMA test 1 & 2 are 5862. The third test has no password. For those of you unfamiliar with what an HTMA test is and it's purpose. Check out these podcast: Here is a more detailed explanation on HTMA test and their purpose: Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) is a non-invasive test that measures the levels of minerals in your hair. It can be used to assess your overall health and well-being, as well as to identify potential nutrient deficiencies or toxic metal exposures. The purpose of an HTMA test is to provide a snapshot of your body's mineral status. Hair is a good tissue to test for minerals because it grows slowly and continuously, and it reflects the mineral levels in your body over a period of several months. The results of an HTMA test can be used to identify: Nutrient deficiencies. Low levels of certain minerals can be associated with a variety of health problems, such as fatigue, muscle cramps, and headaches. Toxic metal exposures. High levels of certain metals, such as lead, mercury, and arsenic, can be harmful to your health. Metabolic imbalances. The levels of certain minerals in your hair can be used to assess your body's metabolism and overall health. HTMA is not a diagnostic test, but it can be a helpful tool for identifying potential health problems. If you are concerned about your health or are looking for ways to improve your well-being, HTMA may be a good option for you. Here are some of the minerals that are typically measured in the test: Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Sodium Chloride Iron Zinc Copper Manganese Selenium Iodine Lead Mercury Arsenic The results of an HTMA test are interpreted by a qualified health professional. They will look at the levels of all of the minerals in your hair and compare them to the normal ranges. They will also look at the ratios of the minerals to each other. This information can be used to identify potential nutrient deficiencies, toxic metal exposures, and metabolic imbalances. If you are considering having an HTMA test, it is important to talk to your doctor or a holistic health practitioner to make sure that it is the right test for you. You should also ask about the lab that will be performing the analysis and how they ensure the accuracy of their results. HTMA Test 1(Toenails).pdf HTMA Test 2(Fingernails).pdf HTMA Test 3(Hair).pdf
  2. @Michael569 I think I'll take your advice and not eat the entire elephant in a day, but take small bites one day at a time to eat the elephant in a timely manner. It may be slower, but I'll get more out of it. Thanks for the help Mike.
  3. The report is long and I'm still going over it, trying to make sense of the massive amount of information provided to me via Rhonda Patrick's website, Found My Fitness. I am trying to plan my diet around the information provided in the report but I am finding it difficult and somewhat overwhelming. Is there anyone you recommend I seek to help me make sense m genetics report so I can plan a diet that is optimal for my health and my longevity. Any help, tips or feedback would be greatly appreciated. printable.pdf
  4. On December 15th, I will be embarking on a 7 day silent meditation retreat in West Virginia. Originally, I was going to focus on Do Nothing Meditation or Strong Determination Sitting, but ultimately, I decided focusing 100% on Contemplation would be the most beneficial practice for me to take part in during my time at the retreat. So I'll have a lot of pens and a lot of paper at the retreat and hopefully during my stay, I'll have a lot of information I can take back with me to the "real world" to put to good use for my benefit and for others who need guidance. As of now I'll be focusing %100 on contemplation(and maybe magic mushrooms). Any other tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I hope someday I can use cannabis as a tool for healing for people like myself and others who need the healing more than they need the thoughts that keep them up at night. The nagging thoughts giving them anxiety. Giving them cravings for something they can eat to take away the pain that is nagging them. When I feel this way I get hungry for something to fill the emptiness causing this hunger to fester. To bleed into other parts of my life causing me to do things I will later regret. Things I will later not remember because it would be to painful to do so. I never knew I had this pain until I started eating to live instead of eating for pleasure. There is a time and place for pleasure. But not every time and place is appropriate. Not every time and place is the right place and I am finding that out the hard way because right now I am so very hungry for something more than what I am doing now. Something more than what I am accomplishing because my accomplishments don't give me the relief I seek to make me feel fulfilled. Right now I want to eat something fun but I told myself I wouldn't eat anything three hours before bed. I do this because it helps me sleep. It helps me dream. But what's the point of dreaming if none of my dreams are destined to come true? What's the point of living if the dreams I am dreaming are only just that, a dream?
  6. I'd rather get into sales involving the integration, cultivation and connection of cannabis. Maybe through the medicinal use of cannabis(or any other healing plant), I could get to a point where I can have the passion and skill to work my ass off and sale those kinds of items for a massive payday. Time will tell I guess. Solar is definitely the future though.
  7. Thanks Purpor!! And thanks for your support and wise words! :-)
  8. My only solution to the problem that faces me on a daily basis is to eat better and sleep more but when I do those things I am faced with a demon far scarier than the nightmares I face after watching a scary movie. A demon that is an embodiment of all my problems and my fears. Forcing me to watch it's every move and every waking moment when I know deep down this is not the right place or time to hold such a battle. The place I want to visit to fight this demon is several months away and I don't know if I can hold out that long. Hell, I don't even know if I will be able to go to this place of solitude. These days my time is very limited. I can't stop what I'm doing and spend 10 days in complete isolation. All by myself with nothing but my thoughts and my demons yelling at me. Screaming at me to stop being a bitch and face them in the center of the ring so we can get to the bottom of this bullshit and this unbearable pain. Most days I can't bare it and need something sweet to east the pain in my stomach to stop the burning, "but the pain is gonna bleed hun. It's up to you to stop the bleeding." "Can you stop it?" "No, I can not." "Why not?!" "Cause it's your blood fool! I can't tell it what to do!" "You tell me what to do." "Boy I don't tell you shit! I just speak my mind and let the good lord handle what needs to be handled."
