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About Juressic

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  1. I don't know, I just downloaded the book from the internet and I know that I was terrified as I've stumble upon this verses in the very beginning, here are the quotes from second chapter (surah): Isn't it terrifying... Isn't it an emotional manipulation trap? Because the message is: It's better simply to believe and stay safe than let the possibility of burning in a fire forever while Alah is renewing your skin just to make sure it hurts as hard as it can. Why God who loves you would want to do that...
  2. Omg, the Quran is indeed for adults because it is a horror book, I had read the first 30 pages and almost shitted my pants.
  3. Unfortunately, I think that the Bible is a kind of distorted book, especially the Old Testament because it is written in a language that doesn't have commas, vowels, dots, and question marks. The meaning of a sentence can be changed based on where you put a pause, and everybody can easily justify their agenda by it. The New Testament was written many years after Jesus died, his disciples were uneducated fishermen, probably deluded liars as >90% of humans are, and we also lost the original writings. Then unknown men made copies of the original writings based on mostly verbal transitions, like in the famous "telephone game" when the source message every time distorts. But anyway, what is important is that the core of Jesus' teachings likely have survived in the New Testament but it's rational to believe that there are many paths that could lead us in the wrong direction. Even Jesus's name got distorted, his original name was Yeshua! 😨 The funny thing is that many things in the Old Testament were inherited from Egyptian culture, except cats. Because they didn't want readers to mistakenly confuse themselves into thinking that cat means god. And in the end, we called ourselves Catholics. 😂 🐈
  4. Great for you! Intellectualization is the first part of self-actualization. Self actualization is like a slingshot, the more you pull back further you will throw but problem is if you pulling back and never transcending your "knowledge", especially for people with some kind of trauma who are using Intellectualization as a quick scheme solution to untie their knots and set them free, but what could happen is the opposite... Instead of using wisdom to actively scatter our mind, to free our essence (by contemplation, deep feeling, meditating with new info, etc...), we are filling ourselves with more unactualized pieces of information in hop for some eureka moments. But unfortunately, chances are lower as your intellectualization gets bigger. We are not our mind, mind is our tool and that tool is covered with tons of garbage that we feel as tensions, fears, pain.... Yeah, we get to a point in our life when we realize that discovery should begin because we have covered our essence with intellectualization and that way we are becoming homeless, our mind is occupying our organs and pushing us out of our body. At some point our body becomes like a spooky fortress that we have to conquer back, we become totally oblivious of what is going on inside . Some people never accept that siege, they rather decide to get lost in the forest to get drunk with someone. 😊
  5. Would you be ok with that if your neighbours are sending their dic pic to your teenage child?
  6. I hope he will become the next US president, still, it's not too late for him!
  7. Musk is obsessed with pushing SpaceX travel forward, that is his "precious". He thinks that nothing in the world is more important than that right now, so he is ready to become a real nazi if that will help him to colonize the universe.
  8. Of course, because dictators need absolute power in order to make their country great again. Quote "Russia is not an enemy, it happens that, as well as USA, is led by dictators". Russia will very likely join the EU when Putin passes away, and if you know spiral dynamics it seems very obvious. I can't regret Navalny's death, because if he won the elections Russia and EU would be best friends, whole northen part of the earth would be united!
  9. I think Trump was the right choice this time, unfortunately. Because if Kamala had won this election people would have regretted not voting for Trump at the moment when she would forgot to put a cap on her toothpaste and the whole thing would have just procrastinated.
  10. Imagine how rude he would be if there were no valuable ores in Ukraine.
  11. I can't believe that Mexico still has drug cartels in their country.... that is insane. But don't worry, just mind your own business, be mindful of who is entering in your social circle, develop yourself, be friend only with people from spiral dynamics stage orange and above, develop your own business so that you can choose who will be your colleagues and clients and everything should be great.
  12. Thank you. I'm still not sure if it is that episode, probably is.
  13. Hey, I'm looking for this episode where Leo has guided us toward enlightenment, that is the very first video that I've stumbled upon when I've discovered Actualized YouTube channel more then 7 years ago, it was the reason why I've subscribed. 🤓 I've decided to come back to it later and I've never found it again. It came to my mind now while I'm listening to the episode 'How to discover what is truth'. Maybe it was just a part of some episode, I believe it was removed for some reason. Please paste the link if you can guess what I'm writing about or please tell me why it was removed.
  14. I didn't draw it, I found it for my target graphics. Yes, I'll try to brainstorm out of the box to get some insanely original ideas that could be fun. Tnx. There could be a lot of magic going on, I can add anything, we'll see.
  15. Thanks. I'll make it just for fun. It won't be rigid with the spiral dynamics but it will help a lot. The main focus should be on fun for sure. I would like to put the accent on social management instead of a city-builder type of game, I'd like to incorporate some advanced A.I. for units, but we will see, it will probably be very basic for now. Now it's time to create a game design document, it will be public so anybody will be able to contribute with some art if they want. 🙂