An young being

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Everything posted by An young being

  1. Is it a good advice or bad advice? What is 'being in the present' actually is?
  2. Lol If I want to be spiritual? Being in the now in the sense of not having much thoughts about the past it the future.
  3. LOA

    LOA is nothing but your intuition. Once you make something so firm in your mind , your intuition will notice the tiniest of the things around you and guide you to somehow make it happen. The probabilities seems to work in your favour. It's very tricky though.
  4. There's a limit dude for the capacity of understanding, and awakening is that limit. It cannot go beyond that, atleast for human beings with this tiny brain. Infinity is the limit which we cannot go beyond. It's better to accept it rather than to try hopping out of the TV screen.
  5. Cool! The one about Sadhguru was funny! I am near Coimbatore.
  6. Wow, thank you for being very honest! It's very difficult for people to be so, nowadays. Hope you write a book on spirituality in Tamil as well.
  7. This is an unarguable fact. Once we realize they are not real, it's easy to break the conditioned mind from its genetic and karmic programming and live a worry free life.
  8. There may be no theory at all. Popular Gurus don't speak the truth all the time. People don't like to hear the truth.
  9. As per my understanding and being around a lot of Hindus, I can tell that the only purpose why reincarnation in the literal sense was propagated was to make people believe that they will pay for their crimes in their next life so that people have some kind of fear and hence order prevails in the society. The true meaning of reincarnation is simply that what we collectively do today affects the world tomorrow.
  10. It's how you define God. If God is just a belief, then it becomes another story. If God is an experience closer to how you feel when you pray but to an infinite unexplainable level, then You are God. No matter to whom you pray, you experience the same feelings. Where is God then?
  11. Desire is the want of the experience. It disappears as soon as we start experiencing what we want and reappears in another form once our mind is done with it. Desire is very much essential in the initial stages of meditation to realize that desire is the cause for suffering. Once you realize that, you would be satisfied with everything as it is, even with desire.
  12. When you look at the world, I would say it is 50% accurate. I define accuracy with how fast your mind reacts to your experience. Just a fun definition though. It gets funnier when your are able to experience things in micro seconds, when your are able to notice the 'lag'
  13. It's not about whether it's accurate or not. It's about how accurate you can get. When you get it infinitely accurate, that's when there is nothing called accurate.
  14. More than the type of meditation, the following things are important: Consistency Duration Smooth focus shift instead of abrupt shift from mind wandering to focusing object and vice versa. Skipping all kinds of energy flow in the body which are distractions and continuing the practice with focus on meditation object as long as possible with ease. Not expecting anything out of it.
  15. Please give me some cheat codes. Please.
  16. Or everything happens by accident?
  17. Experience is real. Having insights on the experience using your logical mind may or may not be real
  18. Yes, identify with thoughts when you need to survive. Don't identify with thoughts when you want to live.
  19. Can you find a reason why you are here, in this moment, perceiving through this body? If yes, then you know everything. If it's no, then you know nothing.
  20. Suicide was created by ego for long term survival. Since we are conscious enough to understand that now, and at present have enough technology within and outside to overcome suffering, suicide should no longer be an option.
  21. A fun film trailer from the land of Sadhguru. Gives a sneak peak into the culture as well! English subs available.
  22. Which feeling or emotion would you consider as the greatest or happiest or the most ideal one you can experience? When do you feel it the most?