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Everything posted by tuckerwphotography

  1. This to me is a fantastic example of Stage Orange vs Yellow worldviews. I peg Bret Weinstein as very high Orange with some cognitive abilities (like systems thinking) that verge into Yellow. But fundamentally his worldview is Orange. He looks at the world from an almost entirely materialist's paradigm, specifically through a scientific evolutionary lens. He talks about the purpose of life being nothing other than to pass our genes onto the next generation. He talks about death in a very Orange way. He speaks about how important it is to save humanity from existential threats but fails to include that same concern for nature and animals. He mentions he doesn't believe in "fate or anything close to it." Most interestingly, Bret talked openly about how dark his worldview is, verging on a sense of nihilism that is common to Stage Orange. Jamie Wheal, meanwhile, has a visibly lighter spirit which several people in the YouTube comments noted. He spoke about "radical hope" and frequently referenced spiritual teachers and religious texts. He brilliantly weaved together many different fields of studies unlike Bret who almost always brought it back to his domain of science and history. Jamie advocated for post-modernism and indigenous wisdom at one point. Bret acknowledged that Jamie embodies a more "emotional" approach while Bret admitted to being more rational and analytical. What Jamie did so well - a huge tell of Stage Yellow - is he met Bret where he was at instead of debating him or calling him out (as the Green part of me wanted him to). Jamie was cool, calm and gracefully agreed with Bret's underlying points while expanding the conversation to include a more macro perspective, often which Bret agreed with...in other words, Jamie didn't go too far and loose his audience. He knew where to meet Bret and where to gently push him. This conversation also highlights to me some of the limitations of Yellow and Jamie's worldview. He still fundamentally is trying to save a material world and mapping the universe into infinity without expanding beyond the human mind into Turquoise territory, except for a few transcendent peak states of consciousness via psychedelics and breathwork, which he's spoken about. Jamie even joked that his wife makes fun of him for creating a map about whether he should lovingly touch her left shoulder or not, rather than just being a human and giving physical affection to his wife. He recognizes the limitations of map making and endlessly "complexifying" the world (calling out his fellow Stage Yellow friends), yet he mostly embodies the same shadows as they do. That's my analysis. Curious to hear what others think
  2. Transcend and include
  3. @SgtPepper Who is the "you" (the personality?) and how do you define "your own world"? Thanks!
  4. @Inliytened1 That's what I sensed. Why do you suspect Rupert is choosing to do this? Perhaps he intuits the dangers of having people running around thinking that they're God, and he doesn't want to be responsible for that impact? Whereas Leo is more of a "say it like it is" type? Or is there a deeper reasoning for what Rupert is getting at?
  5. @Lyubov Are Leo and Rupert contradicting each other? Leo said, "What you see is all there ever is. Period. End of story." Rupert says that it's possible to conceive if I the limited mind am having a thought than other people are also having thoughts even if I cannot directly experience it. Am I missing something?
  6. For sure, I can see that. The more Yellow type people I meet in-person the more I sense they've bypassed a lot of Green and went from late Orange to early Yellow but without fully swimming through the heart of Green. It seems more important than ever to have fully embodied Green-Yellow bridge builders. A few examples might include Charles Eisenstein, Zak Stein, Nora Bateson, Euvie from Future Thinkers, Richard Rohr. But there's not a lot. Some of the Integral Institute people like Jeff Salzman do a good job of speaking inclusively to Green in language anyone can resonate with. Maybe being one of these bridge builders is part of my Life Purpose...
  7. @Michael569 Amen. I was just writing a similar comment. Bravo, Leo. My favorite Actualized video to date. Already sent it to several friends.
  8. @Leo Gura Is this different from what Stage Yellow's is trying to save?
  9. @Leo Gura Yes, precisely. I see this as a larger challenge that many of the Yellow thinkers, including yourself, might at some point need to reckon with. I often wish I could send your videos to my deeply Stage Green friends, as these are the people who could grow most from your Yellow/Turquoise thinking. But because of your very masculine energy, blunt and direct way of communicating, I know most would be turned off because of "your energy" as well as your use of words like "bitch" and how every reference you make is he/him/his rather than including both genders or alternating back and forth. I don't personally give a shit about any of this, so it's not a critique; however it often prevents me from sending to Greens because I know it just won't resonate. The same is true for Jamie Wheal, Schmachtenberger, Jordan Hall, etc. I'm not asking you to change, and I'd rather you be your authentic self, yet at the same time with some minor word choice tweaks and your softened energy (as you portrayed well in your JP video), I think you could really grow and expand your audience with those who are ironically closest to evolving into the 2nd tier. Or perhaps that's not your intention nor role to play, and that's fine, too.
