An young being

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Everything posted by An young being

  1. Mostly it's a delusion/ hallucination, but the synchronicity you specified has to be real. God is just playing with you! You can never change the 'hard' rules of reality, atleast with the current levels of your ego.
  2. I believe enlightenment brightens the light inside your head to a great extent. ( As shown in many depictions of enlightened beings). The light was already present, it was either switched off or dimmed. Just like the light source can turn extremely bright to its maximum potential after enlightenment, as time passes it can also fade away due to the energy source ( which is the heart) that powers the light not being active enough. Like to become like Zeus? In my view, we should see with an unbiased, rational and a selfless mind whether what we consider as the truth is beneficial for the human kind to be known. If it's indeed beneficial, it can become a great purpose to spread it all over the world. If it's not, maybe we should bury it just like those great poets and scriptures do.
  3. Think positive when everything around you seems negative, think negative when everything seems positive !
  4. When you are under intense suffering, lust ( or masturbation) may be a very good pleasure to have, atleast for sometime, to overcome hopelessness and stress.
  5. Also don't think having fun all day on your own doesn't have any negative effects, simply because it's not selfish. Pleasure without effort has consequences of its own. Nothing in the world comes without effort and love!
  6. Lust may not be good or bad on it's own, but lust may create selfish thoughts in your mind, which in turn can cause you to act selfish, which in turn is bad for someone who is on a spiritual path. For example, instead of giving a rose to a woman to see her smile, you will be giving it with the intention of having fun later with her due to the influence of such lustful thoughts.
  7. Yes, but I don't wish to reside there permanently! Not so soon!! It's like taking a step outside your home and immediately return back in.
  8. Holding on to life with hope and taking time to look at why I am suffering might be a couple options to overcome intense suffering. Most people who suffer intense physical pain become used or immune to it as time passes, but the sufferingmostly never goes away 100% unless the source of the pain disappears. Being dispassionate ( vairagya), meditation and mindfulness ( equanimous mind) can help overcome intense suffering. Nobody can escape suffering though, unless they are made of a combination of a pure selfless, egoless and an equanimous mind.
  9. To appreciate reality, to be in awe of God's creation, that could definitely be a great purpose! Wasn't it already the case? Weren't we already infinite, and still we created the veil called ego? I agree that awakening lifts the veil, it destroys the belief that ego is superior, just like the belief of earth being flat shattered when we see the earth being round with direct experience. Still, it is possible to believe the earth is flat once again if the experiences wanes in our mind and new beliefs are formed. I agree that many refer to enlightenment as a permanent state with no chances of clinging back to the ego. But, looking at those popular people in both western and eastern traditions who claim to be enlightened, they do display their egoistic tendencies, even if it's barely noticeable, such as anger, fear, doubt etc. Seeing such people, it looks like enlightenment can't be permanent, but it indeed can be maintained for specific time with effort.
  10. But we could always reach the last few numbers before infinity, and I think that's a beautiful experience. That might be a noble or even the greatest purpose for a human, but what if you know it would bring more chaos or even suffering into the world if everyone becomes aware of truth? What if it collapses the world entirely? Will it still remain the greatest purpose?
  11. Yeah, I think it's definitely possible, but it's never going to disappear infinitely.
  12. I do fantasize humans inventing an infinite AI that reaches infinite knowledge. And of course, humans getting wiped out of existence after knowing it, lol. Seriously though, scientists seems to be closing in towards infinity with something called quantum mechanics, with the end seeming to be reachable within a few hundred or thousand years, I would say it's a pretty systematic version of inquiry. Sorry, I shouldn't have used the word God, instead I would use " An enlightened being ". I too believe the same. The ones who think they can achieve the state of God with ego driven desires such as wealth, knowledge and power can be called as a version of Brahma, there's a reason why Hindus don't worship him and why Shiva cut one of his heads. Looks like fear is a good thing after all. Without it we wouldn't have stories of great civilisations! But is it possible with an ego? Can we ever get free from it?
  13. I agree, maybe it could be the least important purpose of God, but it could very well be the greatest purpose of a human being. If progression could be having more than what we are right now, couldn't trying to achieve or know or obtain infinite things in the world also lead to the same conclusion called liberation? Is it possible?
  14. But couldn't that be the least important purpose? If God's natural state or the beginning itself is in absolute unity, why would as a human being, we want to end where it all began?
  15. This sounds like a grand purpose, to simply exist for the sake of the experience, and not be a dead body or a machine while doing so. The rest of your thoughts are interesting but complex. I would say, a purpose to be without any desire to have a purpose could be a great purpose,lol. I assume that's the definition of enlightenment. The seeking of a time where we don't need a purpose to exist, provided that time exists. That's an interesting purpose but don't think it's a popular one, since many go after materialistic pursuits in this world and make them as a driving force for their life or a purpose. But could your choice be the greatest one? Why do you think so? Trying to be truly selfless is indeed a wonderful purpose to have. But could it be the greatest one? Would we feel fulfillment after achieving that purpose, ie, have the capability to be completely selfless and use that capability to the world? Also, what would define the greatest purpose? Something that would give the greatest fulfillment? Something that makes us stop having any more purpose?
  16. Welcome! I understand westerners don't dig too deep into yoga, it's not your fault though. Easteners know very little about things like quantum mechanics, lol. Let me tell what yoga could be. Although hatha yoga, kriya yoga, kundalini yoga etc. may be popular and effective, the actual and traditional yoga system is of three types. 1. Karma yoga - The yoga of selfless service, doing work without expectations for the sake of the world or a god you love. 2. Bhakti yoga - The yoga of devotion, where you pray with devotion till it melts your heart, listen to soulful songs, chant mantras and meditate with love towards a god you like. 3. Gnana yoga - The yoga of contemplation, the one being done in this forum by most people, the one where you meditate with questions on reality, such as who am I, listen to lectures, try to decipher reality step by step rationally. Apart from this, there exists a complex yoga system called Raja yoga, where you combine discipline, morality, selflessness, physical yoga ( which is the most popular thing among westerners) l, breath work, ,meditation etc. to become a king or a pinnacle in yoga. Try researching these stuffs and you might find a lot of materials useful for those who seek awakening by the traditional methods.
  17. When we are conscious enough, even the external world is not required to be blissful. Closing the eyes are enough!
  18. By accepting that you can't even walk on water.
  19. The answer lies in the feeling evoked when praying to different gods, whether it's the same or something different each time.
  20. The wisest choice, but also a challenging one to follow.
  21. Sounds like a good question. For example, what if your kid doesn't want to study because of his fear and limited knowledge about life? He definitely doesn't want it, so shouldn''t we send him to school for the sake of his immediate gratification, that is, feeding his fear?
  22. Right, an earthquake is not an illusion, but the belief that nature is unjust in nature, since it seems to kill both the good and bad guys without any partiality.
  23. It doesn't matter. What matters is, do you want the ant to suffer less or more? With your mental capacity, have you tried your best to figure out the best solution?
  24. All lives may be equal, but may not be equally designed. For example, the nervous system of a bug is far simpler than a human being and hence the ability to feel pain. A tree doesn't feel pain at all. Look at God's design, he designed tiny and essential things ( like a plant) less capable of pain, so that the emotional selfless guys don't have to feel pain everytime they kill a bug accidentally. It's all an illusion.