Tim Green

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About Tim Green

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    Rochester, NY USA
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  1. Usually: 2 cups of fresh greens small carrot sun chokes 1/8 cup walnuts banana 1 tbs ground flax seed 1tbs chia seeds 1 tbs ground hemp seed 1 tsp dried amla goji berries (if i have any) 1/2 cup blueberries 1/2 cup other berry (strawberry, cranberry, sweet cherry) flax milk
  2. I love the smoothie. You can really make it nutrient dense.
  3. Have you checked these videos out yet? Ken Wilber's 321 process is pretty straight forward.
  4. This was interesting. http://nutritionfacts.org/video/brown-black-purple-red-unlike-white-rice/
  5. Set your meditation timer for 30 minutes, set to ring every 10 minutes. For the 1st 10 minutes do a consentrative method, like breath counting. For the 2nd 10 minute segment use a Do Nothing technique. For the 3rd segment do self inquiry.
  6. If you feel comfortable in the Christian tradition try Father Thomas Keating. http://www.centeringprayer.com/
  7. I liked "The Automatic Millionaire" by David Bach. He has lots of good books on personal finance. http://davidbach.com/
  8. So the voice came from outside of your body and mind?
  9. Try this: Sit to meditate, set your meditation timer to rings at 2 minute intervals for a total of 20 minutes. Spend your first 2 minutes resting as the witness, pure awareness. For the next 2 minutes bring the people and events that are stuck in your mind into awareness. Really feel it and experience it all. Look at it from every direction. Pretend that you are video taping it all, without emotion, neutral, just observe. Then when the timer rings let go of the 'people and events' and fall back into resting as the ever present witness. Keep going back and forth between these states, every two minutes. After a while your mind will get board with the object of the obsession and let it go. It may take a few sessions until it is all purged. The goal here is to make the subject, (the attachment to the people and events) into an object (a passing thought in the mind).
  10. Lucky enough to have Wegmans where I live.
  11. I like what Mooji says about it .
  12. I've noticed that the thoughts are real. It's the content of the thoughts that aren't real. For instance, if you think about a flower that you have seen, the thought about the flower is real but the flower pictured in the thought is not. It's a fantasy.
  13. Gonna keep an eye out for the fresh berries. The powder works great in smoothie.