An young being

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Everything posted by An young being

  1. It's easy for the Indians as they got used to the living conditions for a long period of their lives, but it's relatively difficult for foreigners, especially from Western countries. They not only have the challenges created by living conditions, but also the cultural challenges. But, once westerners get used it to it, they can survive like an Indian! Good to know, I do enjoy the climate in hill stations which generally have low temperatures and high humidity, and feels like heaven during harsh summers, but maybe we don't notice the humidity because we got used to relatively higher humidity levels every day in India. Maybe the lush green trees in the hill stations help too.
  2. Yes, but integrated with additional features.
  3. Yeah, but the free version is 3.5 whereas Bing uses version 4 and it's also free. It's available as an app in Play Store as well. You can download it here. You have to create an account in Bing to use it though. And it's also sometimes slow in responding, but far accurate.
  4. Why not use Bing chat, which is completely free, uses chatgpt 4, can speak like a human and uses upto date information? The only negative issue I believe is that it can't act like a friend or provide emotional support, but is better than chatgpt 3.5 when it comes to studies or logical problem solving. It also provides sources, so you can cross check it easily. Personally, I don't use AI platforms much, except for image generation, as I am able to find everything I need using good old Google search. But, it is really a boon for those who need information quicker and in a concise version, and also acts like a human, that gives a personal touch to traditional robotic search engines, and also displays healthy characters like compassion, humility etc.
  5. Very hard to imagine, maybe like this?; Or something like this:
  6. Interesting, this complements the fact that philosophy explores the fundamental aspects of everything.
  7. For weird reasons beyond my comprehension, I read form as forum.
  8. Sidewards when looked from a different angle makes it look like moving upwards.
  9. Not necessarily preferences, but the process which leads to the preferences. Intuition can also lead to preferences, and it's subconscious discernment, involving forces beyond what our conscious logical discernment is capable of. I am just talking about the conscious discernment we do everyday, that can be transcended, but not without the proper food that has to be fed to intuition before doing so. You cannot leave discernment when you have a closed or selfish mind or at lower levels of consciousness, for example.
  10. That's a form of judgement as well, although a more concrete one based on experiences. I am just pointing out to the possibility of such a character, though maybe less people can be capable of doing it. An example would be a father slapping and scolding his son for visiting shady places, with the intention to stop him from visiting those places. He had already tried love based approaches and judges that those approaches can't solve the problem, and chooses condemnation. I understand your definition of discernment, even intuition uses discernment to differentiate things, and it may never be possible for a human being to exist without it, but discernment done using conscious logical thinking that involves positive and negative thoughts can be transcended in my opinion. You know it's dirt when you see dirt based on intuition, but you have to use logical thinking to discern whether to step on it or move past it or clean it. Or you can do simply any of them without worrying about the consequences. Or you can use intuition to do what comes in your mind as the good choice rather than thinking deep about the consequences. Another example would be seeing fire, you know it's dangerous by intuition, and decide to step away from it. You don't have to do much logical thinking here, as your intuition does the calculations for your survival. But there exists a few who can step into the fire as well.
  11. If by natural, you meant something very common and hence perceived as a normal character, then homosexuality is not natural. Here you can compare homosexuality positively with unconditional love or honesty, which is also rare and not a normal character seen among living beings. If by natural, you meant it is an evolutionary trait, homosexuality is most probably natural. A rudimentary evaluation of evolution is not enough to know which is normal and which is not according to evolution, since evolution is not limited to direct forms of survival like reproduction or the majority or minority. Evolution also doesn't care about right or wrong or happiness or suffering, the only thing it is concerned with is survival of time. But most characters, if not all, created by evolution and has survived time, helps survival in one way or another, although it may be in inconspicuous ways. In this case, you can compare homosexuality positively with a queen ant which is evolutionarily essential, but highly rare numerically. If by natural, you meant homosexuality is not created by humankind, of course it is natural. It is a character commonly observed in animals and well documented, so there is no question about that. Also, there are several medical studies complementing that it is perfectly natural in human beings. But when it comes to God's pov, everything is natural. There is no exception.
