An young being

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Everything posted by An young being

  1. It's natural that ancestors try to teach their children. Actually, everyone can be considered black in darkness. It's just a matter of perception. And darkness in not bad! It's just not ideal for human survival.
  2. Do you suggest any books or videos to atleast try to understand time?
  3. Here's what I think as a better way to understand ego: Imagine your ego is a highly concentrated juice syrup in a bowl full of water. If you don't dissolve in the water, you think you are the sweetest and the most important thing in the whole world. You can remain as such, but if you experience its taste, it tastes so so sweet, that you can't consume it all. So, you dissolve a bit in the water. The more you dissolve, the less sweet it becomes, but the concentration becomes a juice and more drinkable and tastier as well with the correct sugar levels. One time, you decide I am going to dissolve completely in the water and see what happens. That time, you lose the taste, but become a part everything, that is the water. You realise your true nature, which is water, and it feels awesome because you have become a part of something so large. But, still you have lost your sweetness, and decide that you wish to come back to being sweet again. Whether you return to become a juice of whatever concentration you wish or become more concentrated than you already were, is upto your actions.
  4. Whatever suffering it is, when you can share with someone who can identify with it, the suffering becomes lesser. The more you cry, the lesser the suffering.
  5. Suffering is necessary for survival too! If you can't feel pain is affecting your everyday life, you wouldn't take any action to stop it and simply die!
  6. Placebo effect can't magically cure any disease with mind even if you are enlightened or whatever it is. They are useful to boost natural healing process or reduce the effect of auto immune disorders. If that's what you think is Enlightenment, the power to do anything you wish, you may be on a dangerous path. It's having power over your own self rather than on others or your body. Some people surrender their ego so much that they don't care about cancer or even death.
  7. As soon as I saw the word black, my mind tried to jump to something negative. The bias seen in history for words such as 'black' or 'dark' still exists in our minds knowingly or unknowingly through culture and language. Also, death being associated with the colour black doesn't help the cause.
  8. We can't take China's population into account, because they can be biased because of national pride. That reduces 1.4 billion from the total. Indians or India too don't like China. So add another 1.4 billion. So, it's more like 2.5/6.5. Also, the YouTube population consists mostly of Indians, Americans and Europeans.
  9. Are there any good not-so-scientific books about time? That would be an interesting topic to read.
  10. Relax, it's off-topic and just for fun!
  11. But human or animals or aliens are not the only self there is.
  12. It is entirely possible to be tier infinity and still not open your mouth or give no reaction to what you just discovered.
  13. Maybe because most of the world population dislikes China and loves such videos. We need to know what their friends or their own people think, wait, they don't have YouTube do they?
  14. Everything looks ordinary except the big bang or the beginning or the seed or whatever you call it. One reason might be because we are also a product of the ordinary. It has taken billions of years for life to evolve, no mistake here and evolution is not perfect either, it is full of mistakes. But we don't have to marvel at the pace of evolution. We should marvel at how the rules of the universe are and what direction evolution is proceeding towards. For evolution and experience to exist, there should be a sense or perception of time. There should be an individual self. For humans to exist, there should be suffering. All these rules leading to the generation of new experiences with time is what to be considered marvelous.
  15. We already have a library, don't we? In future, we would reach a point where we may be able to record all the experiences of individuals and experience it even in an another body or artificially create experiences with our creativity, atleast closer to reality. Virtual visual experiences are already getting closer to reality. Just a few years have passed since universe's existence, still there are billions of years left, so no need to depend on god to create a library. And God wouldn't mind losing a few seconds , does he? Regarding memories, you are right. But, it is possible to not have a memory and still experience things. It will be like a new born child seeing new things every second of your life. Unfortunately, we will mostly be crying!
  16. Nothing, as far as I know. There is no need for awakening immediately. I wish to follow the slow path. Even attaining it just before death is enough or not even that is necessary. There are other ways to remain happy and peaceful. Awakening is necessary only if you can't do that or you are tooo curious. And awakening is not about coming to conclusions, in my opinion. Coming to conclusions is just for fun!
  17. Different animals experience time differently. That's how flies are able to dodge everything we throw at them. They are like a mini flash. What I think we can learn from them is this: 1. Anything that exists need an observer to be experienced. This may or may not prove whether everything exists outside our perception. 2. Without time, there is no relative way to experience the universe. So, time is the most basic need for an experience. 3. Our brain is like a video camera which takes in the sensory inputs and processes it as rapidly as it can. How much frame rate it can generate determines how fast we experience time. 4. Some dreams may seem longer in length, showing that brain is capable of processing time more slowly when it's quit. 5. I don't think we can never escape time, even during Spiritual experiences, as we seem to return back to the body only after some time.
  18. It's based on how you define God. If you define God as the highest authority, he has to encompass everything.
  19. The view is ever-changing, but here are my current ones: There is a higher power. I feel being everything with bliss. I have not arrived to any conclusion what that means. I can be God or Love or whatever, but I consider it as just another belief.
  20. They are beautiful and looks better than Dalle 2 capabilities.
  21. How we face the consequences can determine whether we have kept our own ego in check or not.