An young being

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Everything posted by An young being

  1. They are simply different ways to experience life. The fact that there are different people experiencing life in very and many different ways and we as an ego able to experience other people experiencing life in different ways makes it all more experential.
  2. Qi Gong sounds interesting! I start the morning straightaway opening the phone, though. Wait, I forgot another activity, I get out of bed first, and only then I do it!
  3. The above points sound like a good advice to me.
  4. Congrats! You are the 1111th post.
  5. Most videos are already summarised versions, since they mostly don't last more than an hour. If you are interested in reading, you could very well read the closed captions or as you said a quality summary. But, videos have their own strengths. They can captivate your attention through visual content, which helps you in ingraining the ideas deep into your mind. It's similiar to reading book summaries instead of the whole book. You get the ideas easily, but you don't have necessary evidence or captivation to believe in them and practice those ideas.
  6. One important reason I think for this behaviour is that many people don't read or see beyond the headlines or read in detail only what their favourite influencers say, who too read only the headlines.
  7. You could consider them as moral qualities rather than moral laws.
  8. Atleast you could have some positiveness in the fact that wars are getting lesser and smaller.
  9. Of course, it is for survival and order. But qualities like compassion, gratitude and forgiveness are not dependent on society.
  10. It's true self doubt is beneficial in some ways. But, what you are doing is a combination of self doubt and then effort to reduce the self doubt by analysing and improving the factors contributing to it. If the effort thing is not done, it can lead to under confidence.
  11. There are different set of moralities based on the person or the group being considered. For example, if you consider the locality or province you are living in, based on the local culture and their beliefs, different laws exist. Some of the factors affecting such laws will be religious beliefs, local crime rate, level of development etc. When it comes to the entire country, different laws exist considering both the local and national level factors. These depend on factors like national security, overall culture, diversity, etc. But, most countries in general follow a common set of moral principles, applicable for welfare of all human beings, such as not hurting others physically and sometimes mentally, not stealing others things etc. But when it comes to Spirituality, since it encompasses all living beings, morality is seen as being compassionate, grateful, being a vegetarian, caring about all living beings etc. Sure, everyone can follow that, and it's good for them. But it can hurt them when others don't follow the same. If a soldier is being compassionate, the whole nation can get into trouble. If a religious leader is being compassionate, the whole religion can disappear. So, there can be universal set of moral rules only when all such groups are eliminated or grouped together under humanity.
  12. Maybe they understand it won't work. It will most probably turn into or get projected as a fight between religions instead of a fight between feminists and patriarchies.
  13. True. Different people live under different rocks. I seem to live under a completely different rock compared to most people here. Another interesting question would be, what rock are you living with?
  14. Then I hope it's just a cold war
  15. The state when aliens start to attack Earth
  16. The simulation encompasses all of creativity, just like a seed creates all of the plant.
  17. Provided that an asteroid floats over my head somewhere in the sky.
  18. Ha ha! Seems so!
  19. I agree with most of your points, but these religious texts you have pointed out and many others could be interpreted in many ways depending on the person who reads it. We never really know what they exactly want to convey by those words. I was in a different conscious state once where every song I listened to seemed to have deep spiritual meanings. But, the writer originally might or might not even had thought of that.
  20. The colour doesn't matter. The fact that you recognise it matters. Possessiveness is simply a desire to have something for yourself. Recognising it and letting it go is the next step, but only if you wish more peace.
  21. All these conversations are creating hype for who you fondly call JP, a name I had never heard before. I am definitely checking him out!
  22. As long as any person from any religion believes religions exist for their welfare and not that they exist for the religion's welfare, all religions are well and good.