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Posts posted by tuckerwphotography

  1. Sorry to hear about your struggles, but rest assured, many have gone through this phase, and I'm sure you'll come out the other side. Keep the faith! 

    Are you speaking about a specifically "spiritual" Dark Night of Soul (i.e. not being able to process and integrate an awakening experience) or just everyday life circumstances like breaking up with your partner or being fired from your job? Perhaps you provide some more details on what got you into this place and what you sense is keeping you stuck.

  2. I'm watching Fox News and surprisingly feels like they're fully aligning behind Joe Biden's win. Everyone seems to be shrugging off Trump's meltdown, like ignoring your awkward friend who's a little too drunk at the party and making a fool of themselves. My bet is many of the Fox reporters and commentators are personally relieved that Biden is elected, not because they agree with his policies just because they value democracy. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Willie said:

    They helped affect change where people wanted it. Helping people who never asked for it and are reluctant or outright opposed is a consent violation, really. Not helpful at all.

    @Willie There were millions of people who did not want the change that MLK was fighting for. He was demanding justice from people who did not want to give justice. In that sense, he was clearly trying to change people who did not want to be changed. 

  4. @aurum Well said. And agree, definitely times when it feels as if the universe is calling for us to directly defend life. Ultimately for me it comes down to the paradox of being a sentient being in the world which by default requires us to end life in order to create life. I've worked tirelessly through my stage Green years of minimizing my impact, at times going to radical extremes, but I feel liberated from the days of shaming myself into thinking I'm somehow immoral due to the fact that I'm using resources. It's been interesting to witness myself attempting to find balance in an unbalanced world...certainly an art I have yet to master :)

  5. 1 hour ago, aurum said:


    No, I think you've rightly identified one of the shadows of Green level consciousness.

    Lately, I've been fond of saying that we need a lot less people trying to save the world and a lot more people who are just willing to sit and appreciate a sunset.

    @aurum The argument I hear from my stage Green friends is that just like I would step in and try to stop someone beating up a young child, so too should we step in and defend, say, trees from being cut down to build a new highway or a big game animals from being hunted. Why do I put my life on the line to defend the human child but not the rhino or the 300 year old oak tree? These are interesting arguments for which I don't have a satisfying response. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

    well every thought comes from you ;) It never comes from someone else. You've never experienced a thought from someone else before. Neither have you experienced communication from someone else before, all of the meaning is generated by you. 

    @electroBeam Yes that's what I meant in my previous post. I get the gist from the Absolute perspective (though I'm not claiming to be actively embodying it). My original post was speaking on the relative level about this Dream world in which I find myself dreaming up. Thank you for the reminder that I'm just dancing in the illusion ;)

  7. 6 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

    your mushroom dose wasn't potent enough ;) because you didn't get to the 'insight' that what your higher self truly desires is always more right then what you think you should desire and what society thinks you should desire.

    You don't feel a burning desire to save the world, because there is no world. Saving the world is like saving a unicorn, its not actually there.

    You can't spiritually bypass the world, because the world isn't actually there. Worried about spiritually bypassing the world is like a schizophrenic worried about taking his medication because if he takes his medication he wont be able to save his little imaginary friend whose always pulling him/her for attention.

    But as you go deeper, there will be a desire to express compassion to yourself(yourself being 'the world'). And that compassion wont be wrapped up in ideologies about what you should and shouldn't be doing, or what you're doing it to (the world or whatever) it will be as natural as taking a shit. Just expressing it because there's too much compassion within you and you need to ejaculate it out for your own sanity. 

    @electroBeam Thanks for your comments. I actually did "get" that insight which is why upon reintegrating I started evaporating old patterns of being, hence my original post. But no, despite experiencing The Dream and pure Nothingness, I (meaning the Dream character) did not come back Enlightened, so I'm now reconciling my trip experience with my present experience. 

    "You don't feel a burning desire to save the world, because there is no world. Saving the world is like saving a unicorn, its not actually there." 

    Yes, ^ this is how I feel (speaking on the relative level here), but when nearly everyone else in society would balk at this, it seems healthy and rational to question my assumptions with those of others, if nothing else for the sake of greater Self-inquiry. 