  12. Self love needn't arise from nothing, there are many things to help you induce self love. For example, an ugly person can be compassionate with himself by realizing that he or she is not responsible even a bit for the outer appearance of ugliness. You can be compassionate with others calling you ugly for having their biases on what is beautiful and ugly, which is entirely based on genetics and psychological factors. You can be compassionate towards god for making you look ugly by realizing that you are the one who wished for it, and god made sure that nothing remains permanent. Compassion removes hatred, and removal of hatred against those who hate you removes self hatred as well. Removal of self hatred increases self love.
  13. Making a condemnation based on a judgement mostly induces suffering, and reflection of a closed or selfish mind, especially if the desire is to hurt, tease, provoke, offend etc. An example could be calling someone fat with a desire to tease them, but what about condemnation based on a judgement with a desire to improve them?. For example, I could condemn someone as being fat who has a poor lifestyle repeatedly with an intention to hurt their feelings and hence force them to take steps to reduce their bad habits. The right word may not be condemnation for this case, but still I feel there are a few exceptions. When it comes to discernment, I think it is possible to transcend it to some extent. It's about having the least judgement possible, even if it is concerned with our needs except the most important ones for survival. It is being indifferent to choices, not using discernment consciously to choose between the left or right path, leaving it to intuition or just taking a random one with the least necessity for thinking. This is possible especially when you reach a stage where you are so open to the universe, that you don't care about the resulting experiences of your choices being good or bad.
  14. Are you able to survive this? : The flooding happened in Chennai, just a day ago.
  15. You don't have to erase your ego, you just have to let your thoughts not intrude your experiences. Practicing mindfulness is the key, and you can integrate it into your everyday life, meaning you can be mindful all throughout the day. Don't make even that as a goal, instead practice mindfulness for a set time everyday, slowly increasing it every week. Habit is the key for mindfulness, don't try to be mindful the very next day all throughout the day, since time is on your side. Everyone advices to be mindful, but nobody creates that simple habit . ( Including me, I am eating while typing this, ha ha!). Combine mindfulness along with loving kindness and gratitude meditations, remember that trying to be selfless is as important as trying to know the truth. Both complement each other in weird ways. Enhance your definition of success and purpose with creating a positive effect towards society. It tremendously rewards you in terms of happiness. It can be either active or passive and needn't be something huge. It's not about erasing your ego, it's about expanding it as much as possible, and being compassionate and grateful helps those goals. Stop consuming all the intellectual content all over the internet that tells you that you don't exist, you are the only one who exist, you don't have any free will, you don't have any purpose,blah blah blah..., without the experience itself that lead to all these interpretations. Use them to increase your interest towards Spirituality rather than using them to come to conclusions. Before venturing into any deep meditative or psychedelic practices ( although I don't personally recommend psychedelics at this stage) and interpreting any spiritual experiences, make your mind as open as possible, which expands your ego even further. The more you expand your ego, the lighter and less sensitive it becomes, and the easier it becomes for you to handle the insights from the experience. Sitting alone and enquiring what beliefs and biases let to the words you spoke, the thoughts you created and the actions you have taken is one way of developing open mindedness. You should be open minded enough to realise that all the logical interpretations you and others make out of the spiritual experiences may not be the ultimate truth, for its your logical mind interpreting the so called truth in various ways. Just enjoy the insights and experiences in a way that doesn't negatively affect your every day experiences. Instead, allow them to enhance those experiences.
  16. But we are sure to misuse these technologies to get instant gratifications and develop addictions. Just like AI, these technologies also have to be regulated. But I think it will improve the medical field in a tremendous way.