  10. @Leo Gura Agree, from the few podcasts I've watched of Bret he doesn't seem openly hostile to Green, unlike JP. I can see that maybe he's more Green than I suspected, but at least from the video above with Jamie I didn't get a strong sense of that. Probably 50% Orange, 25% Green, 25% Yellow. Leo, do you ever listen to Jim Rutt's podcast? He's another example of a Yellow Game B thinker who is at times openly hostile towards the excesses of Green, and I can't sense whether it's because he has a Green shadow or if he's just being his blunt bombastic self. Either way, I really enjoy his conversations as he comes off as some normal dude sitting on the porch shooting the shit but from a stage Yellow perspective.
  11. I sense the estimates I've read that 20% or more of America has their center of gravity in Stage Green as too high. My reading is that many in Stage Orange specifically the Achiever Stage are beginning to move vertically into Green while also horizontally evolving in Orange. This creates a Green-lite crowd which dominates much of urban America, but I'd argue that these people are really still centered at Orange not truly Green. I've spent a lot of time with deeply Green-centered people, and I just don't buy that 20% of America is there yet. It's also interesting to ponder how our understanding of Green will change as more people embody it, and more of culture and society reflect the values of Green. This will probably shift our perception of the numbers as the meme itself becomes more defined. Same with Yellow and Turquoise. Curious what others think.
  12. @Scholar What a fascinating video! The idea of Lottocracy is very compelling though I'd love to see experimental studies of it being done on a more local level. Perhaps this has been tried in other parts of the world? Hard to imagine how those conversations would go given the vastly different memetic narratives that are out there right now. Is our population even mature enough to all sit down and make meaning together without it turning into a food fight? Very interesting! Thanks for sharing
  13. How to trigger stage blue in a nutshell.
  14. Conversations with God vol 1-3 are great bridge books into the world of nonduality.
  15. Hipsters feeling disillusioned with the nihilism of stage orange's glorified lifestyle.
  16. Are there examples of individuals who transitioned from Yellow into Turquoise? I'd love to study and read the biographies of these folks and specifically around how they made the leap into Turquoise. I suspect for many it was a mystical experience that burst the bubble of Yellow? Perhaps a few that come to mind: -Ken Wilbur -Stan Grof -Carl Jung -Alan Watts
  17. @Consept In terms of my personal experience, basically I noticed the trend is most dominant in people leaving Stage Orange and moving into Green, feeling disillusioned with everything they previously believed. There's a lot of anger, resentment, confusion and disbelief. They're looking for a new "story" or narrative or worldview they can attach themselves to, and often instead of doing the deep challenging inner work that involves being in the mystery and sitting in the unknown, they cling to whatever story arises that explains why they feel the way they feel. For example, that there's an evil cabal of elites harming them. IMO, it's fundamentally a victim mentality that fuels the fire of anger and allows it to be projected outward instead of investigated inward, and as we know, anger is often a cover for grief. So instead of feeling that deep painful grief we turn to rage and project it onto others. It creates a duality of good and evil, right and wrong, awakened and asleep, enlightened ones and sheeples, high vibe and low vibe. It's a strange irony that in the quest for Oneness so much separation can be created. Often psychedelics can help magnify the conspiracy theories, for example, having alien encounters during DMT/Ayahuasca which adds "evidence" that that aliens must be working with Bill Gates to implant microchips in our brains. I had one friend who told me after an Aya ceremony that the medicine told her COVID was an inside job. She is studying to be a doctor and generally is not a conspiracy theory person. Now, perhaps COVID is an inside job, and I believe she had the experience she's claiming she had, but still, it shows how quickly these things can spread because all it takes is her posting that on social media to have all these other people point and say, "See, more proof that COVID is a government conspiracy here to control our bodies!" Things just warp and take on a life of their own. Lastly, because many in the New Age world are so isolated from mainstream society, it creates a bubble that perpetuates the same narratives and prevents outside voices from offering different perspectives. Same shit that's happening with Q-Anon, Trump supporters, etc. We all living in our little bubbles. One more thing, I suspect many New Agers deep in conspiracies are projecting childhood wounds and a distrust of authorities onto "the system." Many in the spiritual world haven't done the deep inner healing/trauma work that one might think they've done, or perhaps they're in the process of working through those old wounds, and so as they arise it becomes easy to project them outward instead of deconstructing them internally. Classic 101 psychology stuff. Hope this helps. Happy to answer any questions about it as it's a topic I've been studying a lot. I also have shifted my perspective on some stuff. For example, I use to laugh at the concept of aliens controlling the human agenda, but now I see how that could in theory be plausible in the astral/4D/subtle realm. If God is infinity, in theory everything is possible, but because I have absolutely no evidence to support or disprove this theory, it becomes something I just don't really pay attention to. Why put so much effort on a hypothetical that, at my stage of consciousness, is completely outside of my control? I'd rather focus on that which I as Tucker in this human incarnation can improve, change, etc. And mostly that starts with myself, hence why I wrote the "I Am The Conspiracy" essay that I did.