    "But as you go deeper, there will be a desire to express compassion to yourself(yourself being 'the world'). And that compassion wont be wrapped up in ideologies about what you should and shouldn't be doing, or what you're doing it to (the world or whatever) it will be as natural as taking a shit. Just expressing it because there's too much compassion within you and you need to ejaculate it out for your own sanity."

    ^ This resonates. Thank you. I definitely do feel compassion but also sense there's infinitely more Love to be experienced :)

  8. After a very potent psilocybin journey about a month ago, I've been in this phase where I don't really have a desire to change others. Maybe if someone punches me in the face, I'd want them to stop. I'm not talking about that necessarily. More like I no longer feel this burning desire to "save the world" and convince others to think, act or believe the ways I do. It's more like I'm living in a dream and am just witnessing everyone going about life to the best of their abilities. I wouldn't describe it as apathetic, because on a personal level I still want to act with love and the values that I feel personally called to live by, it's just that I'm less stressed about others doing so also. 

    It's bizarre to feel this way especially amongst stage Green culture where everyone around me is trying to save the world and freaking out about other people's actions and words. Which all makes sense to me, I just don't resonate with the desire as strongly. 

    My fear is that I'm somehow spiritual bypassing the world and stuck in my own little bubble of bliss while others suffer. But I guess my counter argument to this is that I still want to help people, it's just I only want to help those who want to be helped, not trying to force others to change. So in that sense, perhaps this is healthy?

    Wondering if others can relate with this, and if there's red flags with anything I've stated above. Thanks!

  9. 10 hours ago, nitramadas said:

    People seem to be posting intellectually stimulating films, but for an emotional (or even transcendental) experience that's the opposite of what you want. So, off the top of my head, here's my Top 11 films for emotional-fascination/stimulation:

    Samsara;  Baraka;  Yellow Submarine (1968);  Land of the Lustrous;  Mushishi;  Avatar the Last Airbender;  Enter the Void (do NOT watch on acid); Elfen Lied;  Kino no Tabi;  Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou;  Cardcaptor Sakura


    Note:  The first 5 (esp. the first 3) are not really suitable for sober-watching (imo).  The intellect must be properly turned off first and foremost.  

    Some all of these may seem weird, but that's because, the way I see it, they're not intended for human consumption.  They require the right kind of altered state of consciousness or you won't truly "get" it.  This is the shortcut to Turquoisehood and I would recommend.

    Can't be bothered to list normal films (people still watch those? lol)



    In regards to Samsara, I think I now see what's going on.  I've watched it a few times, yet other people tend to always perceive it differently to me.  It seems it can be viewed from 3 main perspectives:  Green, Yellow, Turquoise (partly as noone else would watch it, lol). 

    Greens tend to see it as "The Poor Starving Kids in Africa, the Movie", or "Humans, the Shocking Truth.. Uncovered!".  Before I knew of SD, such views always struck me as odd; but they make perfect sense now in context. 

    Yellow would say "Samsara is such an amazing project, I'm astonished such beautiful minds exist.  That said, I couldn't help feeling they tried too hard pushing their own agenda.  Still, endeavouring to gift others with direct experience of radically different perspectives of life.. this is a form of entertainment far ahead of its time.  If only I could share this and help others understand.. I would love nothing more than to get others up to the point where they can see the beauty in existence itself". 

    Turquoise:  "I could stare at those clouds for all eternity; they are so blissful.  Samsara/Baraka are films with the personality of a Turquose monk.  Wise enough to know that the only way to teach is indirectly, through example;  through presence;  through pure, unspoken intention.  Just being there, so others learn to do the same.  You need efficient teachers to make efficient teachers; you need calm teachers to make calm teachers.  Samsara demonstrates an understanding of this and sees no need to say anything.  Even if there was an agenda, it's a work of art nonetheless."


    I've only experienced it from Turquoise (as I didn't want to taint my experiences with it), but I think my analysis is pretty accurate.  To conclude:  It's a Turquoise level film and the current consensus of it is skewed towards a Green perspective due to Green's overwhelming prevalence, in comparison to T2 stages.  (Just a quick, objective analysis). 