  17. If you wish to know more about sleep, here's a book I liked: It's funny how less we and science know about sleep despite spending a big chunk of our lifetime doing and enjoying it. Here's a summary I made long ago from that book if you are short on time, although I would recommend your read the whole book: 1. The less you sleep, the shorter your lifespan. ( I don't know what happens if you sleep less but meditate a lot) 2. Recommended sleep : Age group Recommended amount of sleep Infants 4 months to 12 months :12 to 16 hours per 24 hours, including naps 1 to 2 years : 11 to 14 hours per 24 hours, including naps 3 to 5 years : 10 to 13 hours per 24 hours, including naps 6 to 12 years : 9 to 12 hours per 24 hours 13 to 18 years : 8 to 10 hours per 24 hours Adults : 7 or more hours a night 1.The physical and mental impairments caused by one night of bad sleep are severe than those caused by an equivalent absence of food or exercise. 2.All living things have a natural circadian rhythm that helps us keep time 3.40% of the population reaches peak wakefulness in the morning. 30% are more energized in the evening. 30% fall somewhere in between, with a slight leaning toward the evening. An adult’s owlness or larkness, also known as their chronotype, is strongly determined by genetics. Our society’s work schedule puts night owls at a disadvantage and favors those who are more energized in the morning. 4.Melatonin helps regulate the timing of when sleep occurs 5.Two rules of thumb for getting enough sleep: After waking up in the morning, could you fall back asleep at ten or eleven a.m.? If yes, then you’re probably not getting enough quality sleep. Can you function optimally without caffeine before noon? If no, then you are not getting enough sleep 6. Two types of sleep: A key function of deep NREM sleep, which predominates early in the night, is to do the work of weeding out and removing unnecessary neural connections. The dreaming stage of REM sleep, which prevails later in the night, plays a role in strengthening those connections. 7.Biphasic sleep ( sleeping two times a day, first in the night and a short nap in the afternoon).Apparent from this remarkable study is this fact: when we are cleaved from the innate practice of biphasic sleep, our lives are shortened. 8.Sleep restores the brain’s capacity for learning, making room for new memories. 9.Daytime naps also offer significant motor skill memory improvement, together with a restoring benefit on perceived energy and reduced muscle fatigue. 10.Vehicle accidents caused by drowsy driving exceed those caused by alcohol and drugs combined. 11.Students who stay up late cramming for tests experience a 40% deficit in their ability to make new memories relative to those that get a full nights sleep. 12.Adults 45+ who sleep <6 hours are 200% more likely to have a heart attack or stroke compared to those sleeping 7-8 hours. 13.The less you sleep, the more you are likely to eat. 14. What's stopping you from sleeping: Constant electric light Alcohol Regularized temperature Caffeine 15.The brain can never recover all the sleep it has been deprived of. We cannot accumulate a sleep debt throughout the week and catch up on the weekends. 16.People are much more likely to lie, cheat, steal, and blame others for their mistakes when then sleep six or less hours. 17.Techniques intended to break bad sleep habits : Establish a regular bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends. Go to bed only when sleepy and avoid sleeping on the couch early/mid-evenings. Never lie awake in bed for a significant period of time. Avoid daytime napping. Reduce anxiety-provoking thoughts and worries. Ps: The book contains a lot of other things, I just noted down things useful for me.
  18. Everything is programmed same like an AI is similar to saying that the waterfall is beautiful same like a drop of water.
  19. This is true, but like you have stated, every mode exists for a reason. if you find suffering to be extreme and inescapable by any means and such thoughts affect your everyday life leading to psychological issues, it is recommended to follow the path of forgetting the rest of reality, which many monks and ascetics follow.
  20. Having a desire or curiosity to know things beyond our understanding is a fascinating trait to have, but after a point, especially when you become obsessed with it for a long time, you have to give up everything. And also don't believe that you will get all the answers if you give up everything.
  21. But the enlightened ones don't give a shit about what the society thinks of them, and don't care about getting tagged as abnormal, whereas the other alien groups may not have that luxury.
  22. Ha ha! It's really important not to jump into conclusions since this forum houses many with radical mindsets. My imagination is so powerful that it can come close to having sex with real ones and I am satisfied with that for now.