  9. Thankfully none. I've had some seriously drunk uber riders. But I never had a rider so bad I had to kick out. @Arcangelo
  10. I'm really going to miss Ubering on a full time basis because I've been making a lot of money and meeting different people from different backgrounds ways of life. I'll uber part time in conjunction with my full time job but it won't be the same. It won't be as fun because the energy will be different. I'll mostly be ubering in the evenings and only be able to uber in the morning on my days off. I hope I can manage this because my mind will be in two different places doing two different things and I don't know which one I'll like more. I hope I like them both and I hope I do them both well because my freedom is depending on my ability to multitask between two different worlds. I want to use the extra money to put in savings. To pay off my credit card debts and invest in stocks/crypto. I don't know which is more important. All I know is I am often hungry as hell because eating a vegan diet is hard. It's rewarding, but very hard because I only eat two meals a day. One small meal in the morning and a big one at noon. I hope I save a lot of money doing this. It helps that my job will give me free food and a discount on the things I buy at the store. I hope I do a good job at this place. I don't want to disappoint the people who had enough faith to hire me.
  11. I wish I started Ubering seriously a few years earlier. I would have saved a lot more money than I have now. I wouldn't be in debt because the money I saved would be money I would have saved by not paying rent. I could have invested in stocks and crypto but I didn't because I didn't know any better. I didn't know anything and I'm kicking myself for missing this opportunity. I am going to continue ubering while working at my full time job because I don't want to leave this money on the table. I can take advantage of this situation if I am careful. If I am smart. If I get a promotion I'll stop ubering but even if I don't get the promotion I hope I get to go to places that are cool. Places where the work is hard but rewarding. Places where I can grow myself. I ubered a marine to a military base today. The trip was long but the rider was cool and I listen to a Stephen King book to help me get through the long trip. It's a good thing I didn't eat anything shitty before the trip. I would have been fucked if I had to take a shit in the middle of the road.
  12. It's hard not eating food before going to bed. I feel weak. It's like a part of me I know and love is missing and I can't get it back because it's gone for good unless I eat something sweet and salty. Something sweet and bad that will be bad for my teeth but I eat it anyway because it takes the edge off the anxiety I feel when I'm alone in room devoid of hope and a future I can count on to get me through the hard times and bad days I know will eventually come when I am not ready for it. When I am at my lowest of lows. My rock bottom of bottoms. I can imagine a place that low is just as bad as hell. Or maybe a little worse. I wonder why the black people didn't vote for Hilary Clinton. She wasn't such a bad lady. She wasn't perfect, but she wasn't bad like that other guy I see in the news doing things he shouldn't be doing but does them anyway because he's lost and afraid. Lost and ashamed of his own failures and disappointments endured under at the hands of his father. The hands of a mad man who never loved him or any of his children. Sometimes I think there is a little bit of Trump inside me, but I quickly brush that though aside thinking it ridiculous. But at the thought becomes more and more present in my mind I begin to wonder if there is something to that thought. Is there a mad man inside of me? Is there a mad man inside us all?
  13. I think I am going to keep the pretty red car I got from uber because I'm starting to like the pretty red car and how it makes me feel when we drive together on the road. When we take people to different places and see different things it makes me feel like I'm apart of society again. I feel like I'm not alone in the world because other people are out there as well trying to to the best they can with the things they were given from their parents and peers. I think I am going to work at Moms Organic and Uber with my new rental at the same time. I think this can be done if I Uber at the right times. I can uber after work and make $20-$30 and on Saturday and Sunday I can make $200. This can only work if I get up early. If I don't it's simply not worth it. I don't know exactly what I will be doing at Moms but if it requires a massive amount of studying and travel I may have to hang up my cape and say goodbye to Uber for good which will make me really sad because I enjoyed my time on the roads of DC, Maryland and Virginia. I enjoyed meeting the people I've met and driving them to the places where they wanted to go because I felt apart of something. I felt like I was making a small change in the lives of those who mattered.
  14. I wish I could go back to Peru and do what I should have done the first time I went there. I should have done more Ayahuasca. I should have gone deeper with the medicine and deeper within my fears. But I played it safe which I now deeply regret now because I left so much on the table. So much food on those plates of opportunity and possibilities. I played with one foot in the water and foot out. Both feet should have been in the water of the pool they call life because "life ain't meant to be lived passively hun! It's meant to be lived with vigor and lust and if you ain't living your life to the fullest, what's the point of breathing! What's the point of anything if it ain't gonna mean anything in the long run!" I promise my momma I'm going to stop wasting my money on shitty foods because "that's all they do hun! They make you feel like shit and you wonder why your life stinks. You wonder why people stay away from you. Avoid you at all cost because they know something is toxic inside you. They know it's something coming from the way you act. The way you hold yourself because you think the world owes you something but it don't child. It don't because the world has given you all she has and it's up to you to make the most of it. It's up to you to see your dreams come into reality when they cross the finish line."