    @nitramadas Baraka is my number one favorite film. I've probably seen it six times. I've only watched it from Stage Green, including over 15 years ago in high school, where I was actually more like Orange/Green, but I still had a similar Turquoise experience that you had. I remember watching it was like a spiritual journey (I was completely sober). I disagree that you need to be on drugs to "get it." It's truly a breathtaking piece of art that clearly has the ability to transcend even the Spiral Dynamics' lens through which we normally view the world. In that way, it can be like a psychedelic trip in itself. 

    That said, I really appreciate your breakdown and detailed explanation! I've seen Samsara once before when it first came out. I'm going to rewatch it now from a mostly Stage Yellow perspective and see how the experience plays out. 

    Another film series I'd recommend is HUMANS vol 1-3. It's very much inline with Baraka/Samsara. Made by Stage Green filmmakers (was partly funded by the UN actually) but there's very little Green "agenda" and could totally be experienced as a Turquoise work of art. Enjoy!


    Another good one on a lighter note is the documentary Babies (NOT the Netflix series, the original documentary in 2010). Like Samsara, there's no words, just raw footage of four babies living on four continents from birth to 1 year birthday. It's a super fun watch and hard not to completely fall in love with humanity after seeing it :)


  10. 49 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

    Until First Past the Post Voting is abolished and something like Ranked Choice Voting is adopted, the obstacles for a third party winning a national election are such that I see little point in supporting the Green Party until a more fair system is in place. 

    @DocWatts In Maine we have Ranked Choice Voting, but it only goes into effect if candidates get less than 50% of the vote. The two 3rd party candidates may have (depending on the final numbers) divided the vote just enough for Susan Collins to sneak in with 51%, preventing RCV to go into effect. That said, it appears Collins would have likely won in a runoff anyways. 

    Screen Shot 2020-11-05 at 9.08.10 AM.png

  11. Yes, they are on the Q-Anon train. David Icke fans. They are very concerned with what they see as COVID mask policies infringing on our civil liberties. They don't think Trump is great, but they do vocally support him over Biden.

    On the one hand, it completely baffles me. On the other, it is 2020, so nothing should surprise me anymore.

    I still think Ananda is a great teacher and a lovely person (at least in my interactions with her), but I certainly wouldn't go to her for political advice. 

  12. “Election" — a poem by Alfred K. LaMotte:

    I voted.

    I voted for the rainbow.

    I voted for the cry of a loon.

    I voted for my grandfather’s bones
    that feed beetles now.

    I voted for a singing brook that sparkles
    under a North Dakota bean field.

    I voted for salty air through which the whimbrel flies
    South along the shores of two continents.

    I voted for melting snow that returns to the wellspring
    of darkness, where the sky is born from the earth.

    I voted for daemonic mushrooms in the loam,
    and the old democracy of worms.

    I voted for the wordless treaty that cannot be broken
    by white men or brown, because it is made of star semen,
    thistle sap, hieroglyphs of the weevil in prairie oak.

    I voted for the local, the small, the brim
    that does not spill over, the abolition of waste,
    the luxury of enough.

    I voted for the commonwealth of the ancient forest,
    a larva for every beak, a wing-tinted flower
    for every moth’s disguise, a well-fed mammal’s corpse
    for every colony of maggots.

    I voted for open borders between death and birth.

    I voted on the ballot of a fallen leaf of sycamore
    that cannot be erased, for it becomes the dust and rain,
    and then a tree again.

    I voted for more fallow time to cultivate wild flowers,
    more recess in schools to cultivate play,
    more leisure, tax free, more space between days.

    I voted to increase the profit of evening silence
    and the price of a thrush song.
    I voted for ten million stars in your next inhalation.

    —Alfred K. LaMotte


  13. @integral I understand the difference, just pointing out that on this forum specifically nearly every enlightened person (including all the ones mentioned so far above) are frequently mentioned as Turquoise. It seems like there's a default assumption that anyone who wakes up also has grown up. Wilbur and Leo would say this is not a direct correlation, and yet, again, it seems as if nearly every example of someone who has awakened is pegged at Turquoise. Was curious to see if there were other examples that were strongly grounded in Green or Yellow.