An young being

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Everything posted by An young being

  1. Dreams are more mysterious than the awakened state of mind.
  2. Good Wordplay. If you were born during Shakspeare era, you would have given him good competition!
  3. Or realising selfishness to some level is a good or sometimes the best thing. I don't know what is that level though. For now, it's helping someone other than yourself without directly or the desire to directly benefitting from it.
  4. Looks like an interesting theory for manifestation, similar to the concept of multiverse. Still, it's a theory though. To complicate this, not only there exists infinitely many realities for every moment, but also the information we perceive as an individual self only depends or based on the experiences of other individual selves, and not the actual experience those other selves are perceiving themselves to be.
  5. Never heard of it before. Sounds interesting!
  6. That's why it's better to define selflessness as thinking beyond our body's welfare as it is impossible to be selfless in absolute terms.
  7. Habit formation seems to be the problem here. Reminding yourself often to do the work can be one of the solutions. There is an app called Habits that could help. If you have time, read the book Atomic habits. If you have already read it, read the below summary again again everyday and try to implement it: Habits by James Clear,habits and breaking bad ones.
  8. Using our senses. Also, using our logic with an open mind instead of relying on fixed set of beliefs.
  9. To add another point, even if we have reached the top, without traversing the middle, it is entirely possible to travel backwards or atleast look below and experience things with a new perspective or knowledge. But, if we keep trying to look only above, there might be no hope for most of us.
  10. Creating perspectives without actual experiences can be extremely dangerous. Atleast, science has to play a role there, if that's the case.
  11. I would say, in human terms, as a character, I become selfless as soon as I expand my ego beyond the individual self. That itself is a tremendous achievement for the soul. Nature or survival allows it, and God allows the expansion to be infinite.
  12. In other words, they can be seen not as intelligent, simply because we lack the ability to understand what intelligence means for them.
  13. A single world like imaginary can't explain such complex mechanisms, especially without Spiritual experiences.
  14. I don't demonise psychedelics nor any particular beliefs, in the same way I don't demonise medications. Medications are for those who suffer a lot. But for those who are simply curious, are they really necessary? Many even ignore tools like meditation and mindfulness and even being a heartful person entirely, because they achieve what they want in a short time, unaware of the long term benefits such tools create. It just becomes another desire which receives instant gratification. Sure, it may have many positive benefits, and help those especially who are suffering become peaceful or come in terms with life or give a new worldview, and might even become as a type of medication to cure mental illnesses, but if you have a lot of time in your hand and a curious mind, which one is the better choice? If you wish to dedicate your entire life for spiritual knowledge, there is no wrong in trying out all the things out there. But, are you sure you are ready for that? I have seen many people( not specifically here) on a mission to enlighten everyone on the world. Do you think God is that impatient? Just a few billion years have passed and people want to help everyone to realise what they are. Don't you think the experience of the journey also matters as much as the final experience itself? Still, many people haven't found peace with what they have found as the final experience as well. That's one of the side effects. If you are not prepared, you might really even go insane.
  15. Atleast we have something called democracy now. Kings don't even have to listen to people in the earlier days. Here are some statistics to help you understand how humanity has improvised: Even clean energy sources are steadily getting increased Human leaders have to transcend ego one at a time, first coming out of their own ego, then coming out of the Nationalist ego, then coming out of human beings as a whole ego, and then treating the whole earth as a single ego. Spirituality plays a vital role in that, so that people learn it sooner than later.
  16. Being honest or truthful is not even important if you aren't hurting others in that process, although it will help in your Spiritual journey.
  17. What about people who spend almost whole of their life meditating and take shit load of psychedelics and still haven't achieved what you are talking about?
  18. Our mind is our world, not the projections created by others.
  19. And so are medications. And you can't depend on them for long, especially if you can cure the disease by changing the diet.
  20. It can, but I believe that psychedelics work like medication or supplement, whereas meditation and consciously changing habits in our everyday life work like changing your diet or adding healthier foods to the diet.
  21. Can any of the character's action be purely selfless?
  22. Okay. I thought it was funny. By funny, I mean on a lighter note, not something that evokes laughter.
  23. But if you want a serious explanation, here it is: sheds light on the,provide greater access for movement.