An young being

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Everything posted by An young being

  1. Evolution is simply random and favours genes of survivors. ( Simply because only survivors are able to pass their genes to their children since they have more time to mate ). But, now we have reached a state where we no longer need to worry much about survival like other animals. This allows both the strong and weak to survive, and so I think we will be evolving in different funny random ways in the next 100000 years. When it comes to weapons, they may not favour creation now, but they will be really helpful in protecting all creations, during unpredicted events like am asteroid impact our alien invasion.
  2. What if an asteroid falls on earth and we again become dinosaurs ?
  3. I think Kindle edition is available for international customers. If not, you can always download it from torrent sites. To make Sadhguru happier, you can pay for it when it is available and gift it to a person whom you think will never read the book in his lifetime. P.s: I myself have the book, but only read the first few pages!
  4. I would suggest using breath to avoid dozing off instead of using caffeine. Just take a few very deep breaths and while doing so, observe how the whole body moves. That will be enough to keep you awake, although not active. Caffeine is not good for the body as well as the mind, especially the one trying to meditate.
  5. Literally, I don't know if drunk people can keep social distancing or not, but guys in my locality can't maintain social distancing even before getting drunk
  6. Yeah, I bet even after 100 years, we will be finding these same kind of discussions, with some added sci fi stuff.
  7. We should focus on discovering some higher dimensional level language to discuss all this stuff, English doesn't seem to be enough!
  8. Thanks for the clarification ? Right, there's a huge difference between having something and needing something. Thank you, I understand that the memories are imaginary, even if it's my mother. I think such understanding helps us to switch our perceptions, but isn't such heightened consciousness only temporary and exists to learn the true nature of our consciousness? After that, we get back to our ego self, right? Won't it become difficult to become liberated and always live in the present consciousness but with the family and society we believe in, knowing that everything is imaginary? Thank you ! Nowadays I have learnt to view the past memory in my mind as well as feel the emotions, only that I embrace it and not react to it, learning to feel good about it. I feel this happens in dreams as well, our mind playing strong emotional thoughts again and again so many times that we are not affected much by them in the present by not reacting much to it. Does it mean they get erased from our memory? This makes sense!
  9. Does being in the present moment include not thinking about our past memories? If so, what's bad in relishing good memories that we can no longer have in the present ( unless we think about it? ) . If not, what does being in the present really mean?
  10. Just yesterday and the day before, I did this before sleeping and had a similar experience like you had said, energy filling the whole body, but it lasted only momentarily. I was trying to not think about it, I know that's why it disappeared, but I am sure it can be extended by constant practice. But I didn't feel excited at all, I am like a guy who doesn't get much excited or fearful even if you tell that I am already dead. The main challenge I believe is integrating what had happened with your intellectual mind and come to a conclusion.
  11. Were you able to experience space awareness?
  12. I am able to make my mind free of most thoughts in a few minutes. Then I start to see where the tiny sensations and barely visible thoughts are arising from. Yesterday, while lying in my bed, I was doing the same and I felt some kind of energy all over my body. This energy gets magnified when I try to move myself away from my body without moving my body. After sometime, I felt my whole body becoming some kind of illusionary thing. But my mind soon noticed it and some thoughts automatically came into my conscious mind and then the illusionary feeling disappeared. Am I going in the right direction? How should I proceed from here?
  13. Are we supposed to be always in the present? Is that the true nature of our consciousness? This is really helpful, thank you!
  14. Nice, most people always think spirituality means having magical powers which defy the rules in this world. Spiritual gurus too know this and try to use the same illusions to make people clear about the actual illusion.
  15. Words full of insights, indeed. Thanks for sharing! Now I am beginning to love my ego.
  16. So, addiction is always there, only the things we get addicted to changes?
  17. Your addiction is necessary because it helps you to maintain your body in a good condition. Anything not necessary for survival, it can be neglected, right? ( If it is a hindrance to joy, of course)
  18. To me, death is nothing bad, but it isn't good either. It's just a part of the process, nothing is there to love or obsess over it. When it comes, enjoy the process, when it doesn't don't think about it. ( Unless what Sadhguru says is true about all those karma stuff )
  19. Like making the disease a part of our day to day life to an extent that we forget that we have the disease? Or does the thoughts make the disease disappear from physical existence?
  20. Spirit guide, that sounds interesting ! Now I am starting to love owls more!! I already face a lot of challenges, I think I better deal with them first and then think of the future. Well, I better start looking at it that way. Yeah, poor little creature is afraid of everything! The owl is definitely an enlightened one.
  21. I am not into lucid dreaming or anything related to dreaming, but I am open minded about such things. I have heard that dreams can be interpreted and I want to share my dream I had yesterday and anybody could interpret anything out of it. Here is my dream, although I don't remember all the details: The dream was happening outside my home, close to the entrance doors. An owl was sitting near the door on the steps. There was a dog, a locust and something else. The owl first pecked at the dog and it ran away, then it again pecked at the other two creatures, they also ran away. There was a snake running near me but the owl didn't take action. I was there wondering why the owl was not trying to eat the snake. That's all I remember. What may it signify? The last time I saw an owl like creature was in a Star wars rebels cartoon a month ago. Any thoughts?
  22. Would be fun if it happens! Life is a big school?
  23. Is the love awakened people are describing everywhere is the same as the love all people experience everyday in our lives?
  24. Are you able to recall your past lives?