  18. @Consept There's a whole podcast that was started talking about the topic. Here's an episode with Jamie Wheal: https://conspirituality.net/philosophy/47-is-an-ethical-cult-possible-w-jamie-wheal/ The guys that run the podcast are mostly Stage Orange/Green, so they lack a nuanced perspective IMO. But Jamie is great. Here's a video of him talking about "how to spot a cult": And another video about conspirituality from Rebel Wisdom:
  19. @Consept Thanks for reading! Was just saying that I witnessed a lot of conspirituality stuff at the community I was at, but I didn't directly speak to this in the essay though it influenced my decision to write it in the first place.
  20. Charles Eisenstein is for me the best of Stage Green and also has a lot of Yellow qualities.
  21. Watched this a while back. Great stuff. It's definitely a widespread phenomenon in the New Age movement - I had first hand exposure to many of these ideas while living at a spiritual community in Costa Rica this past winter. I wrote an essay this week about conspiracy theories and my own personal take on the issue. Curious what y'all think: https://tuckerwalsh.medium.com/i-am-the-conspiracy-ddd01d0a2f60
  22. Stage Blue fear of the vaccines, from the NYTimes: That view is bolstered by a religious, near-joyous fatalism. People say that if they haven’t caught Covid a year into the pandemic, they will take their chances. True, they might get Covid and die. But either way, a win-win: longer life on Earth or, for the faithful, eternal life in Heaven. “There’s a time appointed for every person to die,” said Reuben Smucker, a Mennonite pastor in Greeneville who works as a garage-door installer. “We should take care of our bodies physically, emotionally and spiritually, but if it’s my time to go and it’s by Covid, well then, it’s my time to go.” After Mr. Cross, an elder in a Seventh Day Adventist Church, counsels Covid patients, he prays with them. “That’s the most important thing,” he said. “Because it’s God who does the healing.” https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/30/health/covid-vaccine-hesitancy-white-republican.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage
  23. @RyanEllis I read it and highly recommend!
  24. @nexusoflife Thank you, brother. Your share is so beautiful and insights are very profound. Appreciate you. I had somewhat similar experiences and learnings during a one week ayahuasca ceremony recently. The first night the takeaway was "THIS IS IT." Basically what I'm experiencing right here right now is Everything. The Universe is creating Itself one Thought at a time, for Infinity. This "knowing" came with rapture and ecstasy that I can only describe as repeated Cosmic Orgasms. The second night I (meaning Consciousness, not Tucker as Tucker was gone) was hanging with a couple green alien friends as they were looking at all these monitor/TV looking devices that basically showed all the infinite worlds simultaneously existing. They/we started laughing at how seriously humans take this Life thing...it felt almost like how people giggle at cute puppies - "look at how adorable these humans are!" They then showed me a monitor that had the life of Tucker playing on it, and the message was clear, Tucker is just one drop of sand in the infinite sandbox of Existence. So in a sense the two sittings showed me the opposite ends of the same paradox: Everything is This right here right Now. And at the same time, the Universe is Infinite, and what I as Tucker am experiencing is just one microscopic aspect of God. I'm wondering if you have any reflections on this, both if it feels on-point to you and if there's other ways of seeing/communicating this that might be helpful. Thank you, good sir!