An young being

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Everything posted by An young being

  1. Is there anybody who has not read anything about non duality from any source, but experienced it through enlightenment? ( The source maybe Wikipedia, some articles or videos about non duality, Hindu or Buddhist religious scriptures pointing to the idea of non dualism etc. ). The point is to know whether the experience of people who already have the idea of non duality embed in their minds and the people who don't have idea in thoughts but experienced enlightenment coincide. Any thoughts about it are also welcome.
  2. What if I am a gifted being?? On a serious note, I might have unconsciously trained my mind to concentrate on a particular thing. When I generally see something, I automatically enter a meditative state by focusing on the object without thinking much about anything else. That might have helped.
  3. ? So, are you telling that we are always in a non dual state of being? What we perceive is what we are being, in my understanding. Currently, I perceive myself as a separate entity, so I am not in a state of non duality, so I have no experience of it. Thank you for sharing your experiences !
  4. @dimitri , yeah I will, just exploring all possibilities! @Recursoinominado, ok, I am a little new to this forum and haven't gone through the old threads, but I have started to, and I am finding more clarity as well as questions as I go deeper. I have also started to meditate deeply to experience it on my own. Yes, you are right. The best way to prove something is to experience it first hand ourself and I am moving in that direction steadily. But, now I have known about non duality through books and internet, I cannot remove the knowledge from my memory to experience it without knowing about it. That's why I am interested to hear experiences of people who had never had a knowledge of oneness and see if the insights were similar or something entirely different.
  5. So how do we have first hand experience on such concepts? Is it just like if I meditate consistently, I will get such insights naturally at higher states of mind? I am a beginner meditator with an open mind.
  6. Okay, this clears my doubt to a huge extent, but can you share some documentation of people or some other kind of proof like where people without non duality knowledge but with experience are interviewed and their experience is found to be same as that of people who have both knowledge and experience of non duality? I am a beginner level seeker and I would like to have some knowledge on what I am pursuing before putting my time and effort on the same.
  7. Yeah, I am trying to understand this reality, but what if we are led to experience non duality because we already had firm belief that non duality can be the only truth and our consciousness is projecting an illusion of the same, which is what we wanted it to be.
  8. But are there any experiences by such people which is documented? Like people sharing their experience after having psychedelics which is related to the experience of non dualism?
  9. This is not true for me most of the time. I have a blank mind most of the time and I can spend hours alone silently doing and thinking nothing. I don't know if it's a boon or a bane. It's like my mind doesn't want to work. It has become so lazy that it doesn't want to think at all.
  10. My aim here is not to prove or disprove theories, but I just wish to understand Mahasamadhi and the truth behind his claims. I really loved Sadhguru and his videos very much, but when I saw this interview, doubts start arising in my mind to how much extent I should believe in his words. He sounds legit in his words, but I also notice him struggle a tiny bit which I had never noticed him do. What do you guys think? Further questions arise in my mind like : To how much extent should we believe in such popular gurus ? ( Including Leo ??) Is learning and experiencing directly the only way to know the truth? What about things we can never experience until, maybe, after we die? Are enlightened gurus 'successful' because they know the truth and at the same time they know deception techniques for marketing as well?
  11. Is this discussion spiritual or philosophical? Within this limited perspective, what we experience is logical, everything else is not, according to my logic.
  12. Can you explain Neo advaita trap in detail?
  13. I strongly believe that the mind and body are interconnected, but I don't know how to establish the connection strongly. Can people suggest some meditation techniques to make pain disappear? ( healing the cause of pain will be even better)
  14. I do meditation for around 20 to 30 minutes in a sitting.I understand meditation benefits extend as much as I spend time on it mentally and spiritually but, going beyond that does sitting for long sessions cause any harm to body physically?
  15. Yes I have done a recent mini surgery in my toe and I don't want to keep taking pain relief medicines since it may have side effects.
  16. Not repeating the mistakes done earlier and trying out different solutions ( like Leo using psychedelics to improve the experience of meditation ). Identifying whether the mistake is really a mistake is the key.
  17. History is nothing but the memories of our action and surroundings. Evolution has given us memory to learn from the past and to improvise. There is no use in repeating what we have already clearly experienced and understood and waste our time. That will slow down the purpose of life. Clearly nature ( or God or I , whatever beliefs we consider) has some unknown goal which it is achieving through time. But spiritually speaking, getting held to thoughts about past memories or the future seems to prevent us from getting a glimpse of our true self.
  18. Sounds like a good solution! Will try it and update the results.
  19. Yeah, I believe doing meditation in smaller chucks of 20 minutes with little breaks comes closer to a full one hour sitting. I don't have such a strong determination like Om Swami, but I have enough to atleast sit for 20 minutes everyday. ?
  20. Yeah, right, I am studying the mind illuminated book techniques for improving my meditation practices. I am in Stage 2 now, let's see how it goes.
  21. Great, thank you for helping me out. Will try with the pillow and see the results.
  22. Right, I think using a stool type chair is a better choice in between the cross legged and chair poses. Whenever I lie on my back, I drift into a very comfortable nap! And yes, I definitely have to improve my strength and flexibility.
  23. Thank you. I don't have difficulty with lotus position ( because I am from India and sit often in the floor in a position similar to that), but sitting too long in that pose definitely hurts. Definitely, I will try normal sitting posture for long durations.
  24. Thank you for your views. Once I was doing meditation cross legged for around an hour and after that I had walked a bit. After a day, I felt sharp pain in both of my knee muscles and it was there for a whole month. After that I stopped meditating for long sessions. But I feel this depends on our physical strength also since I was very weak at that time.